About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, January 15, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



browse the internet for blog fodder while I watch bowl games and there were A LOT of bowl games when I amassed this bloated post.


Mississippian hand knife - Moundville, AL area


"It's sharp enough to cut a roast.

The top of the knife shows the flat area where your finger rests. It is perfectly sculpted to fit in your hand and quite comfortable to use."

But in the South we know how to cook it so we don't need no stinking knife...

*When I was in the 5th grade we took a class trip to Moundville.


Nature or Nurture? Or both?




I recently heard a rule of thumb concerning when to wear a mask.

Wear a mask if you could smell the smoke if the person closest to you were smoking.



Welcome to the party, my friend, glad you could make it.

We are all far more alike than we are different.


Neo-Andean Architecture

Neo-Andean is a contemporary architectural movement primarily situated in El Alto, Bolivia, expressed in the city's many chalets, or mini-mansions, and dancehalls. ... Architecture historian Elisabetta Andreoli described the style, represented in over 100 structures across the El Alto skyline, as neo-Andean.


The interiors are equally impressive...


Somehow, in my years and years of studying architecture I missed that whole genre.



This is American Exceptionalism?


*Verification Requested

Here are some options:

If we aren't building a society that takes care of its people, then what's the point of building society at all?


Worm gear

"A worm drive is a gear arrangement in which a worm meshes with a worm gear. The two elements are also called the worm screw and worm wheel. The terminology is often confused by the imprecise use of the term worm gear to refer to the worm, the worm gear, or the worm drive as a unit."

*As I recall, those used to be carved out of wood.


People have told me "Your trauma made you stronger." It absolutely did not. It did, however, make me funnier.



Oriini Kaipara - Maori Journalist making history

I'm usually not a fan of traditions for tradition's sake but I will make an exception in this case.

Did you notice the Heart of Stone?

Some traditions are just too ancient to refute...not like most of the American traditions that were invented just to make money.



One fell swoop

The term 'One fell swoop' was used and probably invented by Shakespeare in Macbeth (4:3), where the playwright likens the murder of Macduff's wife and children to a hawk swooping down on defenseless prey.


Did you notice that all the vehicles are very similar?



Jane Pauley: Why, Dolly, it looks like you're doing something different with your hair.

Dolly: Oh, Jane, this ain't my hair. This is a wig!



Driving behind a truck with a front camera and rear screen.

From the still photographs I wasn't sure those were real but apparently they exist.



It occurs to me that he wrote that whole book just to fuck with us in much the same way the characters were always being fucked with.

That last episode was just one big Fuck You to the viewers.


Ski patrol fires 105mm Howitzer artillery gun to clear avalanche hazards

I don't like them being so jubilant about hitting the target. Shouldn't it be just routine?


I included the MP4 as a backup because the gif file was so large and sometimes they don't load properly.


Opinions are like assholes - it can feel humiliating but get them examined, and if an expert says something's wrong with yours, believe them.




Fun with the N-word...



My wife...




The Christmas my wife made the "No Gift" rule...


This is what used to pass as entertainment...




There is something extremely odd depicted here...


Jesus is wearing a crucifix.


"To speak with a representative say, representative."

My wife...

I've seen it dozens of times.


Territorial Beaver has its way with trespassing humans...

Dad Lookalike




I wore some of those khaki shorts with tiny lobsters all over them and my credit score went up 30 points.




Yeah, I saw the whole film. This is after they got to know one another very, very well.





She kind of looks like this wonderful lady...





X Wing on a sex swing?


*Boy, did I get that wrong.


Yes, I know it's a repost but it made me smile anew.





Well, for one thing, it will answer a lot of questions concerning rectal hygiene.



*That's my birthday!

Start with the head and proceed down. The towel forgets everything by morning.






He thinks it's a plant!







She seems nice.













I'll take that as a yes.


I know this is a repost but I can't remember the answer.


Anonymous said...

A5: I can smell the smoke from the car in front of me going down the interstate.
Therefore I guess I need to wear a mask 24 hours a day.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time: it should be noted that there is an empty seat behind the seated man.
The old woman should take the empty seat behind the man, and she could hold the young woman's baby.
Now that the seats are fully occupied, the seated man should yield his seat to the man on crutches.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: "A"...he got there first

Anonymous said...

In an interview Dolly was asked how long it takes to do her hair, she responded "Oh honey I don't know I'm never there"

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