About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, April 8, 2022

FRIDAY #4853

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




And we did nothing.



Russia's UN envoy Nebenzya says evidence gathered from Hunter Biden's laptop proves Illuminati used 5G technology to make MH370 passengers who are being held on a remote island appear as hologram civilian corpses in Bucha.


DER SPIEGEL has learned that German intelligence intercepted radio traffic from the Russian military regarding the murder of civilians in Bucha. It appears that such atrocities were part of the plan.

Hungary is a member of NATO and I imagine that roils the waters a bit.








God, I loved that movie.


Speaking of classic cinema…


The Actress' Reading

The Transplant


Y'all wanna talk about generational divides? I don't know anyone under 40 years old who separates laundry into lights and darks.



MR. PEANUT: So you expect me to help sell members of my own kind to be eaten by humans?

BOSS: Yeah. You get to wear a top hat and a monocle.

MR. PEANUT: Throw in some gloves and a cane and you’ve got yourself a deal.



This HubbleClassic image shows a dense collection of stars near our galaxy’s core, at a distance of about 26,000 light-years.

*Verification Requested


The Great Salt Lake

The railroad track separates the northern part (much saltier) from the southern part. The pink color is due to microorganisms and algae, the few living things that can live in these salty conditions.


A young 2 years old male mountain lion visited downtown.

They tranquilized him and will release him back to the wild soon, in a safer place.


Forget your snippers while fishing?


And they just stand there gawking without knowing when the rest of the road will collapse.



DO NOT do that.


How to Lift a Duck

A Boy and His Dog


My wife was on the fence about starting a new diet, but then the fence broke.



If love is blind, why the hell can I still see my wife standing there with one of my T-shirts tucked into her panties?



The crowd stays silent so Jules Hoogland, who is blind, can hear where to throw.

She definitely heard the cheers.




My defensive driving classes taught me to keep an eye on that car - waiting for it to do something stupid. And oh by the way I have never had an accident.


I'm not sure any amount of situational awareness would have helped this man.


Well done to everyone who actively thwarted COVID prevention plans. A million deaths from a disease we’ve had a vaccine for well over a year. 

I have no words left for the anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers that allowed this to get so out of control. I wish they’d feel shame, but we know they won’t. 



Guess who.

Young Albert. You can see the resemblance even at that tender age.



Oksana Baulina, a Russian journalist who worked against corruption and had to leave Russia as a result, was killed by Russian shelling while reporting on earlier destruction in Kyiv, along with other civilians. This is her last Facebook post. It says: "The 10th day of war. I have no other encouraging words to offer us but these." Beneath is a portrait of Stalin's death mask along with the words: "That guy died. So will this one."


They have a lot in common. 

"He's a rich old man and she likes rich old men."


Oldest Living Monk


How Not to Use a Ski Lift

Painting in the Wild

Ice Diving

I have a thing about names made up of normal words. Albright is a good one but Goodall is better. Lovejoy is my favorite.



DIE HARD (1988)

Rated R, 2 hrs. 12 min.

The dead guy from The Sixth Sense throws Snape out of a window. Merry Christmas!


DARTH VADER: I am your father.

LUKE: Buy me some jeans then.

DV: *reluctantly hands over money* …You better actually buy jeans with this.



That looks like the young woman who had a cigar shoved up her yahoo by Bill Clinton.


When I run across pictures like this that must have something of interest in it and I can't find that something it bothers me. 


If I'm not mistaken the problem with hypervelocity anti-ship missiles is that they are traveling too fast for even these bad boys to get a beat on them.


People think this is Putin's yacht.

There is a long list of extraordinary features on this yacht that you can find in the source.


I find it interesting that the artist captured her fear with her posture only.



Every year my fifth grade students would make a stop action film similar to that.


Natural Curling

Raising a Concrete Slab









Anonymous said...

D3: That's funny. At first I thought you were serious about not getting that photo.

Anonymous said...

Russian bountys ???

Correction: An earlier version of this article stated that the BND had intercepted radio traffic discussing murders of civilians in Bucha. It stated that the radio traffic had been linked to the bodies photographed in Bucha. However, further research has revealed that the communications can only be geographically assigned to the region north of Kyiv, even if they show clear parallels to the killings in Bucha. The parts of the text in question have since been corrected to reflect our most current knowledge.

Bad to pay for gas in Rubles, but OK to pay 70 Billion per year in dollars / Euros

And Putin and Orban, here's Putin and Clinton

Republican racists ?
Jim Crow - Democrats, Party of slavery - Democrats, President who appoints people primarily on race - Democrat ?

Russia's UN envoy Nebenzya piece is under a topic News when it is clearly satire (please god let it be satire). Incredibly bad practice or laziness.

C6 - for someone with no words, you certainly expend lots on the topic

Anonymous said...

^^D2^^ I think the "joke" is that the chair is coined to the stump by the cable, but the stump is just a stump and the cable can be lifted off it.

Anonymous said...

Public Service Announcement: Yeah, that should work, but only because you're white.

Crashsq said...

Billie Eilish

Crashsq said...

^^A3^^ The use of the word they're. Probably no hope already.

Anonymous said...

puzzle time

Dr. WeTodd said...

US sanctions are back firing and putin pushing the "only way to buy oil is to buydollar to purchase oil" is strengthening the Russian ruble over the US dallor. We buy 3 to 10% of our oil from Russia. Fathom that.. blame this price gouge on our own government. In 2018 we were the largest "exporter" of crude oil, wth does that say? We should never blame fault of dependency on foreign operations. It's ridiculous.

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