About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021


One Of My Very Own

How it should have read:

Are you feeling the edibles yet?


Me neither.


If men had to get pap smears we would all try to come up with the creepiest thing to shove up there to surprise the doctor.

~ I'm thinking a photo of his wife.





"I mistook you for the queen."

Pure fucking comedic gold.


I know you've seen this before but this one photo speaks volumes. 

It should be noted that the gentleman on the right always brings a bone saw with him.


The dress my wife bought when she turned 69.



I didn't understand that at all but I'm not going to let that stop me from posting it!



That one time I saw the safety rope unlatch after the guy had run across one of these ended any hope I would try it.

But wouldn't he offer the cameraman a huge amount of money for his SIM card so that supreme embarrassment wouldn't end up online?


An avid viewer sent me this...

And I altered this one...


Oh, how the turntables...


Why you should never ask the drunkest guy in the county for assistance...



In Norway, almost every gas station sells hotdogs wrapped in bacon and filled with cheese and I've been told that they are goddamn amazing.



And if Biden doesn't get to the bottom of this snake pit I will want him evicted also.


Electric trucks being charged in 1907

What's old is new again.

And if you don't like electric cars you are in for a rough future.


We are kinda small really...

I once read that if aliens flew over Earth they would think we had a tree infestation.


RIP Beverly Cleary...an All Things Ralph bonus...

And who could forget her?


Why do Americans eat like we have free healthcare?

Remember, what we call "preexisting conditions" other countries just call "medical history".


Remember, you are betting your life that you have made the right call. How about we all err on the side of caution - for just a little while longer.

 I sincerely hope you and your family are safe and healthy and remain that way.


The better the data the better the advice...the way it's supposed to be.



Just something else we don't have to worry about.


I have all those things. Plus a house that's paid for and not a nickel of debt. That's what happens when you work two jobs for your whole career.

And the way to have an amazing social life is to give more than you get.


Comparison of the root system of prairie grass vs agricultural.

Sea Oats on dunes do the same thing.


Okay. Thanks.


My friends who have never been to Mexico trying to tell me real Mexican tacos are always crunchy.


At one time China placed trade restrictions on the US whereby we could send them logs but not plywood.



Cryptocurrency is just Beanie Babies for computer nerds.


The worst part of the game.

- Every person on Earth



A ship's bridge has been removed and converted into a house.




That's probably not the first time he's done that.


I don't think it's actually performing a task - may be just showing off its moves.


Baby elephants are just like toddlers.


Czech climber Adam Indra free-climbing El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. 



Bored and unsupervised


Well, I think if any of us was coped up in that cab all day we would find some way to amuse ourselves.


Baseball pitcher Old Hoss Radbourn pictured giving the finger to cameraman. First known photograph of the gesture. 1886

The first bird in motion pictures was in "Speedy" in 1928.


Infestation of mice in eastern Australia.

How do that many animals find enough to eat?


Disney's animators use real footage to draw frame by frame animation for The Little Mermaid


Close encounters of the snake kind...

At least it has recently eaten.



This is the most Russian thing I've ever seen.


The caption read:

"Unicorn man with a horn that is shaped like a hand empties a wasps nest."

I had to look carefully to get it.


Smoking pot on the porch...













Anonymous said...

C6: look closely. You can see the belay rope.

D'Ascoyne said...

Yes, I was proud of myself for that. But your retort (?) didn't really make sense. Still, I give respect for posting my gif anyway, Ralph. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

A2: all bs just like Bridgerton - Netflix
B1:you are correct on that one....they are all corrupt.
B3: I think they would say "Lock the doors"
B7: Nah. Just one virtue flag hysteria after another.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: Float - Sink; Tackle - Skip; Advantage - Shortcoming

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