About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com








This sort of thing is happening all over the world.


St Javelin at work - Ukraine






*After my 11-year-old very precocious daughter informed me that she had read every book in her school's library I took her to the public library and got her a card. The librarian asked me what restrictions I wanted on my daughter's card and I said, "None". The librarian smiled.



Read that again.




In Aliens the word "fuck" is used 25 times. Of those 18 are spoken by Private Hudson (Bill Paxton).




Let your freak flag fly, sister.






Don't get me started on how much I hate home printers.


SNL Skit

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Without freedom of speech, we wouldn't know who the idiots are.



As I was stopped at a red light, I watched a woman who looked like that sweeping the sidewalk in front of her house when her panties fell down around her ankles. She very coolly stepped out of them and swept them up with the other debris.



I have a beautiful oak tree in front of my house. At one time the city talked of putting a sidewalk down my street and I offered to give them some of my yard so that the sidewalk could curve around the tree.


There was a famous artist (I think it was Titian) who had a stable of young artists paint his paintings under his direction. Then he would swoop in at the very end to add the highlights.

*Verification Requested


For a man who hates the idea of having a fireplace in my home, I sure do love sitting around a campfire.


I donated my GEM vehicle to charity today.

I've donated several vehicles and suggest you do the same.


I have sneaked beer into and out of more events than you can imagine.


If I got any indication that you were going to be a pain in the ass I would up the price of my murals accordingly...sometimes by as much as double.


The two friends whom I've talked to who refused to get vaccinated did so because they could still get the virus. I'm a gambler and that chart illustrates where my money went.


I am broken when my name is spoken. What am I?

I'll go first: McDonald's ice cream machine.




There's no need to check out, either from a human cashier or self-checkout. Amazon, which owns Whole Foods, debuted this new technology at a store in Washington, D.C. When you walk in the store, either scan a QR code with your phone or let a kiosk scan the palm of your hand. Then start shopping. As you walk through the store, a vast array of cameras track all of your movements. When you put something in your cart, computers add it to your tally. When you're done shopping, walk out the door. Amazon will bill your account automatically. Appropriately, Amazon calls the system Just Walk Out. 

Would you like to use a store like that?


Now go back and reread A5 about the dangers of a cashless society.


Final Hours In Pompeii, Animated


David Popa draws ephemeral portraits on an ice float in southern Finland.

You really need to watch him work.


Hell, I thought it weird that there are so many signs leading to the CIA Headquarters.




Bar in Mykonos, Greece


Not me. I want a much more sturdy barrier in case a tie rod lets go or some such shit.


If anyone has ever told you that you snore, just know that person has very carefully weighed the pros and cons of letting you live.



They know Americans very well.



Samara Tree




Follow the light grey spot around the circle for 30 seconds to 1 minute, and you will notice the other spot will eventually turn green.

If you stare at the cross in the middle for 30 seconds to 1 minute, the spots around the circle will disappear.

Almost Pong is a One-Button Game


Shout out to the first person at a social gathering to say they are leaving and thus breaks the seal for the rest of us to find an exit.



The weaker sex my ass.


Showing off...

Showing off his stupidity.


Do you think he ever practiced that in the back room out of sight of the patrons?


Watch very carefully...

I think it was an attempted ambush.


Hell yeah, speed that bad boy up!


Don't blink...

Why do they call it going "head over heel" when, in fact, you go "hell over head"?


That was used to criticize riding your bike to work. But you must admit he was driving much too fast for conditions AND he was going to run a red light.


And that's why they wear hard hats.








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Anonymous said...

I don't know if it is for sure but that looks like the road out of Yellowstone National Park going toward the East Entrance and Cody, Wyoming.
It's beautiful country through there and if you're lucky you may see some Big Horn Sheep along the route.

B. Baggins

Suppe said...


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