About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

SUNDAY #4757

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



My wife and I gamble on every bowl game. I list the opposing teams in alphabetical order and add the bookie spread. Then my wife chooses whether she wants the top or the bottom teams. Yesterday she kicked my ass. I won Ohio State (48) over Utah (45) but the bookies gave Utah 4 points so I lost. Then I won with Kentucky (20) over Iowa (17) but the bookies gave Iowa 3 1/2 so I lost that one also by a half a fucking point!





They were referring to the Soviets, of course, but I think it applies universally. 

There are many things politicians say that are not exactly true.

Dems did the same to Trump.

Normal politics is like a game both parties play...praise your guy and condemn the other guy...many times for the same thing.

This comic was made during the Bush Era. Still Valid.

But Trump lied about everything even when he didn't have to. Do you remember him claiming that more people attended his inauguration than any other president in history? 

Here's the proof:

  Obama's                        Trump's

And when you show him proof that he was lying he always goes straight to his mantra.

Did you know that “Stop the Steal” was organized during the 2016 presidential election by Roger Stone just in case Trump lost that election?

I'm a "Prove it" kind of guy. I have looked at all the conclusions by everyone involved in the 2020 election and IT. WAS. NOT. STOLEN.

You have seen no proof. The people at Fox News have seen no proof. Yet millions of Americans believe it on faith. Do you know what that kind of thinking is called? A cult.



As stated many times, I love my guns. But simultaneously I realize something must be done to protect our children.

Here's a suggestion from a viewer:

Would that reduce the slaughter of our children? Hell, I don't know. But please agree with me that SOMETHING has to be done. Even if we don't save all the children we need to act to save as many as possible. Saving children is a species imperative that needs all our efforts.



But the whole point of Capitalism is greed.

My contempt for this wealth worship is one reason I make art out of cash.

But Capitalism gets out of hand sometimes...

It's the circular economy. They own stock in the companies that own them.

Half of you people have been convinced that the super-rich not paying any taxes is acceptable.

I predict that in the future we will all look back in disbelief that we allowed them to keep all of their money while you and I paid through the nose.

And please don't tell me that all the tax shelters they use are legal. They are legal because they paid politicians to pass laws that shield their money.





By all indications, we are all in for a very rough winter.
Vac #1
Vac #2

I am 'exhaust myself putting on socks with damp feet after a shower' years old.


*I pity the young men and women who are now in their sexual prime and have to worry about a potential mate breathing covid on them.



I see your Trump the Messiah and raise you these guys...


Try Googling "One of my very own folio olio".


Pricks all.

But by the rules laid down in black and white in your ancient holy book, not one of you people is going to heaven.


I've known people like that.



Jesus actually did that! Or rather you can't prove it didn't happen so that makes it factual.
*See how silly your illogic sounds.

Mr. Chris Farley, ladies, and gentlemen...


I was once driving on an Interstate in a severe thunderstorm. The rain was so hard we all turned on our blinkers and slowed down. I followed a guy in front of me but we were both very tense. Then I saw an exit sign...and the guy I was following didn't take it! A few more miles and the rain started blowing sideways and our cars were pushed all over the road. Finally, the guy pulled over under an overpass and scurried up under the bridge. I followed. As we sat there being buffeted by the blowing rain, he said, "You've been following me for quite a while." I said, "I noticed you have a radar detector and I assumed you had cruise control. I have neither. Then I was hoping you stayed on the road and I was following your tail lights." Then I looked at him and said, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE THAT FUCKING EXIT BACK THERE?!?!"

We both laughed and waited until the storm calmed before resuming our travels.


At first, I thought it was Trump's autobiography.



Here is the sign...

Here is the service he provided...


Say Perfect
- sound on -

Welcoming Sister Home
- sound on -

Classic Karen
- sound on -
I would have turned the water off at the tap then helped the kid redraw her art. And every time the bitch turned the water on I would turn it off.

Ghost House
- sound on for silliness -


You really need to watch this.

- sound one -


I wonder if Gordon Ramsey ever says 'Fuck it' and then microwaves himself 12 pizza rolls at 2am.



"It was a lookout for a toll bridge. Constructed with an oak timber frame building and wattle & daub infill, constructed in 1347." 

Here’s a link:  SOURCE

How do you get up there?

One guy said it was a grain storage and built that way to deter rodent access.

Do any of you Brits know what it is?


If you want it to last build it of stone.

 Since I live in a brick home, I found some comfort that many of the brick homes survived the recent tornadoes.


Free meal with the interview. 

Never seen that before.



Oeschinon Lake, Switzerland

People say things like, Kansas is such a beautiful state. We've seen beauty and Kansas isn't it.


Lake Mead, circa 1980. While it still had some water in it.

And today...

It was stated that California was stealing the water before it gets to the lake.


The Ledge

Minus 47 degrees Celsius, Yakutsk, Russia.

But the extreme alternative also proves problematic...

I can remember when NFTs were called Beanie Babies.



Fixed the high beams...


Let my man, David Attenborough show it to you:


Do you think that thing is functional?


Notice he's smart enough not to take those huge things into a forest.









I used to be able to do that with my dick.


Dead to Us Cake

Dog solving an efficiency problem


Magnetic Field Illustrated

Horny Sea Lion and the Horn

Sheep Shearing

Rocket Launch from ISS








Spot the difference?


ponder said...

Do you think that thing is functional?

I don't think that photo is accurate, the pistol is real and functional but fires 12 gauge shotgun shells. Unless they make a different model...


Inchworm said...

puzzle single man by big stone on beach is missing in second photo

Anonymous said...

The person behind the stone pillar is missing.

Anonymous said...

The Toll Bridge lookout is exactly that.

The Eschif Creyssac (Watch Lodge) is in French (Not Britain) it’s at Périgueux in the department of Dordogne.

Regards A Brit

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