About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Last night I caught my daughter on the phone with a boy at 10 pm, so I did the mature thing and loudly asked her if she wanted to sleep with her unicorn or teddy bear.



If Democrats advocated not sticking your finger in a live light socket Republicans would immediately stick their fingers in a light socket.



I've never understood the disdain for emigrants knowing we are all emigrants. And I firmly believe the key to our strength is our diversity.


I once told a friend whose father was a judge, "The judicial system fucks black people." He shook his head and said, "No, the judicial system fucks poor people. If you can afford a good lawyer you have a much better chance of getting off."

I've often said that people just seem to have a need to look down on someone. No matter how miserable you are you can then have a group you can feel superior to.

Nobody is born racist!

I taught in a public school for 20 years and I can assure you that kids don't give a shit what color a friend's skin is.

And I want to be included with these people...

Try to put yourself in their shoes...

^^A 5-11^^

Potatoes are used to make vodka. Also, potatoes are technically vegetables. The point I’m trying to make is, you do a juice cleanse your way, and I’ll do one my way.



*Danny Contribution...





My crew and I were sitting in both and one of the guys idly rolled an unopened catsup packet from the bottom.

Then it exploded over my head and all over the couple seated behind me. The kid jumped up and was so embarrassed that he could but babble his apology.


Elrond Musk





*Somebody thinks too much.


The "Mildly inconvenienced by death" Spock.



I see that look several times a day.


*I hate them also.


It's a Christmas movie.




Not that there's anything wrong with it.




I tried to forgive and forget but I forgot who I forgave.



I posted that weeks ago but this is a longer view.

Apparently, it's legit.

I think maybe the cyclist hit his head on the asphalt.


I hope someone fixes this or I'll tear it out of the ground myself.


You see a beautiful backyard. I see a maintenance nightmare.



This is what sunset on earth looks like from space @ISS

This one is actually CGI, here are some real examples.

Why would anyone fake it when there are magnificent photographs free to use?

Wow! How deadly!


Here is the original sketch...

And here's the finished project...


Wait for it...


 This is in fact what the Swedish count Magnus Brahe wore to the funeral of King Karl XIV Johan of Sweden, in 1844.



Only stupid would have trusted her.


The light is still working.


How a wheelwright builds a wooden wheel (sans hub)



The Rig – Saudi Arabia Turns Offshore Oil Platform Extreme Theme Park

Many more images:




Olive Wagyu – The World’s Rarest Type of Steak

With only about 2,200 heads of cattle bred specifically for it, of which only a few are harvested every month, olive wagyu is regarded as the rarest type of steak in the world. The history of olive wagyu is closely tied to that of Shodoshima Island, in Japan’s Kagawa Prefecture. Also known as “Olive Island”, because of its microclimate, which is comparable to that of the Mediterranean, Shodoshima is the native home of Japan’s olive cultivation. It’s also a place where Wagyu cattle have been raised since the 8th century, mainly as animals of burden, cultivating rice paddies and hauling heavy loads thanks to their ample energy reserves. But until one local farmer came up with a way of incorporating Shodoshima’s main export into the cattle’s diet, Wagyu couldn’t stand the bitter taste of olives.




Oh, fuck no.




It was stated that it only attacked what it considers a threat.


That looks just like a Jewish guy I used to work with. He never met a drug he didn't like. I once asked him about the quantity of cocaine he consumed this way: If I really wanted to get fucked up on beer I would take a case of beer to the party. How much cocaine would you take to the party?

He explained that it didn't work that way. With cocaine, you simply snort all that you have. The quantity didn't matter. He had never returned from a party with leftover cocaine.





Inchworm said...

A1 - Completed that for ya.

"...and if Republicans advocated not sticking your finger in a live light socket Democrats would immediately stick their fingers in a light socket."

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Inchworm, Yes, I agree. Republicans advocated I storm the Capitol to overturn an election and I immediately said no. And please don't try to tell me that not all Republicans advocated that. I KNOW THAT. I have sane Republicans who are completely over the Donald Trump hysteria.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: 24 - Bottom number is 3 x sum of top two.

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