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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




I hope they own a large chunk of Amazon before it's all over.




And all that happens WITHOUT a trial much less being found guilty. I all fairness I would say most of that money was dirty, but what about the guy who was on his way to buy a truck for $10K, was pulled over, and his cash was taken. But the crux of the problem of finding a solution is because the local police split the money with the feds.

94% annual turnover???

*Verification Requested




 To hell with them. I wouldn't even treat them in hospitals.




I tip well.


This is how conservatives twisted themselves in knots trying to protect Nixon.

 A comment I received that illustrates how conservatives twist themselves in knots in modern times 

[I have added comments in red]:

"CRT: Teaching history is one thing but endless shaming of a kid, because he is white, is ridiculous?" 

[I completely agree. CRT was designed as a college-level course. As far as I know, CRT has never been taught to children. If you can prove otherwise please enlighten me.]

"The first slaves brought to the US were Irish, not black." 

[And do you agree that the Irish slave owners should be vilified as subhuman opportunists?]

"Should we all go out and shame young kids with Japanese ancestors because of Pearl Harbor?" 

[I think there is a difference between "teaching something happened" and shaming them, but I assure you EVERY Japanese student knows exactly what happened at Pearl Harbor...even those in Japan. Further, every Mexican student knows what happened at the Alamo. And every Arab student knows what happened on 9/11. But maybe white students are less able to deal with reality than other children.]

"How come DACA children are not responsible for what their parents did 20 years ago but we are supposed to be responsible for what somebody’s grandparents may or may not have done 150 years ago?" 

[Who exactly was harmed by DACA? How many lives were ruined?]

 "You will not answer any of these questions….you will merely deflect." 

"Most if not a majority of whites in the US ancestors came to the US after emancipation. Only 1.6% of US citizens owned slaves at its peak in 1860." 

[I'll take your word for it.]

"Democrats have been mad at white people ever since we freed their slaves." 

[Without trying to sound rude...that has got to be one of the dumbest sentences I have ever read. So, I beg you to send me examples of behavior that led you to draw that conclusion.]

"FYI: The KKK was started by southern (your area) democrats...

FYI: With that kind of logic, we could call all Catholics murderers because the church once burned witches.

 ...and Lincoln was a republican and took a bullet to the head for freeing the saves yet today’s BLM calls him a racist."  

[I condemn all stupid people and especially the ones who shoot people in the head.]

"White people did not invent slavery, they ended it."


 "Read a book and spend less time getting your history from social media." 

[I spend no time - literally zero - on social media.]

"CRT increases racism. It did with many of the silent majority (think West Virginia).

[You assert with no proof because it has never been implemented. You are stating your opinion as if it were fact - a classic error in discourse.]

"You come near memes found all over social media to support your dogma spew. You have turned into a total ideologue. IOW: there is no point in trying to reason with you." And yet here we are.

[You might want to rewrite that last paragraph to make it readable. I simply can not decipher what you meant. Please help me because I'm not a very smart man.
And lastly, have you forgotten that you sent me that exact comments a couple of years ago - word for word - comma for comma?]

Anyway, here's an article I would like you to read then get back to me with your appraisal. I would really like to know how you feel about it.

I sure would like to hear what Doctor D' has to say about all that.

A true sign of someone being from the South is that they say "Mash the button" instead of "Press the button".




How much does it cost to keep a house warm enough to go barefoot in that climate?


That corn gives me an idea.


Aren't they all?



Why is this thing not called a Roll-a-decks?

*I made that up myself.




It's because the cards make it look like they are not seriously endangered.

🎶I'll do anything for love...but I won't do that.🎶


Give that man a raise!


Ted Bundy would be doing triple-doubles every day in this generation.



Who is the person on the right?

Farting 97 times in 2 days smells a lot like bullshit.


Some amusing images from 1980s newscasts

And my favorite...


There are very smart people who think that they can communicate with the creator of the universe by writing on a piece of paper and sticking it in a crack in a wall. Yes, that is confusing enough, but during this whole exercise, they know that come a closing time this will happen...


People like that used to be committed for a period of observation.



Somebody's pet didn't make it.


Why wouldn't they charge more for fragile handling?


All fathers have done shit like this...


I guess I'm not the only one who gets confused.


Moral of the story: Always plan out an escape route.


When you realize you just left a comment on an 8-year-old post.


Were fidget spinners a thing or was that a Black Mirror episode?



I'm not sure if Native Americans did that but it was part of most Victory Gardens during WWII.



The buses sheltered the bikers during a storm.




Why doesn't the government issue us all one of those? It's not Socialism, it's good clean fun.



Penn and Teller explain vaccines

These parents must be Christain.
Because no Christain could tolerate this...

And yet he is Christian Right's Golden Boy. That takes flexible morals to its extreme.


Why don't we leave them right where they are?

I don't have an Angel and a Devil on my shoulders. I have an Angry Viking and a 50s House Wife.



The taller you get the more creepy the strawberry becomes.


That is very well done.


And that gap between the front teeth and the molars is why horses can be fitted with bridles.



No stores for me.


Lamp powered fan

Underseat Fun

I watched Dr. Zhivago again and this time I learned (or more likely I forgot and was reminded) that the first time he got a glimpse of Lara was when he shared a seat with her on a streetcar.

 After she got off the overhead wires sparked loudly...a metaphor of things to come. Brilliant.



A couple of striking images...




Okay. But I want you to trust Jesus when your lungs are collapsing from covid and not clog our hospitals.






Anonymous said...

B2: not much at all. It's called a radiant heat embedded in the floor. We have it in New Jersey. The floor is always warm, and it's always wonderful.

Anonymous said...

B15: she didn't fart 97 times in 2 days. She sold 97 jars of farts in 2 days. For all we know it took her a year to fill those 97 jars with farts.
You need to apply critical thinking. Many of your comments lack it.

Fardygardy said...

or, perhaps, you take things too literally, which I find interesting. Could this possibly be one man's performance art? (Think Andy Kauffman). I see that van and think, Wow, how do people get so creative?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a good read.

Anonymous said...

Re the comment for B13: Why are you even here???

D'Ascoyne said...

Ralph, I haven't forgotten to give my two cents. There's a lot to unpack, and I do have some things to say. I will get to this when I get a moment.

Anonymous said...

B14: Pete Davidson from SNL

Anonymous said...

B18: Birds Aren't Real is a joke. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/09/technology/birds-arent-real-gen-z-misinformation.html

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