About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, February 5, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



I read that Liam was short for William. Is that true? If it is we can add that to Bill, and Will. How about Iam?




Do you think that's a joke? Read on...

Meat Loaf, the science-denying performer died from Covid last week. A group of anti-vaccine mandate protestors demonstrated at the Lincoln Memorial and played Meat Loaf's music to pay homage to the late ignorant bastard.

Before you condemn an anti-vaxxer...

Walk a mile in their shoes.


You can't use logic on a person who didn't use logic to form their opinion in the first place.


Which part is covering his mouth?

I went ahead and did the math for you...


Truer words have never been spoken.


It's a bookstore!



That's true you know. I just unzip my fly, grab it with both hands, and pretend I'm riding a broom.

But alternatively...


Get in your most comfortable chair, put on an old favorite movie, and drink a beer for me. If anyone says anything, tell them I told you to.


And no mention of getting your dick sucked while you drive the buggy.

Put me in the game, coach!



Is that who I think it is?

I'd like to meet that guy.

I just don't get the hysteria.

For her or for them?

How very interesting.

Porn in reverse would be hysterical. "Honey, let me clean off your face."

*dick vacuum*




Let's take another look at this...


In some companies, they won't even let you put a plant or a photo of your family in your cubicle.

I'm not sure about the dates but I read that basically, they have driven the beast completely insane. So why do they keep it? It has sired most captive births.

*Verification Requested


Ian McKellen, Cambridge, 1961 looking fabulous as usual.


The Jenny was an alleged English schooner and the subject of an unproven legend. The story goes that the Jenny became frozen in an ice-barrier of the Drake Passage in 1823, only to be rediscovered in 1840 by a whaling ship, the bodies aboard being preserved by the Antarctic cold.


*Holy shit! It's 2022 - PUT IT BACK!


Heading into my third year of staythefuckathome I find things like that more and more attractive.

Do you know where else I'm considering?

Hardly any visitors, rent-free, plenty of water, and an occasional passing sewer rat for sustenance.


What happened? Wrong answers only.

I'll go first:

It's a pregnant pizza preparing to give birth to a litter of Hot Pockets.

Dryer sheets?


Looks like the beginning of a great Sci-Fi movie.

It always starts with dancing, doesn't it?


I know I've shown you that before but I can't help comparing that to this sissy ass shit on every soccer field...

Speaking of...

Is that even legal?

^^B 14-15^^

"You no peek!"
*I consider that one huge red flag.

At the phone shop...

Why do you think they blurred the thieving bastard's face?

It's a dirty job but somebody's got to do it.


What's that thing made of...Kryptonite?

I'm not really sure I know how I feel about that.

The Earth Fighting Back

Brilliant Anti-Jaywalking Billboard

*A backup in case that doesn't load:

Well worth the view.


Oblivious Snow Reporter

Cachoeira da Fumaça waterfall in Brazil

Yet another place I will never see in person.

I can't recall ever sleeping too "loose", so why am I always reminded to sleep "tight"?

*For my niece-in-law, Karen


Black targets are stupid. The hole from the bullet is black so you have to be within feet to see where you hit.


"The mural shows Tubman with her hand outstretched, beckoning the viewer to join her on a journey to freedom."

*A true national treasure.


The showoff is in the bottom right. In classrooms, all over the world, there is a child that does that shit - the one that needs more attention than the others.

I really liked bell-bottomed jeans...but they took them away. That happens to me often - I really like something and they stop making them. It happened with the best fish sandwich at Wendy's. It happened with my favorite Snackwell Cookies. I love Campbell's Beef Noodle Soup so, of course, they stop making it.

Then there was the common gif. When constructing my blog the gif was a simple matter of drag and drop and took mere seconds. Now everybody uses MP4s which I have to convert to gifs. The one little inconvenience has doubled the amount of time it takes me to produce a blog post.


The US Army in Germany practices war all the time. I thought the Germans would cut us some slack when it came to damage caused by the tanks and such. But no. As a matter of fact there was a case where a tank ran over chicken and the US not only had to pay for the chicken but all the eggs it would have laid in its lifetime.


I post a lot about how modern young people have been screwed. What baffles me is that the old people did this to their own children and grandchildren and seem not to care.


She's a keeper.

New Zealand Prime Minister cancels her own wedding due to new restrictions.

"See Boris, that's how you obey the rules your own government makes, you slimy rat."

My bug man called and said that due to omicron he would not come into my house unless I have seen bugs in my house. The man is losing money to keep himself and me safe. I will not forget your concern, sir.


3D Pottery Making

As a grown-up artist, I would consider the 3D printer as just another art tool.


When I made the raku we just used a bonfire that we smothered in a huge mound of damp leaves.

I need this more than anyone on Earth.

But how does he keep his lines so parallel?


Thoughts On Ukraine


We can thank all those college graduates for that.


When I teach someone to shoot, I grab the unloaded weapon and try to jerk it out of their grasp. After a few jerks, they understand.







Anonymous said...

That Jenny story sounds awfully a lot like the expedition Sir John Franklin in the 1840s, I did some digging into the Jenny story and it was first published in 1860; source wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenny_(schooner)

Anonymous said...

^^A2^^ There used to be a store in Michigan City, Indiana (may still be there for all I know--haven't been there in 50 years) called Kill Machines. I regret to this day that I never took a picture of their sign. I think they sold typewriters.

Anonymous said...

? = 5

Inchworm said...

B10 helps eliminate static charge, thus smoothing hair.

Anonymous said...

A12: Yep - RJ

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