About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, April 3, 2021


 One Of My Very Own







When I'm bored I like to call a Best Western Hotel and when they answer "Best Western" I yell "Lonesome Dove" then hang up.



It's uncanny.



Did you notice anything...personal?








Think stimulus checks.


Alarming pandemic rating...



I call it taking care of myself and chasing my dreams. Others call it a nap.




Mastering the cattle guard through sheer willpower...

He cowculated his moovements.



We've found the management chicken...


Oh, my.


Another staythefuckathome activity you may not have thought of...yet...


My mother secretly took my aunt's date's hat, turned the sweatband inside out, and inserted straight pens then folded it back in as normal.

When he put it back on his head he couldn't get it off without having the hat cut in half. True story.


I have made sacrifices to make things fit, but I almost broke my neck on a configuration like that. The carpet should change colors in the depression.



Can we assume they are running at the reflection in the sliding glass doors thinking it is wide open spaces?




People only mention that it's a free country when they're doing something shitty.


Think snakes.




 This is a German bedtime story.

It got me thinking about people who are contemplating suicide. Might I suggest starvation?

At least it will give you plenty of time to think about it.


Could anybody really be that inept? I think it's fake.



Yeah, but all of his foes shoot worse than Stormtroopers.


Men and our dick obsessions.


Seems about fair. She also:


He lied about the number of covid deaths in his state. He should go to jail.

And if they catch a Democratic governor doing the same thing I want them jailed also.


(Insert collective moan here)


Former Top Gear presenter Sabine Schmitz - famous for being the only woman to win the Nurburgring 24 Hours - has died aged 51.

I loved going to the Nurburgring and the 24 Hour Endurance Race was my favorite.


People expend a lot of energy helping defenseless animals.

I just wish they would do the same thing with defenseless human beings.



Stop whining about losing your 'hot years' to covid. Some of us lost our hot years to not being hot.



George Washington’s military trunk bed used during the Revolutionary War, 1775

He was a general. Think of what his troops slept on.



Gigantic Stone 'Tiger Stripes' Etched Across Ethiopia Pose an Ancient Mystery

Interesting read.


What a wonderful thing to know.


This idea has a lot of potentials (energy)


I bet you thought these sketches were made with a pencil.

They were actually made with a silverpoint.

Have you ever left a mark on a painted surface with a ring? It's the same thing. I've been told the marks get darker with age.

Now you can buy many different metals that have slightly different effects.


If I'm not mistaken this is the third time I have posted this image. And each time I wondered if anybody knew how the cameraman got there.

Well, the latest captions explain it:

"A US submarine on way to the North Pole breaks through 2 meters of ice to resupply at the arctic site.

Notice the Fairwater planes pointed upward to prevent damaging them."

The cameraman didn't go to the ship, the ship went to the cameraman.



The Winterberg tunnel was a German underground fortification that was recently rediscovered with the remains of over 270 soldiers still buried inside.

In the spring of 1917, the French launched a doomed offensive to retake the hills north of the River Aisne. The Germans had held the crest along the Chemin des Dames for more than two years, and they had a complex system of underground defenses.

Near the village of Craonne, the Winterberg tunnel ran for 300m from the north side of the crest and came out to supply the first line of German trenches. On 4 May 1917, the French launched an artillery bombardment targeting the two ends of the tunnel, sending up an observation balloon to get a sight on the north-facing slope. 

For once their accuracy was formidable. A shell fired from a naval gun hit the entrance, triggering more explosions from ammunition that was stored there and sending a cloud of acrid fumes into the shaft. Another shell sealed the exit.



Confused about transgender? 

Please let this father explain it to you.

It touched me and I hope it will touch you.








"Rub a little snow on it."



My wife hasn't moved like that since she spilled the hot chili in her lap.




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