About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, March 7, 2022

MONDAY #4821

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




My wife did this!



A commenter accused me of being afraid of my own shadow because of some of my postings. The first time I became frightened the event in question resulted in a million dead Americans. Now Putin is rattling his nuclear saber and, yes, I'm a little fucking concerned.


Or so I'm told.




Or so I'm told.



Zaporozhian Cossacks, 2022

In  case you need a history lesson:


Bad tires and much more: SOURCE







2022 just keeps on giving...



*Viewer contribution


*Viewer contribution






If he touches the metal it shocks him...

He failed successfully.


Herdsman Fakes Another Video

Looks like Lamb & donkey are back on the menu, Boys.


The Fox and the Banjo


I'm not the same person I was when I bought all this produce.



Archaeologists working on a site in Southwark Street have uncovered the largest area of Roman mosaic to be discovered in London for over half a century. 

Southwark Street is a major street in Bankside in the London Borough of Southwark, in London England, just south of the River Thames.


A 3,000-year-old pair of trousers was discovered in a grave in Yanghai cemetery, which is located in n.w. China’s Turfan Basin.

One of the world's oldest known pairs—were crafted from yarn made from coarse wool with a combination of three weaving techniques.


How is that more stupid than having to have a can of gasoline brought to you?


Gabon Viper is one of the highest venom yields, but rarest snakes found in Africa.

*Looks mechanical doesn't it?

ISS flyover 25-FEB-2022 Hand-tracked


Stages of Rocket Launch


Guess what this is a list of...

They're items that were left at the Golden Gate Bridge in place of money by drivers who didn't have cash for the toll payment. It used to be the policy at the bridge that, if a motorist didn't have money for the toll, the toll collectors were allowed to accept some possession of value instead. So motorists would give whatever they happened to have in their car. These items were later auctioned off.


The Hubble Space Telescope captured this incredible image of a "space triangle" caused by the collision of two galaxies.


Mars Footage


The Mother and the Edibles

Shocking School Lesson

The worse part of spanking a disobedient child in the supermarket is having absolutely no idea whose child it is.


The reference...




*That's true. I looked it up.



Speaking of...


I almost missed it.






The political ad we have all been waiting on.


We slowed Tucker Carlson down to half speed.



Recognize this actress?

Here's another hint...

And did you know Hot Lips could sing?

-sound on-

Sally Kellerman dead at 84.


NFL bad lip reading



Biden's Observation

Last night my wife said, "I'm tired of us just sitting around watching TV while you fart." It makes me so sad that my wife no longer appreciates living the American dream.

*cleverly drawn shadow in the last panel










The Girl Makes a Dramatic Exit





Jesus also proclaimed that the Bible is true: Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth (John 17:17).

-sound on-


What an extremely interesting location to film that.



Anonymous said...

^^A3^^ I don't get it. Is that a shawarma he's carving from?

Anonymous said...

Nice Blog today. Lots of different, funny and interesting posts.

Anonymous said...

Every body talks about president bone spurs but I don’t remember seeing Obama or Biden’s service record.

Bill Gates was a college dropout. What’s your point?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A3 Anon, I think so.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Gentle Readers,
It is important to me that you include the number of the image you are commenting on. I don't have time to scroll through an entire post to find what you are talking about. This is pretty much the last warning. If in the future your comment is not posted make sure it has a number.

Thorhees21 said...

A-11 Does Trump live rent-free in your head?

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Thorhees, I thought it hilarious. Don't you?

Anonymous said...

P11: I assume you are aware that a boycott was called for as it became known that coke mandated employee training on being “less white”. I guess that means training them to be more black. This kind of liberalism is a mental disorder. BTW: does that make black face ok? I’ll let Trudeau know.

Anonymous said...

B3: There you go again being obtuse. I haven’t run out of gas in 50 years. And when I want to reinvigorate my ride I don’t have to sit at some charging station somewhere in the hood at night for 45 minutes.

B6: Cool
Women younger.... So what interests you is the location.

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