About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

SUNDAY #4505

 One Of My Very Own






Once we are extinct the aliens will visit and see our desolate landscapes filled with JESUS IS COMING signs and assume he ate us.



A 3400-Year-Old Artist's Palette (Egypt)

And modern artists also boreholes in the cakes.


All things Ralph...

Remember how exciting this was?


Have you ever seen a train wreck?

Well, here's the step-by-step method of repairing the damage.

First, they bring in the heavy lifters.

They clear the cars from the track.

Then they rebuilt the entire bed and track.

Derailed rolling stock was cleared, track rebuilt, and reopened to rail traffic in 5 days.


I really, really like understanding that.


Need help? Try this...




A loyal viewer sent me this and I don't get it. Anybody?


Pallet condom?



How did he touch the pan?




Helicopter air-to-air refueling

Think of all the things that have to go right.


This device fits in your pocket.


Tupolev ANT-20bis -

the largest aircraft in the world when it flew in 1938.



After we are extinct and aliens visit the moon they will find an American flag and a box of cum.




Yeah - kick the bike...


Lucky man.


I could throw the shit out of a baseball. That's why I played 3rd base.


Hey, look, it's the airhorn guy...


Religion without guilt wouldn't last a week.


Old news but still relevant

'In a few days, I'll lose two world titles, one after another. Because I decided not to go to Saudi Arabia. I refuse to play by special rules, wear an abaya, be accompanied by a man so I can get out of the hotel, so I don't feel like a second-class person.

'I will follow my principles and not compete in the fast chess and blitz world championship where in just 5 days I could have made more money than with dozens of other combined tournaments. This is all very unpleasant but the sad part is that no one seems to care. Bitter feelings, but I can't go back.'

What about the men? I would have joined her in her boycott.


At least he didn't get pinched between the two cars.


The art...

Life imitating art in Myanmar.


Just don't rush it...please.



The man that the world finds easy to hate...


Read that a-fucking-gain.


If you google Grigori Rasputin, this is one of the images.

 Apparently, in early Russia, you could totally look like Fagin from Oliver Twist and still have a reputation for being a lady's man. 

*He must be hung like a Henry.


He made a movie with a very similar theme did he not?





If your wife ever asks 'Notice anything new?' Tell her 'The incredible things you do to increase your beauty never ceases to amaze me.' Then go right back to thinking about your Fantasy Football picks.



Why didn't it just shit the metal bits out?


A long-time viewer informed me that this male is killing the baby.

I'm assuming for mating reasons.


I always liked the weird chickens at the fair.


Next to water bears and dogs, ducks are my favorite animals.


Budapest Short Beak


Do you see anything astounding?

Take as long as you need.








The trees look like the two sheep!


It's just such a no-brainer to me.


The Rose of Jericho is a tumbleweed that can be blown over the desert for up to 10 years.

But as soon as it gets wet this happens...


I'm assuming that in the wild it does that with leaves.


Think of the boon to human development when we domesticated large beast of burden.


And not only does it foul the ocean it coats the banks of the rivers.

And this is why...

There should be international condemnation.




Scraping paint off windows is like roasting peanuts.

When roasting peanuts they go from raw to burned with a wee window of them being perfectly cooked.

In scraping windows the paint goes from gooey to brick-hard with a wee window of it being just cured enough to roll away as shown in the video.









1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time:SALT

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