About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

SUNDAY #4827

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com





At this point, they would have to kill or evacuate 95% of the Ukrainian population to render it friendly and demilitarized. Lavrov, you can’t punch a face into being beautiful and smiley.


That finger inserting the clip is a nice touch.


Citizen-Soldiers who are not used to firing a weapon should all be issued shotguns.



The whole country is going to require trauma counseling.



That would be me.


Dear Gentle Readers, please help me.


A shopping mall in Moscow. 

The ruble is almost useless now.


Fox News

Ukrainian soldiers find a field full of Russian tanks after the invaders 'simply fled' their post.



They have done the same thing in education. Most of every increase in money goes into yet more administrators.


They're referencing a Ukrainian classic The Witch of Konotop (1833) by Hryhorii Kvitka-Osnovianenko.


Since they "own" politicians what other word would apply?


And yet we allow foreign money into our elections. How stupid is that?


The man has moved from just stupid to dangerous. No one said the masks are 100% effective but what if they were only 10% effective? 10% is infinitely better than none.
And I can't stop thinking about all the masks used in hospitals. They do that for a reason.

But then there are these two lunatics...


Maybe, just maybe all those people are on to something.


No. Most Republicans are normal Americans who share most of the values of every other American. I have neighbors and friends who are registered Republicans and I could care less. But the fringe cultists are dragging the once-proud GOP into an abyss from which it may never overcome.

I just want the craziness to go away.


Having a dog is like being the grand marshal of a very small parade into the kitchen like 800 times a day.



Remember this?

That started off as an idea that just popped into someone's head.




All thing Anatidae...


What fun!


I just learned today where this extraordinarily famous image originated.



Speaking of, look at this masterpiece...




Yeah, that will scare the bejesus out of you.



All I can think about is how difficult it would be to put sheets on that bed.


This movie had many laugh-out-loud moments.

My favorite was the "Doctor, doctor, doctor, doctor, doctor, doctor, doctor" scene.


The good old days?


Frying a Turkey

A reminder: Put the turkey in an empty pot, fill it with water a couple of inches from the top, remove the turkey. The level of the remaining water is how much oil should go into the pot.


Does Sponge Bob's dick have holes in it so he can pee in multiple directions or does he just wring it out?






I taught the children of the real band.





I would fear eye injury.



Toddler Timeout



-sound on-



I spent an hour watching an Australian making parmesan cheese on Youtube and all the comments were Italians telling him to go fuck himself.


You will never know what she's into unless you ask.


That is not his first rodeo.


I saw that movie and thought it a waste of talent.



That reminds me of the first-grade teacher that told all of the parents that she wouldn't believe all the things their children say about them if they didn't believe all the things they say about her.


Seems only fair.


Why would anybody do that?


The Street Vendor

The Drunk and the Gator

Pants Post

The Bank Heist

Trumper Logic



This makes me smile every time I hear it.

-sound on-




When you get a pre-buzz on before going to the bar...


Am I the only one that noticed this part?



Larry said...

D 7, it keeps the tailgaters at bay.....

Anonymous said...

table + cat - turtle = 170
table - cat + turtle = 130
=> 2xtable = 300
=> table = 150

Anonymous said...

Love those jesusandmo comics. Please keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

Ralph, congrats! One of the funnier posts you've made. Thanks. Made my day.

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