About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, April 1, 2022

FRIDAY #4846

One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




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And they can't be allowed to get away with it...this time.

And to all you people who say that the US has done the same all over the world let me remind you that we gave Iraq back to the Iraqis. We returned Afghanistan to the Afghans. We returned Vietnam - although reluctantly. And before that, we not only returned Germany and Japan but rebuilt them.



“There, on that stair landing, I got a quick and lasting lesson in the meaning of the word ‘cornered.’ There were hordes of rats in the front entryway. My friends and I used to chase them around with sticks. Once I spotted a huge rat and pursued it down the hall until I drove it into a corner. It had nowhere to run. Suddenly it lashed around and threw itself at me. I was surprised and frightened. Now the rat was chasing me. It jumped across the landing and down the stairs. Luckily, I was a little faster and I managed to slam the door on its nose.” 

- Putin (childhood)


Trostyanets. In the background is the WWII Memorial. In the front a destroyed Russian tank. Getting killed for one man's ego, in front of a monument to another war driven by another man's ego. More things change, more they stay the same.


All of my life I have heard that if nuclear war comes it comes because of an accident. 

Now, this:



Mines placed by the Russian Army


Imagine a parallel universe where people age non-linearly so every day you have no idea how old you will be when you wake up. So sometimes you'll have to call into work and say "Sorry can't make it in today I'm 7".





HA! I am not AFRAID to see my young neighbor watering her yard naked.


And that's how The Time Machine movie got it right. He even took into account the erosion of mountains.


That is excellent advice as long as your motive is not to spoil them rotten.








I've known people like that.


Gas prices are now so high it's cheaper to buy cocaine and just run everywhere.



Motorman jumps off the train assuming a head-on collision

"Boy, I hope nobody filmed me doing that.

- train engineer probably


Did you notice that her sock is hung up on the limb above her head? I wonder if she knows it yet.

Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome.

Have you ever had a finger or toe amputated (with no anesthesia)? Have you ever endured kidney stones? Broken a bone? If you’ve experienced any level of pain or discomfort in your life, you probably don’t want to experience it again. But 15-year-old Liam, can’t escape it. In 2018, a growth spurt pinched a nerve in his heel and led to a rare condition called Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome. It’s more often referred to as the suicide disease because sufferers experience a baseline pain of 7-8/10 all day, every day. His foot can’t be washed or touched, or he would pass out from the pain. It’s the most painful disease known to humans, and for Liam, it’s all he’s known for over four years.


That's how my wife behaves when she sees me naked sans my sobriety-induced lack of beer belly.





When is the last time you did something really nice for somebody you didn't know?


I have told all of my tenants that the small repairs and painting, etc, were their responsibility. I would buy the paint and supplies but they would do the repairs. So far every tenant has agreed and has performed swimmingly.


OK, I'm impressed.


It actually takes very little effort to hold the board in place until it gets moving of course.


Cliff diver Practice

Shoplifting Pro

Professional Bird Flipping

How mad do you have to be at someone to expend that much energy?


Before social media, you could just completely forget that someone existed.



I have a thing about people living amongst the wildlife. But this I never dreamed existed.


10-foot sturgeon believed to be between 500-600lbs and over 100 years old was tagged and re-released by a fishing guide in British Columbia.


I seem to remember that sheep don't just nibble the top of the grass but they yank it up by the roots and that's why they're not welcome in some places.


All thing Anatidae...

I think they fell or jumped off of that truck.


I wonder if they are going to cut a piece of glass to fit over the fish pond.


I once saw a parrot or a macaw - I don't remember which - that was totally featherless and it would just sit on its perch and whistle the Andy Griffith Show theme song all day.


All Things Ralph

I never would have posted that if they hadn't mentioned my name many times in the comment section.


These ants "paved" a piece of sticky tape with sand

Apparently, ants don't like sticky surfaces, as you can see in this time-lapse video. When they're placed next to a piece of double-sided tape and a small pile of crushed glass, they go to work, covering the tape with the grains. 


"Hey, I'm walking here!"

Men are like gas station hotdogs. You know a lot of people have touched the weenie but if you're hungry enough you will put it in your mouth anyway.



I wonder how hard it would be to pull out a book on the lower end with all that weight above it. But I do like the design very, very much.


I've posted this before but there's a lot more information in the source below.

This YouTube guy walks you through a portion of the tunnels.


Reconstruction of a Stone Age Woman

That would be a challenging wank.


I would really like to live next door to that so I could look at it every single day.


I watched Dune last night and many scenes were so dark that I could not tell what was going on. That usually happens on very low-budget movies so they can save some money on the sets. But this wasn't a low-budget movie and I don't understand the darkness.


Mike Tyson's weed company is making edibles in the shape of an ear. It was stated that they are delicious.

That, Gentle Reader, is a marketing genius.


Time-lapse of ship locks at the Three Gorges Dam.

I could watch that for hours.


An earthquake hits the Tohoku Shinkansen at Fukushima, Japan, on Mar. 16, 2022.

A bullet train derails from a 7.4 quake and no reported injuries for all 96 aboard. That is next-level safe transportation.











ponder said...

A bullet train derails from a 7.4 quake and no reported injuries for all 96 aboard. That is next-level safe transportation.

With an earthquake there are primary (P) and secondary (S) waves, the P waves travel faster than the destructive S waves. When seismic sensors detect the P waves the safety system shuts the rail network down before the arrival of S waves that cause all the damage. That Shinkansen was already stationary when the quake hit sitting atop a viaduct several stories high off the ground.

57 years of operation, 10+ billion passengers, not a single passenger fatality or injury on board due to derailments or collisions. The Japanese take safety very serious in all spheres.

Here is something else train drivers (and others) do, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pointing_and_calling

We can all learn from them.

ponder said...

A bullet train derails from a 7.4 quake and no reported injuries for all 96 aboard. That is next-level safe transportation.

Just to add this is how these trains get serviced at set intervals,

Plod said...

That us Richmond park outside London, UK. There are wild deer roaming in the park which is popular for motorists, walkers and cyclists. At the end of the clip you can see some fucker has let his dog off the leash and the dog is chasing the deer with the owner chasing the dog. Every other year a deer gets killed by a dog off the leash ....

Anonymous said...

^^A7^^ So what the hell is it then?

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time.....

The cat was looking out a window in the original picture and photoshopped onto the desk. Also, look at the shadows, or lack there of.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A7 Anon, It's a hand holding a sea urchin or some such.

Anonymous said...

All the time: The cat ain't there. It's photoshopped. There ain't even a shadow Right about it.

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