About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, January 14, 2022

FRIDAY #4769

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



Fauci didn't say, "What a moron," he said, "What's up, Maureen".


This is an actual photograph of the tube being stuck up my bile duct in order to remove the stones that were causing so much of my distress.

I find that absolutely amazing.





For fuck sake, Hayden.








I saw Blue Men in Boston. My daughter bought the 
last three seats back row but they were two steps from the beer vendor in the hall.


America: Why is everyone getting misinformation about medicine?

Also America: Simply looking at a doctor will cost you ten thousand dollars.






Memorial plaque at Bebelplatz, Berlin (Germany) The Bebelplatz is known as the site of one of the infamous Nazi book burning ceremonies held on the evening of 10 May 1933 in many German university cities. The quote above is taken from an 1821 play by Heinrich Heine called “Almansor”. In the play itself, the quote is referring to the burning of the Muslim Quran by the Christian Inquisition in Spain.



Old news that still makes me smile.

Think that's a joke? You can't throw a dead cat without hitting somebody doing it.


Why isn't that standard design?

When I used to write seriously, there was nothing better than sitting in a place that more or less looked like the setting in my novel and editing the manuscript. I absolutely loved it.


I see ivermectin is trending again which is heartworming.





That's amazing!

I still have some of those.


Wait for it...

The signs say "Watch out for falling rocks" but there isn't a thing you can do about it.


What do we do when we simply don't need the workers anymore? Who will buy the products?


He stopped to change his pants.

Only ridden a horse a dozen or so times but was in awe every single time.


Would one of you more-worldly readers please explain that to me?

Amorous Bird

Damn Breach Experiment

Removing Popcorn Ceiling

I brought a painter into my house and he did that without being told to.


Shovel Guitar
-sound on...seriously-

Coke+oil vs mentos

What do you think will happen when a stack of Mentos is dropped into that bottle?








Did you ever notice that a 23-25-year-old guy will date an 18-19-year-old girl but will not be friends with an 18-19-year-old guy because they understand that would be weird?



I imagine the cameraman was arrested for abetting.

What part of the instructions did she screw up?

Any Nick Frost and Simon Pegg fans?


I was invited to the wake of a young friend who blew his own brains out. Everybody else was as drunk as the guy above hours before their wake began. I declined.


Still kicking ass at 57!


Which is the stupidest?

Trying on masks before you buy...

Or texting and biking...at night...

^^D 6-7^^

That should be titled "My wife expecting a package."



And the film editing award goes to...


^^D 10-11^^

The Diver



Inhaled Gases

House Moving






Demon Rum.


Top to bottom left to right



Fardygardy said...


let's see. 1.5KW x 356 days/year x 24 hours/day x 3 years x $0.11 per KWH = $1,410 saved.

What did I miss?

Anonymous said...


"The project that resulted has helped slash the district’s annual energy consumption by 1.6 million kilowatts and in three years generated enough savings to transform the district’s $250,000 budget deficit into a $1.8 million surplus."

1.6 MILLION kilowatts

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