About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, March 14, 2022

MONDAY #4828

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com






🎶"If you're fighting to Ivano-Krankivs'k, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair"🎶






This stage in my life is called 

a late-life fuck it.


*I found that very funny.





What about the "Southern heritage" of these folks?

Powerful image that.


(Just to be clear, this is satire.)






The Russians also did that when the Soviet Union fell.



And I would add trying to stay sane amidst overwhelming insanity.




Speaking of self-care...








Child lying is a healthy sign of developing a sense of self.




This current chapter of my life is called: MY TURN. And I am unapologetic as fuck about it.





"Pics or it didn't happen" has lost all meaning.


If true, that added hours of work to that ceiling.


It says: I've been walking on this road for almost a year and today I just saw this.

I will probably feel like a fool for asking, but what did he notice?


What happens without regulations.




Helicopter Mishap

-sound on-


Parachute Mishap

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Flat Earth Nazis

-sound on-

Flat-earthers are just another reason we have the electoral college.


Immigration Problem Solvers

-sound on-


Do you remember what happens after 7 tequila shots? Nobody does.







There seems to be a whole bunch of murals depicting eyes lately. I like them.


I'm thinking it's a rug displayed draped on a table. Anybody?


If I'm not mistaken, that's the only way they can settle.


One of the smartest things I've done in a long time was to put my tomato plants on a dolly so I can move them into shifting sunlight.


Adds a whole new meaning to being "two-faced".


How thoughtful.


Canada Lynx

Look at the size of those paws!


Duck Laugh

-sound on-


Rocket Assist

Zoom Speed Illusion







My wife did that on our honeymoon only she didn't mean to.



Anonymous said...

Augh, our gym teacher was one Mr Benson (long retired now) and he used to play Football in the CFL in the 80s but unlike American football they don't become millionaires, think of it as College football. Anyway he was a real meat head, loved his gym classes though it was always weight training and would say real boomer shit when working out like "Put on some tunes" and had real anger issues, this was the early 2000s. In Detention he was supervising us and got annoyed we weren't writing lines enough and told us to "Fuck off" before kicking us out. Different times man, different times - I don't think teachers could get away with that. Also the guy at the bricks found a straight line.

ponder said...

I will probably feel like a fool for asking, but what did he notice?

Two red bricks are horizontally aligned instead of verticle.

ponder said...

I'm thinking it's a rug displayed draped on a table. Anybody?

That's a solid piece of wood processed from a tree trunk.

Anonymous said...

I will probably feel like a fool…

All red bricks are arranged vertically in pairs, apart from the pair in the centre of the image.

Thorhees21 said...

Race and trace

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