About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




*Viewer contribution

I SAW THAT MOVIE! It starred that guy in that first photo above.

If you go into it with a bunch of rules you have to follow then you are doing it wrong...that's what safe words are for.



Not me. I say, "Your money is on the dresser."



I've often advocated marrying a woman who has done a little whoring. I mean they don't learn that cool stuff from pamphlets.




But you’re supposed to light the match after you poop, not before, to get rid of the odor.



I think this dentist should rethink his logo...





In black and white movies how did they know if the traffic light was red or green?



Housing development in Russia


Typical American Suburb

I am of the opinion that people who live in identical housing tend to all think the same thoughts...not one of them original.

^^B 1-2^^


I found these ceramic tiles exceedingly interesting.

I would buy the house solely for this bathroom.

As a trained potter I have a keen interest in such things.

I'm not sure that those tiles were printed using a computer but if it works for cakes at Publix then I'm assuming you could print with glazing to print the tiles.

The best of all possible outcomes.

But look at this unusual roof on this house.


Initially, I thought the parking lot had been surfaced everywhere except where the car was parked.

What fun.

And that is exactly why I had to get rid of my last convertible...I simply had too much trouble getting out of the thing.

If being hard on yourself worked it would have worked by now.



One of the reasons I joined the military was to help fund my college education. I spent 4 years maintaining our nuclear arsenal and I reaped about $20k. Now I would need twenty times that much money to stay out of debt.

Thank you, college-educated scientists, for ignoring the uncles who told them to go into AC repair to "really make some good money".

What a wonderful photograph.

One of the greatest compliments I have ever received was from a grown man whom I had taught in elementary school years prior. He came up to me at a festival and said, "I just wish I could do something half as good as you teach," and then he handed me a beer. I looked at the beer, then looked at him and asked, "So, I was a good teacher?" He said, "You were the best." I deadpanned, "Well, you'd think it would be worth more than one lousy beer." He turned to get another and I stopped him and a good time was had by all.

I used to say, "May I have your attention, please" and immediately all eyes were on me. The trick is not to overuse it.


Imagine writing a line in a song, book, or movie that hundreds of millions of people remember all of their lives.


Speaking of the best possible outcomes! 
He needs a raise.

Remember when conservatives told you that allowing women in the army would be the downfall of our security readiness? Some people told you that women in firefighting would be its downfall. Then the blacks were supposed to ruin this or that and then it was the gays. Don't these naysayers ever look at their track record and realize they are never right?

High Wire Work
I would have TWO safety lines - one to use just for that transition period.

Loading Stone
That has got to be rough on the trucks.

The Smart Axe
But wouldn't you have to hit it five times as hard?

Heroic Crossing Guard

Cpl. Annette Goodyear of the North East Police Department was taken to the hospital with minor injuries and was later discharged.


One of my students got hit in the crosswalk and knocked 50' by a distracted driver. Very traumatic for all the other students.

She lived without permanent defects.


The Mugging of the Magician
Just wait until they go home and check their assholes.

I didn't even know it was possible to argue about a topic you both agree on until I got married.



Can we assume they were preparing for nuclear war?

I really cherish trying foods from other cultures.



10 years ago if you asked the average person what they would do if millions of people were dying from an airborne pathogen I would hazard to say 99% would say wear a mask and take a vaccine if available. But then Donald Trump happened and these same people decided to risk their lives to make political points.

Perfectly normal in Iceland, the land of fire and ice.

That is extraordinary photography!
I like how the black chunks of lava look exactly like the people.

Speaking of extraordinary photography...



A goat in Nepal inhaling and exhaling smoke.


Anti-Aircraft Weapon

The solid-fuel 3-inch (76 mm) rocket used by the Z Batteries was known as the UP-3 (Unrotated Projectile) and had been developed in the late 1930s by the Projectile Development Establishment at Fort Halstead in Kent under the direction of Alwyn Crow. The naval weapon had been enthusiastically backed by Winston Churchill when he was First Lord of the Admiralty at the outbreak of war. By June 1940, Churchill was Prime Minister and he requested "large supplies of [rocket] projectors" for the anti-aircraft defense of the mainland.


I have often wondered why modern warplanes didn't have missiles (maybe facing to the rear) dedicated to shooting down the missiles fired at them.


Field trips are wasted on kids. Imagine getting a whole ass day off AND getting to learn how a windmill works!



Yeah, that's worth some thought.

I will never forget the British pilot who was shot down in Iraq and his captors beat the shit out of him. When asked about it, he said, "I had just dropped a 500-pound bomb on their house. What would you expect them to do?"


A commenter asked me a question that I have been giving a great deal of thought to. To wit: If I realize that the government lied to me about marijuana why am I so trusting in the government about covid?

Well, for me it all comes down to motive. Different drugs were criminalized differently to fuck with black people (not my observation but rather Nixon aide John Ehrlichman).


John Ehrlichman: “You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course, we did.”


 Then there was the Gulf of Tonkin Incident used as an excuse to get us into the Vietnam War. The Weapons of Mass Destruction debacle of Bush was a pretense to kick Sadam's ass.

But what is the motive for the US government to lie about the effectiveness of masks, social distancing, and vaccines? What is their payoff? Besides saving lives, of course.



Kind of seems like all those starving children overseas are having a hard time getting a good signal.

I once asked a Christian if she believed in prayer and she said that she did. I asked her to give me an example of just one time that it worked. She said that her favorite aunt got cancer and she prayed and she got better. Further delving revealed that the aunt went through a series of chemo and radiation therapy. Logic need not apply.




I haven't seen that many red flags since the Beijing opening ceremony.





*Viewer contribution






Dr. WeTodd said...

C10 wouldn't be that successful if he was chopping mesquite wood.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ralph,

The puzzle was too easy. The first name is the acronym for the siblings that follow.

Anonymous said...

B5: it's a hip roof. It's a steep one, but it's a typical hip roof. There are no gables for the wind to catch and rip the wind off. Very stable in high winds.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Anon puzzle critic, Then why don't you send me some better puzzles? I need all the help I can get.

Anonymous said...

^^B4^^ You can print on tiles by first printing a reverse image on paper with an inkjet printer using a special ink (which I forget what it is at the moment) and then using a heat press to transfer the image to a tile. After it's cooled off you can fix it with a sealant. Makes really cool kitchen or bathroom backsplashes, or decorative tiles.

Also, the traffic lights question: somebody real smart decided early on to always put the red yellow and green lights in the same spot, and everybody just greed to go along with it. Horizontal lights were a potential problem.

Anonymous said...

^^D1^^ Not many countries have enough fucking mountains to do that, either.

Anonymous said...

^^D10^^ The film doesn't show them hitting anything. That would be cool. Also, you'd only want to be shooting that stuff out over the water cuz they all have to come down somewhere unless they reliably blow up while still flying.

Also, if there's a issue on your ass you're flying all kinds of defensive maneuvering. You'd have to fly in a straight line long enough for your ass missile to acquire a target on the one coming at you, and by then you're likely dead meat.

Anonymous said...

A real bonanza today. Got lots of stuff to steal. Thanks for all your hard "work".

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