About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, February 18, 2022

FRIDAY #4804

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




I first made a box and collected various items I might need.

Among other things, there's a small ashtray, a wood thread spool, a wooden cabinet handle, a wooden dowel, and various other doodads.

I took one very large gate hinge and cut it in half.

After the box was complete I began to attach the decorative pieces.


I used A LOT of wooden buttons.

It has a false bottom accessed by lifting the shelf. The hole is for your finger.


I just used a couple of magnetic closures to secure the door.

I used rather thick latex paint to help seal all cracks and holes - three coats.

Then I painted it flat black.


And added the final details.


And it looks just like an old safe.


I lined the shelves.

The lining covers the finger hole in the bottom shelf.

I toyed with adding this plaque I made but nixed it at the last minute.

So, I finally got it inside my house. It resides right next to my bed.

I moved all my bedside items inside the safe.

And this is why it has a false bottom.

It's where I keep my cordless hole puncher.





Let's all hope he's wrong.




I vowed not to become a grumpy old man in my old age and so far I think I'm doing okay.

From everything, I've seen it all comes down to racism.


I lived in Oklahoma for a while and have never seen an uglier landscape.



That, Gentle Reader, is a true ponderable.

How can anyone say "American Exceptionalism" with a straight face?

*Verification Requested

As my wife and I sat in the parking lot I said I would call AAA to jump the car. She asked if they brought their own ramp or what.



The more I watch this year's Olympics the more I've come to realize that most of those events are just silly.


When I got my tattoos they printed out what it would look like on a piece of special tissue paper that they used to transfer the design to my flesh as a drawing guide. My point is that they had me approve the design before work progressed. Do you think that person approved that design?


*Verification Requested

That is a wonderful example of sportsmanship. I talk to a competitive cyclist and he said that if someone in his group has to pee the other bikers would slow down and let him catch up.


I have watched the Olympics day and night since it started. It wasn't until the fifth day that I learned that the daytime airings were reruns of the events I had watched the night before. But in my defense, I don't "watch" them as much as I have them on in the same room where I am working.


I think the ball was fractured prior to him tossing it. Notice how he is holding it.

What magnificent creatures.

You'd think she would have washed her hands.

What do they do if there are no stairs nearby?

Bitch Test
-sound on-

Fish Snare

Hero Bartender

Some states have Good Samaritan laws that protect someone rendering aid from lawsuits. I think that is a wonderful idea.

I read that people who choke to death have traits in common: They are eating steak or some other chewy meat; they have bad teeth, they are in a hurry, they are talking, and they are drinking (not all are necessary, of course). It was also stated that the average size of the chunk of meat that killed someone equaled half a pack of cigarettes.


Some of Y'all never had to push your own car then jump in and pop the clutch and it shows.




If you have noticed that I've reposted items it is because my viewership has about doubled in the last couple of weeks and these new viewers deserve some time to catch up.

*Viewer contribution


When in Alaska my wife and I camped on a small river not too far from a giant lake. In the middle of the afternoon, the ice from the lake broke up enough to be carried down the river right past our campsite. It was an amazing sight and sound.

Cowboy Bob - a great local mechanic - had his garage on one end of a two-acre plot of land that was covered in gravel. Then one day the Department of Health and Environmental Control arrived and found that the earth around his shop was contaminated with motor oil. He had to spend all of his life savings to pay for hundreds of special drums that were filled with the top six feet of his property and hauled off to a special disposal site. All of that and it wasn't even his fault. The site had been a garage since WWII and my friend had never disposed of oil in the parking lot.

I met an Irish guy who was working in America temporarily for Mcdonald's as a "food scientist". I assumed he came up with different recipes but the truth was that anything he could do to cut the corporation's cost on each item served would translate into billions of dollars in the long run. For instance, if he could prove that customers could not detect if they reduced the sugar in the ice tea by 10% then...well, you do the math. Additionally, Mcdonald's has hundreds of these people all over the world.

