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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, April 15, 2022

FRIDAY #4860

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




The number one rule in naval warfare is not to get your flagship blown up.

The Internet had a lot to say about that.


If I'm not mistaken in the battle for Baghdad the US lost one tank and that was a lucky shot.







This is me when the guy with enough wood to build a small house in front of me at the Home Depot insists I go ahead of him because I only have one can of spray paint.



Do you remember how bent out of shape white men used to get when black guys first started wearing their hats like that? I find shortsighted bullshit like that hilarious.




Maybe they could use the same actor who played Cousin It.


I am assuming that they meant virgin chicken but I don't know what that is either.


He was dying to go camping.


British people when they come home and don't have to do that silly accent anymore...


British Food

NOTE: I receive many comments about English food and I would like to assure those people that I did not search for this video but rather just stumbled upon it.



If you have ever sat on the toilet at work and wondered how long you can sit there before someone searches for you the answer is 47 minutes.


So many people should take a moment to be thankful that I don't have the power to turn them into newts - yet.



That could not have been an accident.


Throughout the animal kingdom, there is a species imperative to protect the young. So then how do we explain this:

*I know that is old news but I have a thing about protecting children.




I'll admit that the driver used poor judgment, but look at this…

The bus driver could've pulled over another four or 5 feet to give the car more room.


Spectators pointing lasers at the eyes of the Egyptian player attempting a penalty kick.

I couldn't tell if he made it or missed it. 

Does anybody know?


He would've probably died had he not been intoxicated.


I think it would be prudent to use many more straps than were deemed necessary.


To restate, those things rank right up there with lawn darts in terms of injury.


Yeah, I have a sister who is a Trump cultist and believes every conspiracy theory that comes across the wire. Then she looks at me like I'm an idiot for pointing out that covid has nothing to do with 5G signals.


After buying a brand new Toyota, the dealer gave me a survey to fill out and one of the questions was very similar to the one above. I'm marked that I wouldn't recommend that dealership to anyone for the simple reason that I don't recommend anything to anybody. A couple of weeks later I get a phone call and the dealership is offering me anything that I wanted to change the survey of course I did and I got my free gift.


And I expect Biden to do something about that or he will piss me off.


I watched every minute of the Watergate trial and I remember watching Rosemary Woods demonstrate the posture she claimed she held for 18 1/2 minutes.

I would like to remind anyone who cares to listen that Richard Nixon was brought down by his cover-up not the crime of the break-in. Let's see how Trump tries to wiggle out of this one.


Gas Station Mishap

Watch carefully...

Did you notice that it all started with the car driving away with the hose still in his gas tank? But why did the pump housing slide across the island?


Fans piling up to get slapped by Antonio Inoki



In all fairness to Jesus, "One of you will betray me" is a great dinner party conversation opener.


People, who learn English as a second language are superheroes to me because could you imagine looking at the word "yacht" and not just saying to hell with it?





It's a tough job but somebody's got to do it.





Aphtantasia. A phenomenon in which people are unable to visualize imagery.


Think of all the people you meet who are in pain or some other distress but do not seek pity but rather go about their lives as best they can without burdening you with their troubles. You have to admire these people.


90 years between the development of the gun and the sight.

The Maxim gun was originally developed in 1885, and the M1910/30 version seen here (in a dual mount) wasn't far removed from it. The first red dot sights were marketed in 1975.


The Games Men Play

Unusual Toys

They sort of look wooden don't they?



Do you ever cycle through the same four apps on your phone over and over again and feel like a tiger pacing its cage at the zoo?


Do you remember when the principal used to sit in your class and your teachers became fake nice for a day?



Making yourself look too big for a bird to eat. Brilliant.



I think it is just practicing looking mean.


"I'm walkin' here!"

- the last elephant probably


Guess what this is...






Seal flippers have nails.


It could just as easily said, "I bet I'm the only one for miles and miles". I bet the writers had a lot of fun with that.


The moment this Steve Irwin wannabe got his comeuppance…


In the south, we say that a despicable person is "lower than whale shit".

And here a shark demonstrates its displeasure…


So while you're ignoring climate change, ignore the human-caused bee population reduction also.










ponder said...


Your readers have pointed this out to you in the comments section before,

ponder said...


$3m sounds like a really small bonus for the ceo of lenovo. If it was a US company I suspect he would have got a bigger bonus all other things being equal.

I think it is just practicing looking mean.

Or maybe it sees another dog.


re Windows 10; don't get Windows 11. It's the very worst effort Windows have ever made. IT'S TRULY TERRIBLE.You have been warned. Mike

Anonymous said...

Puzzle Time,

Presumably the unborn child in the pregnant woman's womb is considered to be the youngest.

ponder said...


In 1942, actress Hedy Lamarr and composer George Antheil received U.S. Patent 2,292,387 for their "Secret Communications System", an early version of frequency hopping using a piano-roll to switch among 88 frequencies to make radio-guided torpedoes harder for enemies to detect or jam. The U.S. Navy rejected the idea, then seized it as "alien property" in 1942 (Lamarr was Austrian) but filed it away with no record of a working device being produced.

Good ol' uncle sam taking what's not theirs... they eventually used the tech during the cuban missile crisis.

Anonymous said...

Lamarr did not make wifi. She designed an early example of frequency hopping using manual means.

And continuing to post about the Trump phone logs when it has been debunked is plain dishonest.

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