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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, December 17, 2021

FRIDAY #4741

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



The unvaccinated are once again filling up the hospitals. Today I watched doctors cry on international TV at the non-covid patients dying in the hallways because they simply had no beds. I swear to God I would put the non vaccinated in the hall and let the vaccinated heart attack patient have his room. Fuck those ignorant selfish pricks.



Give a bored man a screwdriver and you'll find a pile of screws where your boat used to be.





I had to look Macy up...



One of the funniest true things I've ever heard was a piece of TV news about the opening of a new Dollar Tree store and they interviewed a woman who said, "I like it because I don't have to dress up like when I go to Walmart."


“I don’t think of myself as a sex symbol." “I think of myself as someone who knows how to open the door of a 747 in the dark, upside down, and in the water.”












"You know who else briefly went offline?" 

- Youth pastor



At first, I thought this was photoshopped...

But no, they just drive it right on the flotation device.



Some people think he refused to wear a mask when a deadly disease swept through his village. Sad really...but understandable.



The Bridgwater Carnival


The US Air Force Has a New Peeing Option for Pilots

Military pilots may have to stay airborne and ready for action for long periods of time--long enough that they desperately need to urinate. One unfortunately common response for this need has been for pilots to intentionally dehydrate themselves to reduce their need to pee. But this also impairs their physical endurance and mental concentration. The US Air Force recently announced a new type of urinal that may alleviate this problem. The Skydrate by Omni Defense Tech is a major innovation in airborne toileting. The male version cups around the pilot's penis and sucks excreted urine into a bag. 

 The female version resembles a huge plastic maxi pad that, when wedged into the user's groin, likewise pulls away urine and collects it into a bag attached to the flight suit.

This brilliant invention could also be implemented at other workplaces. Just imagine how much more blogging could get done if the host no longer had to get up and pee.

*I bet Amazon warehouse foremen are busy ordering them by the pallet load.


Detroit before and after the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956


The Katy Freeway (Interstate 10) in Houston "was expanded to as many as 20 total lanes in Houston, but due to induced demand, travel times along the highway within the city increased as much as 30 percent." 

*Verification Requested


First time I've ever seen a procedure like this.  Interesting view of forearm tendons.

"...they use the forearm “flap” based on the radial artery to reconstruct the cancer defect in the head and neck (sometimes tongue, sometimes floor of the mouth, etc) and hook it into an artery and vein in the neck. This allows for durable coverage that includes skin and fat in the flap. It can withstand the effects of radiation and fill in the hole which a simple skin graft cannot. A skin graft from the thigh is then used to cover the forearm defect."


As I recall, there was a Civil War soldier who sustained a severe stomach wound that resulted in clear scar tissue covering half of his abdomen. Doctors examined him for years and it was said that they learned many things about the inner workings of the human body. The man with the scar was so prized that he was not allowed to do anything that could bring harm to himself. He went insane.


One day many years ago, a man - a lone average human being - stacked his stones in an arch and discovered that the more weight you put on it the stronger it gets. And nobody even knows his name.


Dog Wheels - An Act of Love


Guard Dog Testing


Ladies and gentlemen, the Light Glove


Razing with the old ball and chain

This doctor appears on CNN regularly. If I'm not mistaken the painting over his shoulder is one of mine. I plan to dig out my Studio Day Book to verify.


So unfair that noon is the only time that gets a nickname.

*Midnight. Happy hour. 









The truck was going the wrong way on the interstate. Now he'll get attempted murder added to his charges.


Vaccine Humor


The same logic is used for forgiving crippling college debt.

Pizza Brawl...pay attention...

So, here we have the biggest baddest motherfucker on the block stopping in the middle of the melee to give some advice to a young kid who only moments before had been pounding him on the head with a ladle. What do you think he said?


My wife declared her ignorance of some fact or other and asked if I could explain it to her. I began by saying, "Okay, but first you have to get serious about it." Then I look up to find this.







"I'm here about my sticking accelerator."

- driver probably





Anonymous said...

B6: these are otherwise known as an external catheter. They're great for baseball games where you can drink beer all throughout the game and never have to get up and go to the bathroom. A "sock" around the dick connected to a bag with a hose down the pants leg.

First time I used one was 20 years ago. I don't understand why people think this is a new thing.

David said...

Puzzle time - she swore in lyndon Johnson as president after the assassination of JFK.

Anonymous said...

The puzzle will be easy for anyone of that generation. Johnson sworn in.

Anonymous said...

In regards to C3
Are you assuming just because someone is black they are arrested more. Seems racist to me.

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