About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com









I got an idea …. let’s pay them in worthless rubles.

- Putin probably


Well, now this finally makes sense...



Ukrainian forces battle Russian troops on multiple fronts, including the outskirts of Kyiv. Here is a live feed from the Ukrainian capital.









Taxi Graveyard




The Ukrainian Flag is everywhere I look.






I've got an idea!





I know that NONE of you young people believe this, but that old lady looked just like the young woman when she was that age.







Life is like a bowl of soup. You only get blown if you are hot.















Your brain automatically translates wtf but not lol.









For a brief second, I thought it was a woman giving birth.


Banana to mouth - never mouth to banana.


"You expect me to pay for that?"

- her probably


My wife says 'fuck' so offend she literally forgot it offends some people.




I judge people who hold their kids on their hips like a sack of potatoes.

I held mine so I could immediately know what she was looking at and pause if she so desired.


Can you imagine other presidents doing that?


My wife liked doing that. True.





I'm thinking those are cheatsheets.


I find it very perplexing that a photo like that would distress some men beyond consoling.


In today's world can we look at that as just a beautiful photograph and erase the stereotypical bullshit?


This is a very old image.

When I first saw it I thought it was photoshopped, but it's real.


Is he selling or collecting clothes?


"Fucking translator!"

- vendor probably


I'm thinking it has been converted into something like a chicken coop.


How is it that only some areas of the world adopted that as an efficient method for toting things?


Mind: Don't say shit. Just let it go. It's not worth it.

Keyboard: Who the fuck do you think...



We all know how good people can manipulate images.



Time to sue your chiropractor...


Russian National Team?












There are whole communities that look to these people for moral guidance.





David said...

Note card one liners
"Batmans superpower is luck"

I strenuously and categorically object! -- raving lunatic comics fan

Anonymous said...


It was a photop. Just like Clinton finding the rocks on the beach and arranging them into a heart.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time....

None of the buckets will fill because the pipe is connected to the inlet side of the pump. The pump will suck the water out of the system.
In case it was connected to the correct side, the bucket K would fill first. As before the water travels further up, bucket K will start overflowing.

Anonymous said...

Out of curiosity.
Do you think Putin would have invaded Ukraine if Trump were still president.

Inchworm said...

puzzle. K will fill and overflow before any water even reaches I? That is so obvious I must be wrong.

Anonymous said...

She says it OFTEN and doesn't care if it offends people....(I know her)
"My wife says 'fuck' so offend she literally forgot it offends some people."

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Invasion Anan,
I think Putin would have invaded no matter who was president.

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