About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, March 27, 2021


 One Of My Very Own

"I feel your pain."






Thanks, Joe. No wonder you haven't had time for golf.



If I can just get through today then I only have one more day until I need to get through another fucking day.




Fecal Knife?

Fake penis?


Foreign pathogen?




[verification needed]




- My first wife



I weep for the future.


Silly but very entertaining movie.








That's MY signature move!




I want to be cremated from the neck down and my head put on a stick and if you want to say something at my funeral you have to hold the head stick.




I got this medicine from the VA today. See anything odd?

The jar seal is on the cap!


I can remember being given a bath at my grandmother's in a tub just like this.

My sister had it restored to its original beauty...

Then lost it when civil forfeiture took everything she and her husband owned.


You saw it here first, kids.


The Happiest Place On Earth

We waited until our daughters were old enough to make the walk...I think 6. We also all wore the same color T-shirt in case someone got separated.


Because of the internet, people all over the world learn the exact same dance moves.


How very wonderful.


All that energy just to amuse people that he has never met.



I've always been fascinated by how they make movies.


This was made to aid the illustrators.



The guy in the blue hat behind him is not amused.




"Apologize for yelling at your mother. We don't yell at her, she yells at us."

- The best advice I ever gave my children



Imagine facing Mongolian horse archers 800 years ago...

Notice the horse's gait that minimizes bouncing.


That makes that massive machine look rather fragile.


Every time I see this photograph I look at the expression of a woman whose life and the life of her child was just changed beyond her wildest dream.





I didn't even drop cigarette butts on the beach.



I try Gentle Read. Lord knows I try.


As much as I love stone I should live in a house like this. You can tell how thick the walls are by looking at the side of the door.

I bet that keeps the interior cool all year round. Look how they pick rocks that are compatible with their neighbors.


SpaceX has a robot guard dog on patrol...

Or so I'm told.


Look closely...

That is not a spider. The spider-tailed horned viper uses the unique tip of its tail to lure birds.



Who the fuck hates Bill Gates?

The guy gives away a ton of his own money to help mankind. And for that very reason, many people hate him and/or accuse him of being a part of a vast conspiracy.

Qanon folks have fallen into the same logical black hole as Christians - making it the doubter's responsibility to prove them wrong instead of the other way around.

But I don't blame the Qanon folks for their distrust of news, government, authority, doctors, scientists, etc so much as I blame educated people for not doing a better job of combatting this scourge with an organized, intelligent campaign of honesty. 

Specifically, I blame the CDC for not being on every media outlet explaining what is and what is not happening.

After rereading that I realized that this was my target audience:

Qanon takes their marching orders from a teenager in his grandmother's basement. They won't listen to rational discourse.

And that makes me angry.












Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: "Z"

Dr. WeTodd said...

(C-1)Pretty cool. From Dan Carlin's "Hard Core History" podcast. Kids were taught by their mothers while the men were at war, horse archers let loose their arrow when the least amount of hooves were touching the earth.

Anonymous said...

Don't thank biden. He doesn't own MRNA, PFE and JNJ; we the stock holders own them. You are welcome.

Anonymous said...

C8: tankless you say???

Only 2 in drag today. When will you get around to the complete 57 genders?

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