About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021


 One Of My Very Own






These are just some of the tugs involved in the rescue.

During this whole ordeal suggestions poured in for alternative solutions and observations:

And lastly this...

Truck carrying Evergreen container causes traffic jam in China: picture goes viral


I don’t know the reliability of the source, but this is still quite funny.




Mount Rainier

My brother bought a house on an adjacent mountain with a great view of Mt. Rainier. Then the city tried to impose a "view tax" on any property from which you could see the mountain. My brother argued that his property was already appraised at a premium BECAUSE it had a view. As I understand it he prevailed.


We HAD the scientific expertise. Americans just refused to follow the proven advice...and continue to reject it...think no-vaccers.

Why are so many conservatives anti-science?

And some people believe that drivel.


I don't understand all there is to know about this, but I think it's an idea that has far outlived its usefulness.

But counterintuitively I'm also in favor of gradually taking an hour here and an hour there until the entire country is in the same time zone.


I remember the exact day my daughter showed me her math homework and there were signs and symbols that I had never seen.


If you make humor politically correct then you will destroy humor. If you don't like it don't listen.

However, if you want to include a racist joke on Folio Olio it is my right to forbid it. The same is true for TV channels, newspapers, publishers, etc.

Being free to say whatever you want does not mean you are exempt from criticism.



My Adblock is free. Why? My Grammarly is free. Also, why? How can they pay for their servers, etc?




Look at this face...


My wife has started having leg cramps. Our doctor told her to drink the concoction:

2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar 

1tablespoon of honey

8oz. of warm water


A small glass of tonic water with quinine

1 tablespoon of mustard 

And the tonic water has worked miracles!



Do you think he called himself T.S. Eliot so nobody would notice T.Eliot is toilet backward?


I first heard that joke in 1964.



My bar served beer in mugs just like that only they were kept in a freezer. It would ice up on the inside and out and would slide with ease. I could slide the beer down the bar and not only would it stop in front of the correct customer but the handle would be positioned toward them...most of the time.


Wood Carving for Temple

That seems like rather a soft type of wood.


It was stated that this machine loosens your anus and some people shit themselves.

I would have liked to have seen that.


Another person has entered the botched Photoshop game...


Mr. ET.


I haven't a clue.


US 20 is the longest road in the US. This is the sign at the end in Newport Oregon.


I used to do that as a child but without the drama. We tried to touch it so softly that it wouldn't react.


Did you notice that many items remained on the desk?


Italian furniture designer Fabio Novembre calls his design "Adaptation." It urges users to adapt to the uncertainties of life.

He explains:

Often we take the comfort acquired for granted, laying down as if it belonged to us forever. But this is a world where there is no revenue of a position, where is important to always find a new balance.

Adaptation is a seating system confronted with the uncertainties of our time, with the precariousness of the structures, suggesting that just a little adaptative [sic] capacity is needed to continue to live and to smile. History teaches us that those who cannot adapt are doomed to extinction.

Talk about your overthinking!



Why would white people want to use the N-word when we have:

- my guy

-my dude

-watch it buddy

-cool it pal

-listen here buster




Why is that illegal? Who does it hurt?


That ended much differently than I would have guessed.


If it can go wrong it will go wrong.

That is why there are limitations on flying on wind days.


Banana Man played his part perfectly.



Imagine the heads that would explode if he did that.


Back in the early days of oil drilling, a blowout was not considered a risk, but the natural consequence of the process.

This event occurs when oil shoots up from the ground uncontrollably, which results in what we call a “gusher”. The gusher, back then, was the image of the progress of oil exploration, and the “symbol of new-found wealth.” In reality, however, it was a symbol of death and destruction.[Gushers] have skilled workmen, destroyed equipment, and coated the landscape with millions of barrels of oil. The destruction of wildlife and the environment is catastrophic. One of the largest, and the worst, gushers to happen in history was the Lakeview Gusher in 1910. The oil spill lasted for 18 months, spilling 9 million barrels of oil in the process. The Lakeview gusher remains the largest accidental oil spill in history, bigger than the Deepwater Horizon disaster, and only eclipsed by the oil spills during the 1991 Gulf War, when Iraqi forces deliberately dumped massive amounts of oil into the Persian Gulf to thwart the US Marines from landing on Kuwait's coast.


Think women in the military.


Volcano explosion (this is not in slow motion)

Such vast power has always fascinated me.



Just because you are a virgin doesn't make you a good candidate for sacrifices.




Oracabessa Bay Turtle Project, Jamaica.

It was stated: Baby turtles are drawn to light glinting off distant water and can get confused if released too close


Rhino has a birthday mudbath

That must look great on a résumé.


How to open an electric fence (cow instructions)

Monkey see monkey do?


Watertight Seal


Tardigrade egg

 "Tardigrades are born with the exact same number of cells as they have in adulthood. Their cells don't multiply during growth, they each just ... get bigger, like cells."

And finally this scan of a 50-hour old tardigrade embryo.

Just another extraordinary fact about this most wonderful creature.


Well, that could be a case of Monkey see monkey do.


Have you wondered why flamingos frequently stand on one leg?

Flamingos are more stable on one leg than they are on two. How is that possible? Apparently, the ligaments and tendons in a flamingo’s legs can be locked in position, and that reduces any muscular effort to stay in one place. Standing on one leg is basically an energy-saving activity.


A cat born with four ears.

But the internet would not be outdone...

And why stop at ears...









And the scientists can prove that. 

Can you prove the flood?







Steve said...


Anonymous said...

puzzle time...
I believe the answer is "holly"
The approach was to use letters that fit the criteria for each hint, for example:
the first letter of the answer is either T, C or H...these are the letters in the word "match" but not in the word "game". the second letter of the answer is O, R, T, U, or N
the third letter is L
and so on.

Burgervan said...

Religious will say that god sent that tree! People need their comfort and places to be. I feel the opposite. I hate answers. I want exploration and science! My comfort is that we're exploring the universe. Science will
never be an answer. Humans should explore. when we stop exploring, we stop existing. When we give in to the religious and the people that are happy with the Status quo, then society stagnates.

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