About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, January 10, 2022

MONDAY #4765

One Of My Very Own 


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




Make a movie where James Bond is in the accounting department with all his martini receipts and argues that all of them were work-related for which he needs reimbursement.


*When you have worked the same job for many years you will always find them trying things that didn't work the first time they tried it 15 years ago.



*Verification Requested








*I know that's a repost but I found it hilarious.


Signs of Life



Does this mean somebody fucked Bigfoot?


So very much sexual energy.


*In heaven, you will be assigned a mansion on a street of gold surrounded by the most boring neighbors on the planet.










Me: I dreamed about you last night.

The guy at the bar I met yesterday: Oh, really?

Me: Yeah, I was in McDonald's and you were the cashier. 



"What we've got here is a failure to communicate."


I could really get into cosplay...




I made one of those but much, much bigger.


Did you see the crack? I almost missed it.


That ferry must have been designed with the width of the trucks carefully calculated.


I've been fascinated by the many grunts we use to communicate. My daughters and I once listed dozens. Grunts are sound made mostly with the nose. Try it yourself.


Has any of you ever heard these in action?



Remember that I actually watched The Human Centipede just to see how bad a movie could be.


I just noticed the two guys who ran near the "camera" and survived unscathed.


Tiny Things

A guy once said, "This is blue raspberry flavor," and we said, "Raspberries aren't blue," and he said, "Well, this is what they would taste like if they were," and we all just said, "Oh, okay."


The devil made me do it.




I liked the way the crab grabbed the weapon midair...just like in the movies.


Mantis Shrimp

Are all those white objects around its hole the leftovers of previous limb loppings?


Okay, that's very impressive.


That looks like it requires a great deal of energy.


Sharing is caring


The Submarine and the Dolphin

The Duck and the Lion




I think this should have been on his cap...



"I'll just show off in front of this girl behind me..."


Hell, my wife could do that when she was still drinking.



ponder said...

Are all those white objects around its hole the leftovers of previous limb loppings?

That's dead bleached coral pieces.

ponder said...

Puzzl Time

Anonymous said...

I'm fascinated by the map at the bottom of the page. Who are the viewers in Siberia or Mongolia? ! lone viewer in South Korea, or Tierra del Fuego, or Greenland. I'm assuming the ones in the middle of the ocean are on ships, but Navy or merchant?So many questions.

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