About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

SUNDAY #4862

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


It's funny how Santa only gives presents to good kids but the Easter Bunny is like I don't give a shit what you did I just need to offload these fucking eggs.





The Russian state-owned news agency TASS reported that the Moskva sank with a Christian relic, a piece of the True Cross on which the believers say Jesus Christ was crucified.




Ukrainian Scarecrow


Ukranian army major Denys Prokopenko

The Mariupol battalion is the strongest and fiercest fighters in all of Ukraine, right now they are defending Mariupol which is sieged from all sides by the RuZZians for more than 47 days and are vastly outnumbered and without any backup but they never surrender. 

Respect for the heroes of Ukraine.


RuZZians surrendering



It amazes me that the entire world has come together as one to condemn Putin's aggression except for Trump and his cultists. Give that a moment's thought.


Think "Stop the Steal", which was organized before the election even began.



"Universal health care is such a complex beast that only 32 of the world's 33 developed nations have been able to make it work."

*And remember old people love their Medicare and there is no reason to think young people wouldn't like it if it applied to them.


As most of you know I am somewhat of a female foot enthusiast and that picture causes me a great deal of distress.


I think it's a clear-cut example of the demonization of differences. The religious aspect is just an easy mechanism to help rationalize their biases.



My religious sister sent me this, thinking it was a slam-dunk 'gotcha' in regards to the 'sheeple' of the left like myself.

When I asked her which side better reflects what Jesus taught, she claimed the question of whether her political philosophy should serve herself or those most in need wasn't relevant to her personal religious beliefs.


"What is conservatism? Is it not the adherence to the old and tried against the new and untried?" 

- Abraham Lincoln

*Verification Requested


I have talked to many young people who told me they never wanted to have children. Then when they did have a child they couldn't believe how they could have lived without it. Having a child is the greatest accomplishment any human being can achieve.

I think that a child awakens a part of the psychic that allows you to reach your full potential.


I remember when my parents were so overjoyed with the development of the polio vaccine.

And recently people have been convinced that vaccines are bad. This has nothing to do with the vaccine - it has to do with liberals wanting you to take the vaccine and conservatives willing to do anything (including risking their lives) rather than giving liberals a win.


I was a bit of an accident-prone child. My brother used to say if all of my stitches came out at one time I would fall completely apart. My youngest daughter inherited this trait from me. On her first trip down a slide, she fell backward very similar to that child and needed six stitches in her skull. Another time she and my oldest daughter went behind a curtain of an outdoor pavilion and my oldest daughter came out unscathed and my youngest daughter was stung by nine wasps. I could go on but you get the point.


My wife once organized a surprise birthday party for me at a bar. I hadn't been there five minutes when a young woman came up with a card and asked me to open it. When I did she slapped the card in such a way that glitter went right into my eyes. I rushed to the bathroom and flushed water into my open eyes for a long time. Let that be a warning to the rest of you.



Just because you're going 5 miles over the speed limit doesn't mean you can drive in the left lane. Some of us are trying to break the law for real.


Some days you eat salads and go for long walks and other days you eat cupcakes and refused to put on pants. It's called balance.



Steampunk Dog

I like everything about Steam Punk.


Glue trap from under a couch in a central Texas home.

To be honest, he admitted that he forgot it and it stayed under his sofa for three years.


This photo shows Captain Edward G. Sperry of the U. S. Air Force, being ejected downward from a B-47 jet bomber flying more than 500 miles per hour at an altitude of 10,000 feet during tests of the new fully automatic safety device. The jumper pulls the ring to fire the seat of the aircraft. Special explosive and timing devices separate the jumper from the seat and open the parachute. The downward ejection system is much safer for crew members and was used in certain positions on the B-47, B-52, and several other advanced design aircraft.


Ejecting out the bottom eliminates the problem of hitting the vertical stabilizer but what about a low level of junctions?


