About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



All four playoff games last weekend came down to the last play of the game. The Buffalo game was the most exciting final five minutes in football history. I no longer have a favorite team but I do have a team I do not want to win again - Kansas City.


Why is it always, "New York smells like urine" and never "My urine smells like the greatest city in the world"?




Cuddles, kisses, and words of assurance people. It doesn’t matter if it’s as vanilla as missionary or as spicy as blindfolds and hot wax, always let your partner know how much they are loved and appreciated afterward.








What if it's tunnel vision caused by oxygen deprivation?

The reason I suggest that is that I electrocuted myself one time and while staring at the hand that made contact with the live wire my vision began to contract until I could only see a small circle.




Want to communicate with a co-worker on a secure monitored company computer? Use that trick. Just send them a document with white font added at the end.

I used to provide the answers to some of my puzzles by using a white font like this: Highlight between brackets [answer here] but too many of you view Folio Olio on your phones where you can't highlight.


I really like Waffle House. Many years ago my brother noticed that Waffle Houses were springing up all over the country and bought stock in the company...or at least told me he did.

As I understand it, the owner of the store is required to work in his/her store, which was supposed to ensure quality control.



After teaching for 20 I can predict that that kid has bully written all over him.


As one would imagine I don't attempt to telepathically communicate with the creator of the universe and ask for favors.

And to think, she believes she is doing him a favor.

I think we all agree.




Do any of you locals want to explain that to me?

I do that!


I'm the best. A kid I hired to help with murals ONE time put me down as a reference. I kept the HR director of the largest TV station in Baltimore on the phone for 30 minutes and when I finally hung up she called him immediately and offered him the job. He then called me and asked, "What the hell did you tell her?" I said, "The truth," although I did spruce him up a bit.

I have never thought about nurses knowing who they DON'T want working on them.

Fuck that rapist bastard.

Way to ruin the surprise, Spanish exclamation point.

*I don't know what that means - I just like the drawing.


As I understand it, that suit allows you to descend at about a 45-degree angle. Does anybody know differently?

I think that is made of drones.

That truck body looks like a 1948 GMC. I had one and it had a little rear window just like that.

To transfer designs like that to ceramics they sometimes place a piece of tissue paper onto which was applied the design onto the pot. In the kiln, the paper burns away leaving only the glaze.

I haven't a clue.

Did you read his shirt?
Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.

If I'm not mistaken a person who did something similar was successfully sued by the manufacturer.


Life is hard but it's even harder when you live Upnorth.

LIFE HACK: On the first day of jury duty we were all led down a hallway toward a courtroom and one guy said rather loudly, "I can't wait to see what this guilty SOB looks like." He was sent home. It's just that simple.

What percentage of your face can you cover up with black paint before it's considered racist?


It looks like a chocolate cake left out on the counter in a house with children.


I think the dude set the whole thing up to impress the lady.


Judith Cohen was an American aerospace engineer who helped create the Abort-Guidance System which rescued the Apollo 13 astronauts. It is recorded that she was troubleshooting problems with schematics when she went into labor and on the day she called her boss to let him know she had fixed it and then delivered the baby… who grew up to be the actor we know as Jack Black!



A genuine beer lover...


TV Commercial

-sound on-


Alex Trebek should have named an heir to continue the royal line so we wouldn't have to deal with this war of succession.





*That is not current.






She looks so... healthy.



Anonymous said...

A12: please do not use that trick on secure company computerd or company networks. The algorithms that look for text patterns can't see color, it's the same either way, meaning it doesn't matter if it's red yellow black or white it can be read.

It's like saying that smaller font takes up less memory.

Anonymous said...

A12: that was awesome! I'm going to use that with my kids tomorrow.

ponder said...

Highlight between brackets [answer here] but too many of you view Folio Olio on your phones where you can't highlight.

Off course you can highlight on your phone, it's no different to selecting text for a copy and paste operation.

ponder said...

Do any of you locals want to explain that to me?


Anonymous said...

^^A13^^ Both FEMA and ACCUWeather use the Waffle House index to measure the severity of a natural disaster.




Anonymous said...

^^A23^^ Back in the day, egging some neighbor's car or house was a favorite juvenile prank, before knifings and shootings replaced it. Don't know about the flour. Never did that, but I presume it was something similar.

Anonymous said...

B-8 A form or adaptation of Japanese Clogs if I'm not mistaken.

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