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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


 One Of My Very Own 

Maybe he should have said, "...believe this shittt."





This has got to stop.


Last night I saw footage of rioters looting a Dollar Tree. Think about that.


I also learned that in Minnesota it is illegal to hang air fresheners from your rearview mirror. 


Being old means you can remember your home phone number when you were growing up but not your wife's cell phone number.




How can a nation of immigrants forget that we all came from elsewhere?


I have owned dozens of rather expensive cameras and taken tens of thousands of photographs and in all that time I have never seen a more disturbing image.

But that same woman not only has class A breasts but delights in showing them to me at every opportunity.


Another mitigator of boredom...


Let me remind you that you should learn how to fix anything around your home EXCEPT ELECTRICITY.


Yes, his finger is in her ass crack.


"Can you say OVER-CRIMINALIZED, boys and girls?"


Truer words have never been spoken.



Several times I have made fun of people learning skills even once going so far as saying that in the amount of time it took this guy to learn how to do the feat he could have become a neurosurgeon.

But I neglected to equate it with exercise which is always laudable. Doubly so with this guy...


You should find someone who appreciates you as much as this lady appreciates her new anvil.



Go figure.


Common fucking sense.


Hating police misconduct DOES NOT mean you are anti-law enforcement any more than punishing war crimes makes you anti-military.


I know we have a separation of church and state policy in America that forbids (as I understand it) the creation of a national religion. But if by law the government must stay out of religion then religion must keep out of government.


I, too, cry when I lose friends. And at my age, it is happening more and more frequently.


Give away my weed to people who wouldn't appreciate it? I think not.


THAT is a rough crowd!


"Put me in the game, coach!"


Problem-solving like this is an excellent judge of IQ...seriously. Picture puzzles are another. Neither require literacy.

That's why I hated word problems on students' standardized math tests. They don't so much judge math skills as reading skills.



It says a lot about your state when your governor has to say no yard sales during a worldwide pandemic.



Mada’in Salih or Al-ijr is an archaeological site located in the area of Al-'Ula within the Al Madinah Region in the Hejaz, Saudi Arabia. A majority of the remains date from the Nabatean kingdom. The site constitutes the kingdom's southernmost and largest settlement after Petra, its capital.

I'm having trouble figuring how all these pieces fit together to form a settlement.


Bukhara's Ark is a massive fortress located in the northwestern part of the city of Bukhara, in Uzbekistan

Cascading rocks would probably keep invaders at bay.


The Zaghouan Aqueduct or Aqueduct of Carthage is an ancient Roman aqueduct, which supplied the city of Carthage, Tunisia ( First half of 2nd century BC)

There's a roof on this aqueduct for the same reason putting solar panels over canals is a good idea.


The Library of Celsus is an ancient Roman building in Ephesus.

I was taught in architecture class that the new United States made a conscious decision to build in a way as to show strength and longevity. They mostly chose Greek and Roman styles.

Nowadays they just fake it.

That is the Federal Judicial Center in Columbia, SC where they train federal prosecutors. I would eat lunch a couple of days a week and watch the construction. After it was completed I found myself sitting next to the contractor at a bar and told him that I could break into the building with a claw hammer since the exterior walls consist solely of (from exterior to the interior) a thin layer of stucco over Styrofoam then a layer of insulation and finally drywall. He confirmed that I could certainly do that.

The entire building and the architectural details are all stucco-covered Styrofoam. I find that disturbing.



Scola Tower: The Castle Rising From The Sea. Located in the Bay of Poets, La Spezia Italy, the Scola Tower is 42 meters high at sea.

Yeah, I know I've shown you that before but if you think something that wonderful should only be seen once then you need to hone up on your historical wonder - I mean look at the thickness of the walls!


Heidelberg, Deutschland

That reminded me of Echternach, Luxembourg where I spent many an evening when I was stationed in Bitburg, Germany.

I was fortunate to be based within a few minute's driving distances to Belgium, Luxembourg, and France.

Echternach is located right over the river border in the lower circle.

One of my best friends married the only daughter of a man who owned one of the finest hotels/restaurants in town.


I arrived in Europe only 20 years after the war and scenes like this were everywhere.

But also around window in small-town buildings.


Remember me telling you how vines were the only thing holding some places together?


While stationed in Goose Bay, Labrador I was tasked with accompanying a sergeant to repair a chimney on an ice fishing shed. As we walked the mile or so to the shed the ice began to break just like this.

As I understand it during the day the sun melts a little ice on top of the frozen lake but it then gets a skim of ice over it at night. And I, of course, thought I was doomed.



We've come pretty far as a society, but there's no progress quite like movie theaters that serve alcohol.



Leyland Tiger circa 1950

It's a bus. A bus with an extremely limited field of vision.


New Tesla truck

Comments about that:

"How to die in a minor fender bender with a Kia."

"Yeah, let's put truck drivers really down low so they can't really see in traffic and making tight turns."

"Steinwinter Supercargo! It’s from the early ’80s. Was scraped as a semi-tractor design but I would’ve love to see one turned into an RV."


The games friends play.


A caracal catching a bird in mid-air


She looks EXACTLY like you expect a girl to look like who calls it the "Eyefell Tower".


When Pythagoras and Archimedes join forces...

You learn something new every day.


*You may have to open it in another tab.


It was finally stated that this is brought out for display before cooking.


Ever wonder why they run hydrants a couple of times a year?


Great White completely covered in scars filmed near the Neptune Islands in South Australia

I'm assuming from boat propellers.


Why are we so afraid to hear things we don't agree with?





I guess you have to clean the bird shit off of it first.


I guess there's an app for that.













Inchworm said...


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Dr. WeTodd said...

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