About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022


 One Of My Very Own

*Every single young man I knew who came out we all knew he was gay anyway.


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




*Verification Requested


These are Ukrainian refugees after cleaning up a park in Poland as a thank you for hosting them.


I had never heard of a "Cope Cage" on a tank. I assume it is to combat some sort of munitions.


A young man in the Luhansk People’s Republic is called up for military service. How is it that people in an “ethnic Russian” enclave aren’t all that willing to take up arms for Mother RuZZia?


Video of shelling with cluster ammunition in Kharkiv




*I went through a couple of rolls of those stickers also.


My number one advisor bought me a couple of bags of these googly eyes and they're almost all gone too.














My favorite environmental add-on was my stickers that said "Do epic shite".








A horror movie but the killer wears flip-flops so there's an ominous "thrip thrip" sound as he hunts you down.


2016: Maybe it won't be that bad.

2021: The Axe Body Spray corporation stands firmly against the attempt to overthrow the US government.



Have you ever been this poor?

I have. I mean anybody who would spray paint their boots on their wedding day is poor.


I am betting Texas.



There was a small southern town that did something similar on their main street.


I've never been much of a motorcycle guy but a couple of these could change my mind.




I wrote a children's book about a dolphin named Protagonist.


That looks very much like a weapon the pirate would use. You feel the barrel with pellets to take out more than one of the enemy and once fired the weapon becomes to another weapon.


That technique is called being "painterly" whereby each brushstroke is visible. I use that very often myself because I'm not real good at blending the colors. You amateurs may want to remember that.


You do someone a favor and they will fuck you every time.



The Penguin

It jumped into a dinghy to escape killer whales.


Man's Best Friend

Trucker's Rig to Johnny Cash

-sound on-

I have listened to every song the Johnny Cash has ever recorded more often than I could count.



Be the glitch you want to see in the matrix.


Have you ever punched a woman in the throat because she moaned the wrong name? May neither.



The friendship between Achilles and Patroclus.

That's what I call male bonding.



Young lads often ask me the trick to having a happy marriage and I always tell them that it helps to have a large penis.


If I were a fashion designer…


Where can I buy a couple of those? 

(asking for a friend)


Ask yourself this question: would your teenage self be proud of where you are today? 






Probably not.





My 15-year-old self, however...







Superb British Humo(u)r

-sound on-



99% of our revolutionary stress response was meant to deal with far more immediately conclusive scenarios than the tedious bullshit we put up with these days.


Don't get mad at me for joking about Jesus. I know for a fact Jesus would've loved me because he famously loved slutty poor people. RIP.



20 women who changed science, and the world.


After World War II Germany needed to rebuild and one of the programs they initiated was that if you remodel your home you didn't have to pay taxes on it for seven years or until the repairs were complete. Therefore there were tens of thousands of houses that were completely remodeled except for the back. They would finish the back when its seven years ran out.



 A close-up video of a tornado forming.

Hot air rushing over cold air creates a vortex.



I'm that way with my crossword puzzles. I get a little ticked off when I'm interrupted.


Being older than my wife I assume I will die first but worry that that fine woman is going to be lost without me to coddle. I think about that a lot.


As I have stated previously I am getting more work done than you can imagine. My latest chest is almost complete and I think it is one of my best.


I have often stated that in the United States we have French restaurants, Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Thai, Japanese, etc., etc. but we do not have any British restaurants. Can anybody explain that to me?


Nugget Backfire

I think I can explain that. That man was a symbol of authority to those children. He had just worked very hard to prepare them a meal and it would just be rude to not accept it - even if they were repulsed by it.












re British food. I live in Hereford [England], a town of some 61,000 souls. In common with most other British places the food is diabolically bad. Not one place worth going to. Even fish and chips are only nice in Yorkshire and Lancashire. Utter tasteless shit; as they say in your Army, MRE's [Meals Refused by Ethiopians] everywhere.

ponder said...

I have often stated that in the United States we have French restaurants, Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Thai, Japanese, etc., etc. but we do not have any British restaurants. Can anybody explain that to me?

British food is pretty meh.

Think about it, which dishes from Britain would you serve in a British restaurant?

Anonymous said...

I've always considered this to be an incomplete sentence.
"We can't find anyone who wants to work."
It should be:
"We can't find anyone who wants to work at the wages we want to pay them."

Anonymous said...

B1: that could have been a picture of me. I have actually been in a Kmart with my pants duct taped in the seam.
I was a couple hours from home and split my pants, but I had a roll of duct tape in the car.
Duct tape the split and go buy new pants.

Anonymous said...

D20: have you ever eaten at a British restaurant? 'nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: L

Anonymous said...

D10: Arthur Treacher's?

Anonymous said...

Puzzle: L

Ralph Henry said...

Dear D10 Anon, I thought fish and chips were imported into England. Am I wrong?

Anonymous said...

It should be:
"We can't find anyone who wants to work at the wages we want to pay them.""

Actually it's

"We can't find anyone who wants to work at the wages that are not higher than the value the worker will add to the organisation"

Anonymous said...

Dear D10 Anon, I thought fish and chips were imported into England. Am I wrong?

Most food considered local was imported from somewhere else. Witness the amount of tomatoes in Italian cooking. Potatoes in Indian cooking etc.

Dr. WeTodd said...

A9 I read that in Mike Tyson voice!

ponder said...

Dear D10 Anon, I thought fish and chips were imported into England. Am I wrong?

Fish and chips isn't really restaurant food either, it's more of a take-away order or pub grub.

Anonymous said...

It’s called an orca whale and it has to eat, don’t fuck with nature. Thank you

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