About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, April 24, 2021


 One Of My Very Own





Lactose intolerant people all live in the Milky Way. I mean damn.







That is literally what a boycott is you, idiot.


Actually, I am a big fan of kids and do the same thing.


Choose one. 


My worldview is based upon my empathy which we as a social herd species need to survive and thrive, as it drives us to look after each other. I don't believe in any gods as I just have not seen any good evidence of any god. Feelings are nice, but not proof. Wishing us more important than we are isn't proof. Not knowing what started the big bang or life isn't a good enough excuse to say that some god did it. And I am not trying to hurt anyone's feelings here, but there seems to be some sort of fundamental misunderstanding about atheism and what it means, and I only wanted to share this with you.

(I did not write that)





Pay attention.

How very, very sad.


Worst car wash ever

Would you stay in the car and use the vehicle as a sort of boat or would you try to cling to the rocky bank?


Life of a Submariner

I've been in MRI machines bigger than that.

I'm curious as to how man men have to be emergency evacuated due to claustrophobia.


Don't fuck around with electricity...fool.


Donald Trump made the world pity us.

But you people breaking the guidelines are keeping it around.



Do you think the washer and dryer are real friends or just work friends?



Google maps will soon allow you to pick the most fuel-efficient route.


And yet people think they can pilot a two-ton 75mph box down a highway while texting.


Absurdity at its finest...


It occurs to me that long arms would be advantageous.


Want to guess what they are preparing to build?




Hell, I can do that...sit around and watch.


Do you think he actually did that?





How unusual.


Boeing YC-14 prototype shows off its Short Take-Off and Landing capabilities from an unprepared field.

This is a very unusual aircraft.

The exhaust from the engines does not shoot out the back like other planes.

Its exhaust is directed over the wing greatly increasing lift.

I am sure that having the engines above the wing helps keep foreign objects out during take-offs and landings on unprepared fields.


What did you do during quarantine? 



I ran out of coffee this morning so I used tequila. Everyone is so pretty today.



Opossums carry nesting materials with their prehensile tails. They use their back legs to scoot leaves, sticks, etc towards their backends, then awkwardly fumble around for a moment while their tail wraps around the materials.

It occurs to me that the size helps endear animals to us.


Most like us


The inch-long, silver-colored desert pupfish has learned to embrace change. Once thriving in the ancient inland lakes and streams that filled Death Valley more than 250 million years ago, the pupfish got stranded in a few meager springs as bigger bodies of water dried up. But the fish didn’t just survive in their new—albeit more cramped—surroundings. They adapted.

People have been sent to prison for fucking around with those fish.


Guess what these depict:

Fireflies photographed in trees with long-time exposure. (Lightning bugs)


Reminds me of my story of Big Bertha.


Drying off after a shower.


That dog's greatest wish is to please its master.


You walk into a local store and see this. 

What do you do?

Before or after I shit myself?



How did I never learn that people use goats as pack animals?


When you open the door in the morning and see this!

The scene at a small village near Junagadh, Gujarat, India. But why tempt the beasts with the sight of fresh meat only feet away? Close the goddamn door!



There is much more film that shows that goose chase the cats all over that yard.

But I did find a Heart of Stone.













Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: I used some exhaust tape to adhere a sensor to my header.

Steve said...



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