I'm trying, Sparky, I'm trying.


When qualifying with an M16 on the firing range we fired so many bullets that there was a large basketball-sized hole in the middle. They only counted the misses.

So one day I found myself next to a sergeant I didn't like and every so often I would ping his target in the white.

He had to return and try again another day.

 My roommate didn't have one of those in one eye and he had to carry a handkerchief with which he would constantly have to wipe his tears.

He was asked if he was okay a dozen times a day.


In the Air Force, they feed you free breakfast, lunch, and supper. But if you prefer they would give you the money and then you bought any meals you desired. Some troops refused to take the money even after I explained that it was like getting paid for every meal they missed. But, of course, there were months when the money ran out before the hunger was abated. That's where this token became our best friend.

The NCO Club had a great restaurant and you could borrow money (tokens) anytime you needed to eat but were broke.

I just found one of those long-forgotten tokens on the shelf in my office.

The worst one I saw was a plane with a banner that flew over our football stadium during the game and it read: "John, divorce your wife and marry me." Think about all the men named John that had some explaining to do.


I hate snow.

My job in Labrador was to shovel snow away from the door...every morning before the other troops awoke. And almost every morning it looked like this...

[backup if needed]

And I made it accessible...

I swore then that I would never shovel snow again.

The same vow was made for cutting firewood. When growing up, the school bus would pull up to my house and there would be a huge house-sized pile of partially cut trees in my yard. The power company would put them there if my yard was closer than the dump.

And I only had two tools.

Never ever again.

My wife and I were butt naked on the top floor of a university parking garage during a severe thunderstorm. The university was on break so we were all alone. Then the cop drove up. My wife explained that we were married and was trying to spark it up a bit and he drove off. When we left we found him down on the next level guarding the ramp so we wouldn't be disturbed.


My first wife taught two classes of aerobics every day. She was extraordinarily fit. When she gave birth to our daughter she was in labor for only 45 minutes and then walked back to her room afterward.

The most memorable part of a vacation for a dad is the gas prices.






I know I've said it before, but when I see creatures like that I wonder what life must look like in the other oceans of the solar system.

Want to guess what these are?

Black Sapphire Grapes ... a black seedless grape with one unusual characteristic. They are long. ... look more like a log in shape than a grape. These types of grapes have been grown in the Middle East. This picture is from Syria.




Walking Beatles Toy

Having a gay son is like getting a French fry in your onion rings - you didn't ask for it but hey you like these too.



*Viewer contribution












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I would call that an attractive nuisance. I mean what healthy young man could resist going for it?


All indications are that this nightmare is almost over. Dare we have hope?



New guy.


Prior to staythefuckathome, I was tempted to do that multiple times a day.


I'm not really sure what they are asking us to do but try to have fun anyway.


ponder said...


Some time back I saw a person in the US that performed the heimlich maneuver being sued because the ungrateful cnut had bruised or cracked ribs. Fortunately they didn't win.

Last time I did it the guy was choking on steak in the pub, talkin, drinking, eating as you said.

Wrekreation said...

Nice job on he Safe!

Larry said...

The safe box , ‘Tis badass !

David said...

A13 - I've had arguments with people (old Republicans) as what constitutes a living wage. It used to be paying all your obligations and have disposable income (think Mike Brady, the only breadwinner having the ability for a full time housekeeper and taking hid family to hawaii) to people living check to check. I would welcome your thoughts

Anonymous said...

In reference to E9

Are you sure that's not Chicago?
I read an article once about someone there going to prison. He was more or less done concubining (as he called it). He had 13 different women pregnant.

Anonymous said...

^^A4^^ Olympic sledders are getting CTE, and killing themselves.


Inchworm said...

A12 As long as the hospitals get subsidies for treating C-19 patients, they will not distinguish between "died FROM Covid" and "died WITH Covid". The number will be overreported if there is money involved.

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