About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

SUNDAY #4764

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



What if God came down one day and just said, "It's pronounced 'Jod'" then left.






Yeah, we know. We all know.


Define "Milk".

So, what did you do during staythefuckathome?


The first step is to convince people to suspend all critical thinking.


Please think about that.








I always thought that had something to do with operating machinery or some such shit but my doctor just told me that alcohol interferes with the absorption of some drugs through the stomach lining.





government of the people, by the people, for the people

I once lived with a woman who would make me come look at any of her turds that was shaped like a letter of the alphabet. True!



Your child's name does not define their destiny...unless their name is Destiny, then she is going to be a stripper.


Let's not forget the islands China created in the middle of the ocean then claimed territorial rights around them.

Santas training to deliver toys in Detroit...


Why the fuck not?

Reminds me of something.


I've always wondered if all that growth was irritating. Anybody?


Only in America.

Imprudence illustrated...





This is the guy who had three edibles and just said he didn't feel anything.





It's Earth viewed from the center of the Pacific Ocean.


Wanna guess what this is?









A hedgehog getting an X-ray.


I used to take my circular saw to where the pallets were and then used my 12vdc to 110vac converter to power the saw then just cut them up on site.


One of the largest species of bat - the Flying Fox.

But what if they were as big as a horse. 
Think about that.


Nothing to see here, folks, just a belief system of about a billion individuals who will swear it is not the least bit weird.


Smoke Screen


Me RSVPing a Christmas party request: "Is it okay if I bring my weird roommate?"




I agree...if you use your talents to create something original.

Loved ones are excellent models because they meant something you you personally.

I don't mind fantasy if...IF it comes from you own imagination and not copied from a movie or some such.

But in the same way you can't call yourself a songwriter if you only play songs written by someone else, or a novelist if you use the same plot as a published author - I think copying Batman, Superman, or any of the LOTRs character can be considered original artwork.


This guy gives his artwork away for any passerby to admire...

I've given away thousands of items much the same way.

Can we please do something for these true American heroes?

Or will we just forget them the same way we forget our war heroes?

My dear friend, Billy, had a fancy bike that he would take up into the mountains to ride. On one prepared course with wooden ramps and other devices he broke his collarbone and had to get not only himself but his bike back up the mountain.

Wanna guess what this is?


A dog with a lamp globe on his head with legs removed.


*That took me much too long.


I've attempted this with less than stellar results...

First Time Skydiver

When we brought our first born back to our tiny apartment it slept in a laundry basket for a while.

But that also reminds me that a corner of my wife's store was dedicated for the baby on any of her employees. I think more workplaces should do that.


I'm all in favor of hobbies that increase your cardio.


Please read this carefully.

I recently received two comments to this blog that deserve public comment from me.

Dearest Ralph, The people you are preaching to either live in a cave or ate glue in grade school. I don't think you are reaching them so you're preaching to the Choir. You can't change an idiots mind so why keep pounding the issues. The world is a very ugly place these days.... depressing actually, so why not go light on the Politics and Religion and maybe try to spread more positivity through beauty, joy and laughter? Happy Holidays from Anonymous.


I used to enjoy your Blog, but now almost everything you post is Politics and Religion.... and old man stuff. What happened to the funny and amusing? The world is such a downer now which I don't need to be constantly reminded of. A little bit of Funny goes a long way. Just saying....

My response to one of them that I posted in the comments section:

Dear Disappointed Anon, I regret not amusing you adequately. I probably got distracted by a global health crisis the scale of which none of us have ever experienced. That coupled with a group of Americans who want to wreck our system of government. In the future, I will try to keep my eye on the ball - amusing you. RH

I humbly ask you to read the introduction blurb to each blog:

I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

I find things on the internet and steal them to share with you. If the day's haul is funny then you get funny. If, however, my sources are filled with foreboding about current events then I can either not post anything that day or opine on the dumpster fire we call the new normal.

But to be honest, my wife have voiced similar comments to me - concerning me preaching to the choir.

But remember that I have told you numerous times that when my grandson reads Folio Olio I want him to know which side I was on and you can't always do that with humor.

Some days I am filled with overwhelming rage and fear and it is almost impossible to shield you, Gentle Reader, from these powerful emotions.

However, I sympathize with your concerns and will try very hard to lighten the mood as it were.

Be forewarned, however, that I find items like the following extremely funny.







PS: I would like to remind all concerned that in my intro blurb it is stated that "I'm a...militant anti-theist". 




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Puzzle = SPRING

As for your blog and what you do with it, it's your blog and you can do what you like with it! I have watched you cycle through funny and serious now for a few years. I'm still reading. Everyday. Because I realize that its your opinion and my choice to read or not. You do you, Ralph. You're really good at it.


Ralph Henry said...

Dear PSM, That meant more to me than you will ever know.

Anonymous said...

It always cracks me up when you post comments from folks who object to your content for any reason. The presumed entitlement of the average internet user is astounding. I only discovered your stuff in the past year or so (maybe two, can't remember honestly) and you've been a major source of sanity for me during the staythefuckathome times. I also steal your stuff and pass it along to a much smaller bunch of people who thank me repeatedly and even send me stuff like chocolate, which frankly embarrasses me but I eat it anyway. I don't always agree with you but so what? You perform a valuable service and deserve commendation, not condemnation. Good on ya, mate.

Anonymous said...

Bahaha "old man stuff" - I've never commented prior to this, I've emailed you though but that persons commentary deserved a comment.

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