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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com





Has there ever been a stupider society than ours? I mean EVER?! I would say that belief in starting forest fires with Jewish Space Lasers is stupider than burning witches. The belief that Democrats eat children to stay young is far stupider than belief in the Divine Right of Kings. And what's worse, we have a political party that refuses to condemn such insanity.



I have never - not even when I was poor - gotten into such things.


1 in every 424 Americans has died from COVID.

"It WaSn'T cOvId It WaS tHe UnDeRLyiNg CoNdItIoNs!!!!"

Oh, so they over-count the covid deaths? Okay, there is only one in 500 Americans dead of covid. You ignorant dunce - BOTH NUMBERS ARE TERRIFYING!

We'll soon have a million dead Americans. The fourth wave with a new variant is on the way while millions of Americans are playing power games against science...SCIENCE!

Need a visual aid to help you realize how bad it is?

"Spread in the US in all its virulent deadliness by the science-denying, bleach-injecting, supremacist-embracing, sociopathic orange stain cultists."

*Not my words but I like them.


I would want my superpower to be the ability to turn other people invisible without their knowledge.



Probably belongs to a dad.


I read that some stone structures like this were constructed over mounds of dirt and after the stones were carefully placed the dirt was removed.


I remember the first new car I bought without one.



King Tut sandals... with depictions of Egypt's enemies to step on.


Speaking of...

If it works...


*Verification Requested



In another life, I would learn to knit.


A universal wrench


How to sew in a straight line.


I disagree. I strongly suggest you wear that little buddy out. You do things to it that you will remember forever. You behave in such a way that you must apologize to it every day.



I would have guessed Alabama.


I had a recent commenter explain why Christians condemned homosexuality with countless quotes from a 2000-year-old book that nobody knows who wrote it. Yeah, THAT ought to convince me!


Too many people think that kind of unspeakable horror is "cute".


The main reason I love the South...


I've shown you this before but we all have to appreciate how brilliant it is.


This man has a medieval well under his house.


They ran out of money when building the Washington Monument and had to stop while procuring more funds.

When they resumed the color of the granite had changed. If you look closely you will see three color shifts.

But what about this?

Why are there so many color bands in concrete that should have been identical?


Thinking again about how the names "Arctic" and "Antarctic" just means "bears" and "no bears."



Do you have any idea how much I would have to trust the person with the camera behind me for me to do that?




I always waited for that baritone.


Is this passive-aggressive or aggressive-aggressive?


I would pay to watch it.


The 'rooms will do that.


Esther Jones, the original inspiration of Betty Boop, l920s.

I should say.


Yes, I notice things like that also.

Like today I followed a Masserati with a crooked tag and I couldn't take my eye off the offending object.


Northern Cheyenne warrior who fought against Custer at the Battle of the Little Big Horn.

In another era, he would be known as a Freedom Fighter.


Do you know what they say about laughter being contagious?


Am I the only one who has honed his lip-reading skills enough to know exactly what she is saying?

I've narrowed it down to one of these:

"That's a frying pork chop"

"That's very bold, Chet."

 "Let's find the poultry!"


If like my grandparents, I had to walk 20 miles to school through the snow I would have dropped out in the 5th grade too.



That first step is a doozy.


And all she had to do was to let go.


I would leave the store immediately.


I'm thinking it would require a crane.

I found this in a collection of images labeled "Redneck Engineering". I need your help in deducing its meaning.

I even lightened it up but to no avail.


And if you think that one was foolish check out this adaptation...




Nary a safety rope.












Dr. WeTodd said...

B1 and d5 are the same.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Dr. We, that was a brilliant observation.

Anonymous said...

You left out "through Grandma off the cliff"

Ralph Henry said...

Sorry, Anon, I have no idea what that means. Just give me a hint.

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