About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, December 30, 2021


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



My sister was deeply in love with a boy in high school. He got drafted during the Vietnam war before they could marry and within weeks of deployment, he was vaporized when an artillery shell landed directly in his foxhole where he had sought shelter. She has been cremated and the family of the old boyfriend asked if some of her ashes could be put on their son's grave. I call that a class act.


Driving through the Midwest is just absolute nothingness and then every 100 miles or so you see a sign that says, "God is real/Hell is real too" followed by a store that sells XXL dildos.


*I so love the absurd.




Y'all might want to write that shit down.



Is the world full of hypocritical opportunists?


Oh, look here's the hypocritical opportunists' poster child...


*I apologize to all the other orange-faced people that I may have offended.




Mostly with premature infants.


Well, fuck.


Gilgamesh: The oldest piece of literature, 4,000 years old. Housed in Iraq.

Contains the story more commonly known as Noah's ark. Some printed versions in the US omit that section cause it clashes with the bible.


The virgin birth wasn't even an original plotline.



You have been warned that EVERY Democratic president is going to take away your guns and bibles and turn the US Communist. It never happened, of course, but they drag it out every fucking election.


Sowing seeds of friendship, Israeli police throw tear gas at Palestinians praying in a tent.

Israel's treatment of the Palestinians reminds me of how the US treated the Native Americans.


A maintenance man at a hotel secretly filmed a female NFL sidelines commentator naked in her room and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about so I looked it up. I watched only about two seconds and felt as much a voyeur as the maintenance guy. I'm still embarrassed I did that.


Religion is magic, and people who believe in magic can be convinced of anything.

Stickin' it to the libs one funeral at a time.

*Verification Requested


If Pinocchio said that his nose grows when he tells the truth nobody would know that he was lying.







How does anybody reach that age and not know that is a very bad idea?


So, what should his name be?

I'll go first. Stu.

Soupy Sales

Mr. Bean

Kevin Bacon

John Candy


Jerry Rice

Your turn.


Each day we stray further from God's light.



I had a roommate in Germany who had to go to the doctor since he could hardly walk because his balls were so swollen. His doctor diagnosed testicular trauma...blue balls. He had gotten drunk and dry-humped his girlfriend who happened to be on her period. He obviously overdid it.


My wife watching the news...

That's pretty damn accurate!


Animals with excellent self-preservation instincts...

This one not so much...

^^B 10-11^^

He better never let her know.


The malfunctioning tattoo needle

The phone "repairman"

I want the new host of Jeopardy to be a really dumb person who is constantly surprised by all the facts they are learning as they read the answers.




Clown car in Grand Theft Auto?


Actually, that ended as well as one could have hoped.


That always impresses me.


I have never seen snow cling to trees like that.



Could that be real? Maybe a natural gas-powered bus?


Said to be a stag beetle pupae.





Mammatus Clouds (Bubble storm clouds) in Argentina

Looks like what I would think the bottom of the ice over a lake would look like.


The bird and the brick

The barking bird
sound on

Curious orcas









1 comment:

Inchworm said...

#3 tail

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