About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, February 12, 2022


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



The James Webb Space Telescope just took this selfie.

This image was created using a specialized pupil imaging lens inside the NIRCam instrument that was designed to take images of the primary mirror segments instead of images of space.

This configuration is not used during scientific operations and is used strictly for engineering and alignment purposes. In this case, the bright segment was pointed at a bright star, while the others aren’t currently in the same alignment. This image gives an early indication of the primary mirror alignment to the instrument.

UPDATE: Here's it's first photo of starlight:




Cost of Super Bowl seats.


Tribes fought for land and won and they fought for land and lost. I would be interested in knowing if a defeated tribe's burial grounds were respected by the victor tribes.



Sorry that this didn't come with a source. 

*Verification Requested


Poll warns "Colder Than A Witch's Tit" and other phrases in danger of dying out.

Perspectus Global, a PR, and media research firm, just released the results of a new survey that places several idioms on the endangered phrase list. Language changes – and some traditional sayings that are falling by the wayside.

Here are a few other notably endangered phrases, along with the percentage of respondents who were unfamiliar with them:

*God I feel old.

Speaking of titties...


I once put together reasons to live in central South Carolina. I listed the lack of tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, gang violence, and being far down on Russia's first strike targets. I was wrong on that last one.


I was given a great piece of advice when I was in high school. You should always avoid filler words and sounds in your speaking. When there is a pause in your delivery it tells the listener that you care enough about them to take the time to select the perfect word to convey your thoughts.

After several comments on the site degrading the Appalachians other commenters wrote this:

Think the Appalachians aren't shit?

Remember the Appalachians, Sottish Highlands, and the Atlas mountains in Morocco were once a single mountain range when they formed.




*My daughter is a NASA scientist and I assure you that she can sparkly it up just fine.

Absolutely fucking amazing.

Sometimes I procrastinate many things at once - like multi-tasking. I call it multi-crastination and it's exhausting.



Okay then.

I know it is hard to believe but your grandmother did all the things you wish a girl would do to you - and she did it without air conditioning.

My wife found a neat gravy boat in the back of my closet.


They all cheat. He just got caught.

Raquel Welsh

See anything...odd?

Here's a hint...

Okay, let me spell it out for you...


Paul Newman glancing at his “Noscar” next to his wife, Joanne Woodward, with her actual Oscar statuette, 1958.

She made the "No Oscar" for him.

I wish I did anything as good as he acts.

*Viewer contribution

Heisman Trophy winner George Rogers once wrote a check for $10,000 and on that line, he wrote cocaine - True.


The guy is a voice on the radio and people take medical advice from him. I have a doctor for that. We need to use some good old-fashion horse sense.


Hungry Dog

Hungry Cat

My wife told me that she thinks Malaysian Flight 370 that disappeared a few years ago went to another dementia...yes, dementia.



For decades it was called "Key-ev" then overnight every newsperson switched to Keevs. It reminds me of when everyone in the west called the capital of China "Peking" until finally, the Chinese told us it was Beijing.

Think of the genius of that. You don't have to shoot down a jet or blow up a tank - you just have to disable the crew.

Let's see if he uses it in Ukraine.

I've often said that all the Anon misinformation was coming from an unemployed guy in his mother's basement, but now I would not be surprised if it was a well-organized effort by Russian intelligence to weaken America. Watching Jan. 6 live on TV I would say Putin's efforts were a resounding success.



I like thinking about the things other cultures eat and drink.

I read that there have been documented cases of stranded people starving to death because they simply could not eat things like snakes and bugs. Not me. I would eat your corpse if it meant I wouldn't die.


Wildlife Bridge

I've never heard of one of those bridges in America. But wouldn't predators learn to just wait on the bridge to ambush their prey?


People say not to bite off more than you can chew. I say it's better to choke on greatness than to nibble on mediocrity.





Actually, that is brilliant.



The Game of Life

I would love to have all the old coots who think everything is just peachy with America to play a board game of life with the new economy as the rules.

Do you want to buy a starter home?


Do you want a degree?


Kid gets cancer?







We've been down this road before.

*Verification Requested

Two idiots in cars were speeding and cutting each other off intentionally on a crowded freeway putting everyone at risk and then this happened...

That man decided that the punishment for rude driving should be death. He did this knowing he was being filmed by his own camera. And he shoots like a 6-year-old little girl.


I remember moaning out loud when the ruling was sent down. It allows the richest among us to buy any politician they want and it is ruining this country.


1950’s bricks being removed from an 1800s building.

The Romans, Greeks, Mayans, etc recognized the worth of beautiful architecture. Even the earliest hominids decorated their caves with murals. But now we tolerate ugliness for the sake of saving a buck or two. 


How very, very interesting. 
And how is it that I never made the connection?



After countless recounts and numerous court rulings it has been proven that he lost by 7m votes.

We all saw the disgrace of Jan. 6th.

The Republican Party is self-destructing before our eyes and that saddens me.



Question: The news media includes the suicide of two Capital Cops in the Jan. 6 body count. I would like to know the rate at which capital cops killed themselves before Jan. 6.


Why do we not demand the return of the money from the bad players?



Cat's Tongue


It doesn't have to be true to be funny.




Don't blink.

🎶Oh he never returned, no he never returned and his fate is still unknown...he's the striker who never returned.🎶


"Back it up, girl."

*My wife will get it...no pun intended.



Anonymous said...

B5: you got me on that one. I thought what was odd was that S.O.S. was spelled out in the shadows

ponder said...


The Japanese also don't call their country Japan.

Bo said...

(A10) Unless you are talking to a yankee. Slow deliberate speech is a sign of idiocy to them.

Anonymous said...

Two Comments
Regarding C7
There is an animal crossing bridge just north of Missoula Montana.

I used to live in central Montana. There are missile sites all over the place. That's why it will be obliterated in a nuclear war.
I am puzzled by the strike in the most northern part of Idaho. I have no idea what could be there that needs to be nuked.


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