About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, May 9, 2022

MONDAY #4884

 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




The caption read:

"We made fries... It was my first-time deep frying something."

Being a son of the south we fry everything down here. We have a delicacy called "pork rinds" in which we fry pig fat in pig fat twice.


Truer words have never been spoken.


You can be anti-Jewish apartheid and not be antisemitic.


99% of our ancestors were just as fucking boring as we are.


I've started calling peoples' online opinions of me "fan theories".



*Viewer contribution


The Voice of Sanity



Exercising would be so much more rewarding if calories screamed when you burn them.


Folio Olio is better than Instagram because you don't need any friends to use it.




I read that that was not in the script. The driver of the cab missed his mark and frightened Dustin Hoffman and that was his response.





Biden Funny


The Games Men Play


That is the perfect Segway for the next section.



My wife doesn't use a microwave because "they break down the DNA of the water molecules".


The way my 12-year-old used commas made it sound like Christopher Walken wrote her essay.







I hope that's not a child's mother.


For any of you young men who have the slightest bit of confusion, I offer this powerful advice: ask your woman what she would like.


Here is an actual comment that was left:

I could have stolen that commenter's woman just by licking my lips.






My wife was so insistent that I get a man cave she even help me stock it so that I could have a place to go and leave her the fuck alone.


I married my wife because she looks like a woman who likes to do witchcraft.



Here's how I prefer to do it…


I'm thinking he wanted to buy the motorcycle and took it for a test drive only to the owner's chagrin.


When my father retired he began to cook very fancy meals and received many accolades. But my mother never got any accolades for cleaning up after him.


Here he is at his most wonderful…


That is truly a most beautiful photograph.


Horse Comforts Owner

She's probably crying because her stalker has placed cameras all over her property.


"I didn't punch you, I only hit you. You're such a baby. Grow the fuck up."

Said to be a direct quote but I don't know which one of them said it.


Is that legal?


Raising Roofing

Trabajo sincronizado

I marvel at ingenuity like that.


The Original Rappers

-sound on-

The Jubalaires in the 1940s


Mumbai Train

20million commuters a day, 200 die, not even a very high statistic. Yes, and the lucky ones wake up with four legs in a nice field eating grass.

I seem to remember reading that all of those people have money for a ticket but the problem is that the trains are so full they can't get on.


Tractor Chase

I would have turned the car around to see how it ended.



I feel quite confident that a limb or an arm broke off and he just glued it back on.



I never took my kids to church. I just gave them a journal, a couple of pencils, a bag of shrooms, and drop them off somewhere in the mountains and they created their own religion.


You can wear a T-shirt that says "archaeologist" and just start digging holes wherever and nobody will stop you.



The Phantom Queen illusion

Black chess pieces move across a hand-drawn red-and-gray chessboard. A black-framed mirror, placed in front of the board, reflects the progress of rooks and bishops across the space. Except that something is not quite right. The white queen, standing at the center of the board, exists only in the mirror reflection. In the foreground, the physical board’s central squares appear incongruously empty. The Phantom Queen Illusion, conceived by U.K. magician Matt Pritchard, astonished worldwide viewers last December, winning first prize in the 2021 Best Illusion of the Year Contest.

Here's how it's done:


F4U Corsair folding wings

The wings are bent to raise the fuselage to make room for that huge propeller. The problem with that is the pilot can't see to land on a carrier for which it was designed. Therefore they assigned all the Corsairs to the Marines on land bases.


Solar Eclipse on Mars



Roundabout with cars, pedestrians, cyclists, an underpass, and trains to scare the Americans.


During the Battle of the Bulge, soldiers used lace fabric found in homes as camouflage in the snow. 1944. It started as a joke, but they found it protected them quite well.


Bamboo Splitting

The different-sized splitters must be important but I can't really see why.


Neglected Gutter


Leaf Plane

I wonder if a primitive child ever did that before the invention of the airplane.


Pressure Cooking Popcorn

That must be very tasty to justify that much work.


Zoom In










Anonymous said...

D8: yes that is legal. You can even use your foot.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: B
You have to turn it (B) 90° counterclockwise to see it.

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