About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, March 12, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




Those who suffer


The Latest War Machine


The Enemy




CNN interviewed a young Ukrainian whose father lived in Russia. After the young man got his family to safety he called his father to tell him what the Russians were doing. The father refused to believe him. The son told him that he had seen these things with his own eyes and still the father refused to believe him.

That is the behavior of a cultist who has been fed disinformation for so long he can no longer identify the truth...even from his eye-witness son.

Trump cultists watched the same events of Jan. 6th as I did and refused to believe it was happening. They ask for and got recount after recount which proved anew that Trump lost the election and they refuse to believe it.





You can't imagine the stupid shit I have done in my studio.


The admen knew exactly what they were doing.




Helping the women who would look for unvaccinated sperm have children might not be a good idea.



Call Worms-B-Gone at 800-657-5429.



Speaking of...


He did. I will bet money he did.


The smaller the candy bar the harder you can throw it at somebody's head and still be thanked.



That is what unregulated Capitalism would do today if we let them. Don't believe it? Look at Asian factories.


It's not a big deep dark secret. If you want America to thrive just start buying shit that was made by your neighbors. And don't tell me that it was "assembled" in America so it's okay because the profits are all going back to the Motherland.


I've voted Republican many times but the party left me when it morphed into a Trump cult.


Actually, I like the challenge of making something work without the proper tools.


He's explaining how masks don't work.





"America has the best healthcare system in the world" - WRONG!


I was born in a nursing home where old people were awaiting death. It's sort of like I came in the exit door and I think about it a lot.


Dr. D'Ascoyne, are you okay?


I'm just saying, everyone that who confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.



Do you think that is just computer-generated or something more creative?


It looks gangrenous.




Because why not, that's why.


Okay, how did he get up there?


Who ya gonna call?

(Note Ghostbusters patch.)


It bothers me that his legs aren't bent enough.


I've seen so many things go wrong during school presentations. Once they brought in a half dozen female prisoners to discuss the woes of prison life. But they all had been studying cosmetology and sported elaborate hairdos. The girl students thought going to prison was worth it just to get the fancy do.


How do you not notice that AS you close the lock?


Easily Startled Woman

My wife does that and every time I remind her that she shares a house with a husband who walks around occasionally.


Wire Worker

If you don't swear while driving then you're not paying attention.



I'm thinking it will work until real torque is applied.


And never forget that it was the good old USA that opened that Pandor's Box.


Lighthouse at almost the most northern point of Tenerife (Faro de la Punta del Hidalgo)



Most of their murals celebrate their people.

But they do seem to have a thing for birds.

This one really confused me...

And even after researching the whole image, I can't figure out what it is that they are trying to represent.


Can Recycle

Why is he adorned in cans?


Lock Picking #1

But if you are in a real hurry...

Lock Picking #2

River Ice

That is just like the small river we camped beside in Alaska when the lake ice broke loose only not that dramatic.


Survival Shelter





Try to imagine your son's teacher giving him the exact same advice. Go ahead. Imagine it.





Anonymous said...

Puzzle Answer.
Australia, it just wasn't discovered.

What were electric eels called before electricity was invented?


Anonymous said...


Mainland Australia is not an island, it is the primary landmass on a continental plate. The State of Tasmania is an island, but not a very big one on the scale of islands worldwide. Australia was discovered somewhere around 65,000 years ago which was, seemingly, well before Greenland which is the largest island in the World.


Anonymous said...

JNR – it wasn't discovered by white people, you mean. Other folks had been living there for 40-50 thousand years.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time....

Greenland was and still is the largest island. Australia is a continent.

ponder said...


He should seek asylum somewhere as he probably will get fscked returning to China.

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