About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com






I'm not sure. Why don't you ask a Neanderthal?


Spoiler for the upcoming elections in Hungary.

And some want to do the exact same thing in America.


Obama worked for years to provide all Americans with affordable healthcare and for that, he was vilified by half the country.

Here's a comment from a misguided viewer to my suggesting America needed universal healthcare:

"In a socialist society there would only be one good hospital, and it would treat the upper class. There would be hardly any products for sale in the shops. Wake up! It's all clearly on record."

I didn't even bother to tell the guy that England, Germany, Canada, etc belie his prediction.



That is very true of me.

I would lay that squarely at the feet of the pandemic.



Fuck Biden for not investigating this.



Reply to the guy on Fox "News" who said the LGBT rainbow flag is just as offensive as the Confederate flag - "they represent the exact same thing".




The good news is that Pfizer has a vaccine for that also.


*Then why are they eating and drinking. They should be outside guarding the perimeter.


You've heard of Machine Gun Kelly, well...





*I haven't a clue. I just thought it was a cool thing to say. 

I'd get much more sleep if I didn't insist on looking at the entire internet every night before bed.



These are the insanely detailed hands of expensive mannequins.


Shows like this are as fake as my ex's tits.

Except for this guy. He went out by himself and filmed it all himself.


That's another problem with being hard of hearing. I know. Drives my wife nuts.

A physics professor I know insists on teaching an auditorium full of students with blackboards and chalk instead of whiteboards or a computer touch screen.

She uses the kind that moves up and out of the way when full.

She told me she likes the sound the chalk makes, the residue of erasures, the smell, etc, but mostly chalk makes her much, much faster.


An old Boeing 707-120 with the original JT3C turbojet engines. The thick black smoke is due to the usage of water injection required for more thrust.

A Boeing 707-320C with the later JT3D low bypass turbofan engines. Water injection was no longer used.


Remember this?

Of course, you do.

Diagram depicts the complexity of the Antikythera Mechanism, which was used to keep track of the movement of the solar system, circa 150 years B.C.

"It is so insanely complex that it was ahead of its time by millennia. It is considered to be the first (analog) computer. This has all the characteristics of an advanced model, so there must have been earlier devices that preceded this one."

*I seem to remember that they recently determined that it could predict eclipses.



Pointers gotta point...

I think that started out with a dog who was tired of his owner's ignorance - "It's over THERE, stupid! Do I have to point it out for you?!"


Another Ballpit Cleaning

Loyce Edward Dean is buried at sea inside of his TBM Avenger after being killed by AA fire during the Battle of Manila - in 1943


Tree Trimmer

Here in South Carolina, some farmers trim their peach trees to resemble a fan.

In this configuration, they can be planted much closer together and can be harvested in record time.


If a Transformer died, could you just use its body as a regular car? But respectfully though.




Did you notice...

See any oddity here?


I would surely patronize it.

Horse Team Six?

It looks like someone inverted the polarity in the quantum chamber's power coupling. Modern driers will do that sometimes.


Worker Motivation
-sound on-

With great power, comes great responsibility.


Hades is the God of the dead - not the God of death.






This woman wears fake everything then conceals the most attractive parts - the nipples.

I just don't get it.





A good dog will do that.





*Note smile.


I'm not sure if the next two are even naughty or not...you decide.


Did you assume he is naked? I assumed he is naked.





*DO NOT try this at home.







Anonymous said...

In the meme titled “AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM” people are not stealing the baby formula to feed babies, Cans of powdered baby formula are used as mixers for drugs. A dealer could have one gram of cocaine worth $100. He could use half the cocaine at original strength, add half a gram of baby formula to the rest and sell it for the same $100. By this calculation, half a gram of Enfamil is now worth $50 to the drug dealer. That is the reason retailers often lock up baby formula to deter theft.

ponder said...


What a fscking idiot.

ponder said...


People shouldn't have babies they can't afford in the first place, it's unfair to the kids.

ponder said...

*Then why are they eating and drinking. They should be outside guarding the perimeter.

They can eat & drink but should pay for their own food and drink.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

^^B6^^ A recent issue of Scientific American has a feature article on this thing. Well worth reading. I read it at the library every month.


I didn't even bother to tell the guy that England, "Germany, Canada, etc belie his prediction".
Dear Ralph, Those are all capitalist nations which have chosen to invest in a social welfare system which provides universal health care. Communist nations are as I described. You have to ask "Why do NEITHER of your country's two parties support such a system?" Both have had ample opportunity and neither have done so. But don't loosely say "socialism" or "capitalism". Capitalism as a modified system has presented us with social democracy and universal health care. SOCIAL DEMOCRACY not SOCIALISM.Cheers, Mike

Anonymous said...

There are several reasons baby formula is locked up.

The main reason is to resell it. As the article states, about 1/3 of all newborns are on formula their first 6 months or so. That's a huge market.

Parents not having enough money to buy it is a reason, but doesn't appear to be the main one.

Razor blades and razors are also locked up for the same reason...easy to steal and resell. Lots of people shave...huge market for criminals.

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