One Of My Very Own
Typhoid Marys anyway...or Plague Rats if you prefer.
I learned a new word.
Him: So a good progressive idea is to have the government (taxpayer) guarantee student loans.
Me: The federal government guarantees the loans now. The banks have no risk.
Loans are then made to anyone who wants one.
No. You have to qualify for entrance into a college.
They are told to pursue degrees in whatever interests them…you know art history, social studies, political science, gender studies, etc.
As opposed to what? Having the government assign them a major?
So loans are made regardless of the earning potential and the ability to repay.
I've stated previously that making money is not and should not be the primary goal of a college degree.
This free-for-all creates abnormally high demand that allows universities to keep increasing the cost of tuition, books, and R&B.
Universities are not in control of pricing books and most students live off-campus. But state-owned universities pricing themselves out of the reach of all but the rich is a travesty.
And the libs even double down this fiasco by calling grades “racist” and eliminating them. So the “intelligent” college graduate who can’t afford his useless degree wants the hard-working guy who couldn't afford college to pay their college debt. Meanwhile, the “intelligent” student leaves school one way or another, can’t get a job in anthropology becomes negative, disgruntled, and is anything other than a productive member of society. Libs worry about what kind of planet we’re leaving for our kids. Many with common sense worry about what kind of kids we are leaving for the planet. The lib boondoggle continues unabated.
Dear Gentle Readers, Please read that last paragraph again. That is the kind of copy and paste bullshit I'm flooded with.
Everything this man writes comes down to race and money. I actually feel sorry for the man. He sounds like a man who thinks artists, poets, writers, etc, ought to be pitied because they don't make enough money.
I think that a thriving country must have an educated populace.
But for the sake of argument, could we at least have programs that educate teachers and nurses for free?
But the names tell the tale.
Socialism means the welfare of the people is paramount whereas Capitalism means the money is paramount.
Ask a modern conservative if he thinks we should do something about children going to bed hungry in America and the first question out of his mouth is, "How much money will it cost me?"
You don't need social skills if you don't have a social life.
I am of the mind that the writers don't get near enough credit. The actors just memorize what the screenwriter wrote and spit it back out on cue.
But some actors are very good at the regurgitation of what's written in the script.
Shoe removal the hard way...
Judgement Day...
Some efforts at humor are more successful than others...
That guy is good.
I ran across this recently...
It shows my uniform for all formal events: black hat, black T-shirt, black and white Converse All-Stars, tux jacket, and jeans.
Bars should add a sad hour when drinks are even cheaper and everybody acts cool if you cry a little.
So, what do you think happened?
But the money was not burned or flushed down the toilet. It was given back to the taxpayers in the form of wages, purchasing materials, research personnel salaries, Asian slave children circuit assemblers, etc.
When we were still cooking we threw away a lot of food. It's hard to buy for just two people. Bags of lettuce go bad before we could finish it. Potatoes start growing. Onions get mushy. Once a chicken got so fed up it tried to walk out. We followed the little nubby tracts all the way to the back door but the poor ice-encrusted little bastard couldn't reach the doorknob and just thawed to death right on the doormat.
A couple told my wife that they found the perfect hiding place for the Oreos to keep them away from their 6-year-old...the oven.
Then one day they found that the package had been violated and questioned their daughter. Come to find out the daughter would go into her mother's bedroom while the mother slept and whisper questions in her ear. And sometimes the mother answered with useful information. When asked how that made her feel, the child shrugged said, "Powerful". Indeed.
This is a pretty good segue for the next section.
Government officials being allowed to buy stocks is worse than athletes betting on the games.
A final salute to a trusty steed...
A couple of very close calls...
Use men love to watch other men bust their balls...
"Model for me, Amber, but this time try not to do anything stupid."
Guy fights off a black bear trying to get his pups.
I once visited my dear friend, Billy, in the mountains of North Carolina and noticed the elaborate garbage cans designed to keep the bears out. I asked him if he took any other precautions and he said that the bears don't attack humans unless they are very hungry. I asked how I would know if they were hungry and he said, "Cause they attack you."
The sweeper.
That's the kind of gaping plot holes you get when you are not allowed to ask questions.
A3: you really need to get back to silence. It heals.
In reference to D4-5.
I often wonder why a camera was filming the most mundane of things..
As you may have surmised I live in the Northern part of the country and every winter I wonder why.
A4 Prove it
Hikkikomori: Is there a fine line between "abundance of caution" and Hikkikomori, or a fuzzy grey area? Is that where "cave syndrome" lies? Too close to call.
^^A10^^ here's link to a page that explains how and why to use the at-home fast response COVID tests. It's from a large Colorado medical system called UC Health, connected to the Univ of Colorado.
The tests are not perfect, of course, but can be useful if you understand the strengths and limitations.
A4 Still waiting on that autograph :)
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