One Of My Very Own
An alert viewer found an interactive map of all the ships sunk in WWII. I played with it all morning. I noticed that there were a tremendous amount of mine sweepers sunk.
Conservatives have been crying wolf about how every Democratic president would turn our government into Socialism. None of these bemoanings have proved accurate. I think we ought to put the Socialism fears away.
And it seems to me that conservatives think Socialism is anything that helps poor people.
In the future, it will be impossible to read a history book about this era without laughing aloud.
You know how Picasso had to learn the rules of painting before he could break them? That’s why I’m going to law school.
*That took me MUCH longer than it should have. I kept thinking of Wilson on the island.
Here's a hint:
The middle east is a perfect example of why you don't let Britain draw your borders.
How very clever.
I love how “Please pay more than $0 tax” = “Take 90%” in the right-wing mind. Complete hyperbole: the only way to make an argument anymore.
There have been numerous "documentaries" on the Ark and they explore every possibility except "maybe the whole story was just made up."
BTW: I have always found it odd that EVERY Christian relic has been conveniently "lost".
I found that hilarious.
Notice anything odd?
The flip-flops are on the wrong "feet".
Crossword clue: Blackjack dealer
I love how Men’s bathing suits sometimes have that tiny pocket where you can hold two quarters, just in case you’re paying to get on the Ferris Wheel in 1922.
*I think that pocket is meant to hold your locker key.
The death of the American mall. This was Friday night. In the 90s this would've been packed.
One huge mall in my hometown was turned into office space.
I've always thought they would make perfect (and cheap) schools.
Another view of the Beirut explosion.
Poor bastards. As if they didn't have enough shit going on.
Public Service Announcement:
DO NOT stand around filming a catastrophe.
*Let that be a warning to all of you not to stand around filming fires. You have no idea what is in that house or truck that might kill you.
They could have removed the nails really quickly if they had done an MRI.
Hotdog in acid
I'm amazed that the public is allowed so near those decorated walls.
Back when I was growing up our parents just didn't give a shit.
Anybody young enough not to know what this is?
My wife had an employee that looked very much like that young lady. After asking permission I called her "My beautiful African princess."
Death stole her away before her 30th birthday.
Poachers Caught Red-Handed By An All-Female Unit Of Rangers In Zimbabwe
I'm all for capturing poachers. But they're not the problem. The problem is the people up the chain and the poverty that drives the poachers.
See anything odd?
Look at all those pointy teeth.
I don't think normal people have teeth like that.Doppelganger
When you get my age it seems like everywhere I go there is an old fart that looks just like me.
The Blue Whale is the largest animal that has ever lived.
But not so fast...
A powerful storm brought sub-zero temperatures to the northern region of Tabu, Saudi Arabia. The rare occurrence was capturing snow underneath the sand.
Off-Road. And those aren't even mud tires.
For more off-road fun: VIDEO LINK
Driving on Mars.
This is his second attempt.
That is not Mars. You can tell because those people don't have space suits on. Also, we haven't been to Mars yet. Almost had me.
She looks like she was poured into that top and forgot to say when.
Hell, I thought that was going to be about a joint checking account.
I like women who can bring home a fresh meal.
I don't know why they call it that cause there's no seafood within sight.
Camela Balls...
The band apologizes for the singer after she pees on a fan's face during a concert
At the Rockville Festival at the Daytona International Speedway, a fan climbed onto the stage during Brass Against's rocking cover of Rage Against the Machine's "Wake Up." After singer Sophia Urista instructed the fellow to lie down on the ground, she peeled down her pants and urinated on the man's face. It seems he was wearing a camera strapped to his head but she kindly encouraged him to remove it before the flow commenced. Judging from the video evidence, the fan seemed quite pleased with the special attention.
The old "glue the phone to the sidewalk" trick...
Record player speed? Don't recall 16rpm though.
B13: nothing odd here at all. He's standing with his feet crossed trying to hide his genitalia. He is naked, after all!
Puzzle Tank D
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