About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, December 23, 2021


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


I got one of these for my grandson for Christmas.












If you use, too many commas, I can only read, your tweets, like, Christopher Walken.



Note: I don't know that these people said these things. Just read the words and maybe think a little.


Cancer scares sweeping through my family like Toyota vans through Tohoku during the tsunami reminded me of what a gift each day is.




*I just have a real problem with boring people.


But "Man makes it to work without incident for the 1000th time in a row" is not news.



That's why there were no right and wrong solutions to my art lessons. Each was open-ended and your solution was as valued as anyone else's.



*Think racism.





Sage advice, that.



Like anyone has time to sit there and read 12,412 product reviews on Amazon.

[8 hours later]

Yeah, I’m def not buying this pillow.



I've been a world-class napper since high school. But now that I'm an old man I've been having trouble sleeping at night. A nurse told me I had to abandon my napping. It was very difficult at first but lo and behold I'm sleeping like a baby all night.


Luggage with somewhere to be...


A large silver ball with somewhere to be...


Pizza for breakfast?

Most people don't know that school breakfasts vacillate between pizza and cold cereal. The cruel fact is that no matter how nutritious the breakfast if the kids won't eat it then it's worthless.


The first chance I get I'm going to take my grandson to the animal shelter to pick himself a life companion.



I wonder how many people can identify the reference.



In survival movies, I expect every character to have nails like that.


Did I just see him catch his own kick that bounced off the upright? And with extreme finesse no less.



And we are still duped by countless TV ads that prey on the stupid.


I really like the little laser line that shows you where to put your mark.




I think those may be key blanks.


When you have to go...


"I forgot that I ate that bag of peanut M&Ms. So can I have another one?

~ My wife




How very, very clever.


As a trained Expressionist painter, I couldn't agree more.


And, yes, I would classify that as art.


I like that very much.


All for our viewing pleasure...free.


I posted the upper right-hand picture lately. I had no idea it was to attract bugs.


Have you ever noted that there are almost no male nude models? What's up with that?


I used to think that computer-generated art wasn't real art until a very smart man explained that a computer was just an art tool like a brush or a chisel.


You haven’t truly known fear until a long-forgotten Furby in the back of your bedroom closet starts screaming in an Australian accent at 3am.



*Who the fuck thinks that way. What the fuck is wrong with being Jewish?



That looks so very dangerous...but I don't know why. Anybody?


Americans have gotten so very stupid and I'm not sure how that happened.


Flawless logic.


Sound on

I think he just admitted obstruction of justice.


And that, Gentle Reader, is why we can't let religion within spitting distance of a public school.


I've had countless people accuse me of advocating giving other people's money away. No, I just want the money that is already being given away to go to people instead of corporations and rich people.



Do you know why Oklahoma is so oddly shaped?

I did not know that and I LIVED in Oklahoma!










(Subtle that)


Plod said...

Hey Ralph, Keep up the great work...

Picture C12 ´ electronic tape measure´ above ..... you can download an app for free on your phone that does that.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

B seems to fit

Anonymous said...

I used to enjoy your Blog, but now almost everything you post is Politics and Religion.... and old man stuff. What happened to the funny and amusing? The world is such a downer now which I don't need to be constantly reminded of. A little bit of Funny goes a long way. Just saying....

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Disappointed Anon,
I regret not amusing you adequately. I probably got distracted by a global health crisis the scale of which none of us have ever experienced. That coupled with a group of Americans who want to wreck our system of government.
In the future, I will try to keep my eye on the ball - amusing you.

Anonymous said...

E3: how is this any different than using jumper cables, except they're shorter and rigid?

Puzzle Time: none of them fit.

Luap57 said...

If you ever find out something about the battery jumping (E3) please share. I agree, it does seem dangerous.

Anonymous said...

^^C11^^ I'm guessing those Nervine pills contained a generous dose of laudanum. Great stuff or nothing teething babies, to.

Anonymous said...

^^D8^^ Really? You're not looking hard enough.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Ralph, The people you are preaching to either live in a cave or ate glue in grade school. I don't think you are reaching them so you're preaching to the Choir. You can't change an idiots mind so why keep pounding the issues. The world is a very ugly place these days.... depressing actually, so why not go light on the Politics and Religion and maybe try to spread more positivity through beauty, joy and laughter? Happy Holidays from Anonymous.

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