About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

SUNDAY #4806

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



There are plenty of people alive right now who will be alive in 2100.




Folio Olio Bomb Squad

*Viewer contribution

I need that guy to check my OOMVOs for duds.





Well, there's no circle thingy with the slash through it so I guess it's okay.


Speaking of signs...


Look at the expression on her face.

No blowjob on his honeymoon.


This took me a little too long...


Speaking of...


Your teenage son does not need any encouragement...


Please be the same event...please, please, please.


Men will turn anything into a game.



Real or film magic?

Fish Prostitution
-sound on-

Me: I'm never doing this again.

Also me: *Does it again*



I wonder if he just wanted to prove his point.


How very clever.

This is a 3200-year old attendance sheet found in Deir el-Medina, Egypt. Reasons for worker absence include "embalming brother", "brewing beer" and "bitten by scorpion".


I had a truck like that. Do you see all those little tie-down hooks circling the top of the bed? Those things were great. I was sad to see them go.

As I understand it, mangroves are very difficult to plant. That's why reestablishing a grove is almost impossible - at least in the short term.


I've never seen glass garage doors before.

But if I had a car collection like that I would have them also.

Every day we stray farther from God's light.

And don't get me started about how the 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9 all look the same in some smaller fonts.



Tracer round in a combat zone in slow motion looks like Star Wars.

Is that true?

Here's my weapon of choice...


It was stated that this is footage of the event...



Remember when Americans united to defeat a common enemy?

Having a common enemy was how I approached the pandemic.

Now the slightest inconvenience is too much for millions of Americans.


Giving the original Tank Man photo even more weight, here’s its uncropped version.

"While the famous picture shows a brave anonymous man stopping the advance of four tanks in Beijing, the reality is a lot more terrifying than that. There was an endless column of tanks on the road that day."

And until today I didn't know these existed:


Hundreds of migratory birds can be seen crashing into the ground in Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua.

 According to local media, the residents of the sector, seeing the strange behavior of the birds, spoke to the authorities. At least 100 dead migratory birds of the Yellow-headed Thrush (Xanthocephalus) species were found at the site.

The birds migrate from northern Canada to northern Mexico where they spend the winter.


A deployable life raft with slide chute.


The 10 m tall sculpture Ven a la Luz (Come to the Light) in Mexico was made as a portal to symbolize our deep connection with nature.



Paint Scraping
That window was spray-painted along with the rest of the room I assume. That is an excellent method to remove the paint off the glass IF you don't let it set too long.

Wordle is the sourdough starter of Omicron.



Who has time to maintain such a coif?


In memory of a loved dog.

His wife is the ballerina.

If that is factual I would go, Wow! But if it is computer generated I would say, So what?

They had a tiny sink like that at a bar I used to frequent and when you used it made your hands look huge...seriously.

Fire Truck
Wouldn't it need snorkels for air intake and exhaust?

First Snow
Surely he has seen snow in movies or some such.

Sledding Mishap - Dad Saves the Day

Snow Removal Mishap
Would someone please explain to me how that could happen?



Hell, I had an older brother to do that to me.




What happens when you flunked physics in high school.




ponder said...

Real or film magic?

Real, saw the original video yonks ago.

ponder said...

Wouldn't it need snorkels for air intake and exhaust?

You only need a snorkel for the air intake, exhaust gas pressure will keep the water out.

This fire engine has an air intake snorkel behind the cab at roof height, see image link below

ponder said...

Surely he has seen snow in movies or some such.

Probably dramatized for 'effect'. Wonder where Sam is from as even here in Africa we get snow.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: I got DEgraDE and ALtitudinAL. No idea about the 1st one.


All those books banned by left wing fascists; including your greatest writer, Mark Twain, because he used the N word, like everybody else at the time. If I was a black American I would want to know my true, real history, not some bowdlerised cleaned up acceptable modern version. If you don't know your own history it will happen again, or worse...

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: REpertoiRE

Inchworm said...

B5 Do you man mangrove?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Mike, I agree with you completely. Banning books by anyone is bad.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Inchworm, OF COURSE, I meant mangrove. My bad.

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