About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

SUNDAY #4750

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


My sister who is about my age fell a few days ago. They gave her a scan to determine if she had broken anything and discovered her body was awash in cancer. 36 hours later she was dead. So call someone and tell them you love them. Hug those special someones. Life is much too short to deny it love.




Well, it used to be illegal for a man to stick his dick up another guy's ass.


Really? Please tell me the awful things your government did to you today.



A judge will tell a jury that if you catch a witness in a lie you can dismiss everything else they say. I agree.



And remember, he had access to the most esteemed healthcare professionals on the planet...and he chooses not to consult with them.


And your point is? Is it that almost half of the country sabotaged the vaccine effort? Is it that Republicans refused to wear a mask? Did they sacrifice 100s of thousands of their own just so they could write that headline?


No matter what your values, all I ask is that you apply them across the board. If you think lying is wrong then call out both Republicans and Democrats who lie. Otherwise, you are just a mere puppet with no principles of your own.



I still do that. Seriously. Ask my wife.


I gave up womanizing when I married my present wife. I gave up drugs because it was the smart thing to do. Covid took all my gambling partners. A recent sleep disorder took my naps. Frugality pushed me to give up cigarettes. And now my liver duct demands that I give up alcohol.

The transition from bad boy to choir boy has been difficult at times but I'm a better man for it.



The military budget congress approved was much more than the military asked for. Politicians are just bringing big bucks contracts into their state even though the tanks that are built will be parked and never used.

  Ike warned us about the military-industrial complex. 

Have you ever wondered what that kind of cash would do for the people of this country?

*Verification Requested


I told Fox that it was a bad idea to schedule their tree lighting and book burning at the same time.





How very clever.




My friend Danny has upped his photoshop game...



This is a mere amateur...

These are the pros...

This onlooker had an existential crisis...

But Americans are not the only women to do weird things with their mouths...

Does anybody want to attempt to explain that to me?


The mouse ears are a nice touch.





I read that things have gotten so bad that they had to stop making Black Mirror.


*While driving in the country my young daughter looked out the window and said, "I hate black cows." I haven't a clue about that but I never forgot it.





Circular forest

I seem to remember that that was done to measure growth to density.



I never knew that was a problem. 

Interesting read.




And, no, they don't just slide you out one of those windows.


Remember this?

Did you notice that while that car was sliding down the hill other cars were still trying to get up the hill?


A colon can completely change the meaning of a sentence. For example:

Jane ate her friend's sandwich.

Jane ate her friend's colon.



An amazing new way to abandon ship

Curious whales

Attic access installation

Equally impressed and appalled.


How hot was it?

How drunk was he?


Some sort of The Floor is Lave game:
First on easy mode:

Now for expert-level...


Old woman hand puppet...I think...

Flood of garbage

And to think it's all going to end up in the ocean...OUR ocean.


Mexican father gift

Tireless Race Car

Herding Dog on his day off

Group of students learning the strength of a well-executed shield wall.


Vax explanation

The truth about racism



Hell, he's got a designated driver.



Every religion just makes stuff up...except yours, of course. Yours is the only one based on facts. You are so lucky to have been born into it.





Anonymous said...

^^B3^^ I'm not clever enough to understand this one. Little help?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear B3 Anon,
We discuss it for years while they build it...I guess.

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