About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 6, 2022

FRIDAY #4881

 One Of My Very Own

"...would you, of all people..."


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




*Verification Requested


Don't wait.


NOTE: Quitting smoking this time was much easier now that I don't drink either.


How unusual.


Mariana Trench, almost 7 miles down


Maybe. What previous art does this imitate?

Or this?


There's never been a house call quite like this. In a first for telepresence communication, a NASA flight surgeon was 'holoported' to the International Space Station (ISS), appearing and conversing as a virtual presence in real-time, hundreds of miles above the surface of Earth.


LA Urban Sprawl

No thank you.


Seems to me the bolt would shear off.


Huge Natural Arch



The most important step in folding a fitted sheet is lying to yourself about what a rectangle looks like.


Maybe what we call intelligence is insatiable curiosity, and instead of trying to turn children into better test-takers, we should be focusing on making them fascinated.




Did you notice it destroyed all the trim on the machine?


My wife had a plywood rear side window on her Volvo when I met her.


Do you think he knows what's in the truck or is he just hunting for pig in a poke?


Dying is easy, it's a living that's hard.

Here's another view…



He reminds me of Edgar the Bug in Men in Black.


Let's play the game How Much Alcohol Did She Drink?

Too much.


Speaking of...


Did I just see what I thought I saw?


That is a nice segue into my next session.



What if we made being alive easy? Has anybody ever considered that?


I hope that whatever bad thing happens to you is at least funny.




*Viewer contribution








I don't really understand that but it looks like a dick so I included it in this section.



I met an anti-vaxxer who calls herself Mrs. Doubt Pfizer.


Have you ever had a woman tell you that you had to take your Star Wars pajamas off before sex? 





The terror on the child's face.




I'm a boomer and I agree with that.




Shuttles that.




Abandoned Chuck E. Cheese animatronic found in a landfill.

That's some Twilight Zone shit right there.


Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life - Korea Edition

That's fucking hilarious.



People who leave without saying goodbye save up to two days per year – a new report proves.


Everyone is obsessed with physical appearance but remember true beauty lies in your boundless, untamed fury at the absurdity of existence.









*They can't all be gems.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: not too long ago I would say it had to be the maid since the postal service doesn't deliver on Sundays, but they do deliver on Sundays now. And it could always be the leftover mail from Saturday that they didn't pick up because of the severe thunderstorms in the area.

Therefore I'm going to say it was the butler since the butler shouldn't be cleaning closets. That's the maid's job.

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