NASA has outdone itself, this is an image of the entire observable Universe. This is incredible.


The rock looks like a hedgehog.

I ran a Google image search and as far as I can determine that is real.


I never knew the driver was mounted on the roof.  I always thought they just towed the car.



It’s spring, and monarchs are on the move. Every year the butterflies leave their dense winter clusters near Mexico City and head for northern latitudes. It will take four months and three generations to get there.



Happy Birthday to a National treasure.


That is how you inconvenience as few drivers as possible – get it done quickly.


Can Bees Tell Time?

Bone Out Chicken Drumstick


The Little Girl and The Grocery Store Clerk

Yes, that was cute and all but did you notice how the little girl's mother save room in her grocery cart by having the drinks straddle the side?



Before the Internet, some guy in middle school tells you that a kid he knew exploded from eating pop rocks with coke and you'd go around believing it for the next 20 years.


Grammarly suggested that I replace "less teeth" with "fewer teeth" and I was like oh baby we are talking about two completely different things.



*Viewer contribution


*You may have noticed I've been having a lot of fun with my now gone beer belly stories.



If I go or a fashion designer…


Speaking of…


I once had a snarly commenter write: "All you do is post a bunch of memes". That poor fucker just doesn't get it.


Fuck it, here's a goddamn fork.




What fun!





That would certainly solve a lot of problems for a lot of people.



Here's a pig on the beach sniffing out a cooter.


Disney Wardrobe Malfunction



Say “excrement” instead of “excellent”. Nobody will notice because people really don’t listen for shit.


*That cartoon is at least 30 years old.


Add a new wrinkle into your work emails by starting them with Dearly Beloved.





A timelapse photograph of a trebuchet.





How is that even possible?



When you think about it just right that is a stroke of genius.


Rope Swing From Hell

Did you notice that the rope looked frayed?


Fireworks Mishap

The explanation for that was not very clear. There was some mention of fireworks but that looks like something different.


Grandpa Prepares









ponder said...

It amazes me that the entire world has come together as one to condemn Putin's aggression except for Trump and his cultists. Give that a moment's thought.

Many countries have not condemned Putin, mine included (make that half of the continent). Many of the people support putin/russia so no it's not something unique to trump and his nutters.

ponder said...

Did you notice that the rope looked frayed?

That's normal for those ropes.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Ponder, When I referred to "the entire world" condemning Putin I meant the "civilized world".

Anonymous said...

D11: that is clearly the battery of an electric scooter exploding.

Anonymous said...

"In Reason We Should Trust" ..... I was raised Catholic. Had it shoved down my throat actually. I was once told that if a person accidently hurts themselves (stubs a toe on a table leg for example), it was God's way of telling you that you did or are doing something bad. All religion taught me was about guilt and fear. Screw that!

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: back out back

Anonymous said...

Biased much

Ralph Henry said...

Every fucking day.

Anonymous said...

Trump's "cult" is no bigger than the one you are in.
I can't stand Trump either.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Cult Denier, Wake up. Pay attention. Take notes.
We don't buy hats and flags. Our guy doesn't incessantly ask us for money. We do not think our guy was sent by god. No one who voted for Biden stormed the capital to stop the vote count.
But sure, if it makes you feel better call us just another cult. Frankly, I don't give a shit anymore.

Anonymous said...


Who politicised the vaccines first ?

Democrats Fear Trump Will Rush Unsafe Vaccine To Help His Reelection Bid

Liz Peek: Rattled Democrats attack Trump's vaccine optimism

Biden: 'I trust vaccines. I trust scientists. But I don't trust Donald Trump'

In debate, Kamala Harris says she won't take a COVID vaccine just on Trump's say-so

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A10 Anon, And we ended up having Republicans dying multiple times more often than Democrats - all because Republicans refused to wear masks, social distance, and get a vaccine just to "own libs". But sure, if it makes you feel better blame the Democrats.

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