About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, April 4, 2022

MONDAY #4849

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




Women make camouflage gear for snipers

“Ukraine Crisis” © Guillaume Herbaut, Agence VU. Winner, Europe, Long-Term Projects.

“Photographed over 2013-2021, this project looks at the longer-term context leading to the 2022 war in Ukraine. Tensions between the east and west of Ukraine were exacerbated in 2014 when Kremlin-backed forces occupied the Crimean peninsula and separatists in the eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk established self-proclaimed people’s republics, a status not officially recognized by most of the international community.

Women make camouflage gear for snipers, at the Novy Mariupol Center, an organization that collects equipment for Ukrainian soldiers, in Mariupol, Ukraine, on 26 September 2014.”


Captured KA-52 Russian Helicopter



More Destroyed Russian Armor


Abandoned Russian Armor


An old lady in Novosibirsk, Russia put up a Ukrainian flag and refused to let police into an apartment so a special denazification operation ensued.





I find that mildly irritating because I don't know what it means. Anybody?


I once worked with the sign painter on a movie set. After I spelled "GROCERY" incorrectly on a huge fake billboard he told me that sign painters had a saying that it's not if you will misspell a word but when and fixing the mistakes was just part of the job.


What's left - prayer sessions?





See anything odd about the Batboat?



That hits very close to home.


If we could just get a few sets of pictures from the James Webb telescope before World War III breaks out that would be great!


*Viewer contribution that I give an A+.


Me: Should I buy it?

Brain: No.

Wallet: No.

Wife: No.

Universe: No.
















We thought it was our ability to love that made us human, but it turns out we actually could select each image containing a boat.


I sprung a surprise trip to the adult toy store on my wife and she grabbed a cart.




I would like to meet that person.



One of the most interesting people I've ever met worked at the zoo during the week and on the weekend she was my bartender.

She would tell me the most wonderful stories about her duties at the zoo. Come to find out there are nice animals and some animals are assholes - all the same species.

Events like the following would send her into euphoria.

She was forced to quit because of human management.

You have to admit this would be a very satisfying way to make a living...



I like the problem-solving innovation but I don't see that it's tied on.


Shenshayba Bazaar, an Afghan village near the city of Herat, has become known as Afghanistan’s ‘one kidney village’, because of the large number of residents who have sold one of their kidneys in order to make ends meet. Afghanistan wasn’t doing too well economically before the Taliban came to power last year, but the brutal takeover caused the economy of the Asian country to collapse and left many struggling to put food on the table for their families. In some cases, things got so bad that people decided to sell one of their kidneys to pay their debts and buy food. One small village in Herat Province has become known as the ‘one kidney village’, because of the large number of residents who sold one of their kidneys on the black market.


How very wonderful.




Train/Human Interactions


Motorized Chairs

Christian Miranda crashed at Daytona

Only a broken wrist.



At first, I had difficulty figuring out exactly what I was looking at...

Now I would like to declare that photograph one of the most sexually exciting photographs ever created.


Does anyone else think that it's weird that when you were born you get a secret number that you have to keep hidden from everyone for the rest of your life?


A haunted house but it's a tour of your local methadone clinic and you are the only person with a pack of cigarettes.



All thing Anatidae...


Another few hundred thousand people just lost their jobs.


To remind you: I once wrote a novel titled 

"The Double-Yolk Egg Man."


We need more managers like that.


The only problem with that is that the second that it is introduced onto the battlefield it will become the target for every enemy combatant.


Years ago I wrote about Cypress tree's in the swamp that would do exactly what that tree did. A seed would land on the stump of a cut-down Cypress tree and grow down the stump into the water. After many years the stump would rot away leaving the tree looking like it was standing on its tiptoes.


🎶I felt the Earth move under my feet...🎶


Guess what this is before you read the explanation.





RAF WWII uniform buttons become a compass in case they got shot down behind enemy lines.


One of the most unique, special, and elusive species on earth - The Narwhal 

The narwhal looks like a cross between a whale and a unicorn with its long, spiraled tusk jutting from its head. Males most commonly have tusks, and some may even have two. The tusk, which can grow as long as 10 feet, is actually an enlarged tooth. Ongoing research by WWF collaborators indicates that the tusk has the sensory capability, with up to 10 million nerve endings inside. The tusk may also play a role in the ways males exert dominance. Narwhals spend their lives in the Arctic waters of Canada, Greenland, Norway, and Russia. The majority of the world’s narwhals winter for up to five months under the sea ice in the Baffin Bay-Davis Strait area (between Canada and western Greenland). Cracks in the ice allow them to breathe when needed, especially after dives, which can be up to a mile and a half deep. They feed mainly on Greenland halibut, along with other fish, squid, and shrimp.

It looks like the narwhal in the center has speared a fish.


This was a video too large to upload that I thought was potatoes left in the pantry too long.


The Well-Trained Dog









My wife does that all the time but usually just to impress the UPS driver.



ponder said...

We need more managers like that.

If you think people are going to clean up after themselves you're in for a surprise.
I'm quite happy with the no eating in a library rule, if you can step outside to smoke you can do the same to eat, drink etc.

I love libraries and I prefer them clean and quiet without various food smells (some pungent) thank you.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: Right now, is the absolute correct time to take that motha-fuckin clock back to Walmart.

Anonymous said...

^^D13^^ One of the original Superman story lines was his battle against the KKK.


Alex said...

A3: My home is my Disney Castle

Anonymous said...

The correct time is 18h00 + 90 = 19h30.

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