About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, March 11, 2022

FRIDAY #4825

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com






The Russian Embassy in Portugal

As I understand it, it was illuminated that way only long enough to take the photograph.


A mural someplace...



Don't Worry Be Happy in a war zone

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Size comparison


What's up with that?







-sound on-

Fuck that bitch.


My dad use to say, "When one door closes, another opens." Beautiful man, terrible cabinet maker.






The streets in the city I live in uses no numbers. Every street has a name that has no street/avenue designation. The only way to find your way around is to have memorized hundreds of names. No other cartographical system could be stupider.



I've mentioned several times how my boomer generation has taken care of itself at the expense of the rest of you. An example can be found in us getting Medicare because we are now old but little children be damned.


Think about the wisdom of that. Russia blackmails you with their gas so you decide to power yourself. Brilliant.


For a few years, I often met up with a professor of culinary arts at the university at my favorite bar. He trained to-be chefs and he had a whole bunch of great stories. His name was Jules and his death saddened me.



Now I want you to think of all the absurdities that come out of the mouths of Americans today.

Oh, look, here's one now...

Dems want healthcare for all citizens. They want college to be affordable. They want to celebrate our diversity. And yet they are considered the bad guys. I just don't get it.




The designer knew exactly what he was doing.






Feel free to dress slutty at my funeral. It's what I would have wanted.



Mountain Road


Inflating cow skins to use as boats to cross a Himalayan river in India.




Bald Eagles are off the endangered species list.

Wonderful news, of course, but I seem to remember that that is a landfill and we have turned these once-proud predators into scavengers.


Bike projector


Does anyone know what that is? I'm not a big fan of taking wild animals out of the wild.


If horses had royalty he would at least be a prince.


This is not even the strangest thing I've seen while taking public transit.

I'll see your pig on a ball and raise you this...
^^B 11-12^^

Barbecue sauce is like if Dr. Pepper made ketchup.



Something awoke in her...


I think this next lady is thinking exactly what that First Lady is thinking...


My friend is a paraplegic and wore his Christmas gift for the first time. Everyone seems to approve.


My Packers are going to play in London this year!


Many men watch that shit on TV and think they can fight. The vast majority can not.

I've talked to a lot of bouncers and most will tell you that their biggest advantage is not being drunk.

^^C 6-7^^


Is he wearing fire-resistant shoes?



Adds a whole new meaning to "Snatch and Grab".



Coffee Pourer

Gold Grabber

What could possibly cause this woman to have this reaction?

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Let's try that again...




ponder said...

What's up with that?

Probably something to do with the UK having left the EU.

Does anyone know what that is? I'm not a big fan of taking wild animals out of the wild.

Bat-eared fox from my neck off the woods.

That's way too light to be gold.

Anonymous said...

^^C8^^ I worked in a steel mill (remember those?) the summer after I graduated high school back in the 60s and did something not quite as bad as that, but close. All the incentive I needed at the time to go to college instead.

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