About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, May 12, 2022


 One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



I apologize for my absence but apparently, the Folio Olio family has a saboteur who contacted Google to report Folio Olio as spam and I had to prove that I was, in fact, not a robot. This resulted in a ton of lost information - like most of my "sources" and most of my comments written when I collected the images. So, cut me some slack while attempting to piece it all together.











It seems that no American wants to factor in the quality of life issues when declaring their country to be the greatest country on earth.





And these same rich people have spent years convincing ordinary people that taxing the super-rich is an infringement on their rights. And they've done a good job of it.


Learning to collaborate is one of the most important skills to learn in college.



Remember when we were all concerned because the government was listening to us? Now nobody gives a shit. What changed?


Many conservatives seem to hate anything and everything that strays from their own beliefs.

"I'm working to get universal healthcare for every American."

"I hate you, liberal socialist."

"I want higher education to be affordable for all Americans not just the rich."

"Your radical liberal agenda will ruin this country...and I hate you."

"I think rich people should pay more taxes...like more than zero."

"Have you seen the empty shelves in communist countries? That's what you want...and I hate you."

And discussing climate change is utterly impossible.



Is it normal to want to change everything about yourself every night at 9 PM?


Welcome to old age. If you don't find a strange bruise you don't remember getting one will be assigned to you.



For interior walls in a home, they use the first apply laths what's are thin strips of wood careful to leave a space between each board.

Then they smeared on plaster which was held in place by seeping through the cracks.

As one would imagine, removing such a wall is a pain in the ass but that's just what someone in my neighborhood recently did.

And I gathered up every piece of lath I could fit in my truck.

It took me all day to remove the nails.

There were a lot of nails.

The next day I went back to the same rubbish heap and found not only some more laths but a lot more other wood also including 1x12 shelving.

There's quite a bit of what looks like flooring what with the tongue and groove but it's rather thin. I'll plan on cutting the tongue and groove away and then figure out what to do with them.

And here's what I made from all that...

I even made the box itself out of that shelving I salvaged. Total cost to me: a bag of screws and a quart of paint.

I call it my "Lobster Pot Box" because it looks like an old lobster trap.




I would have at least painted it.


I bet their life expectancy was counted in hours.




They are going to need a poop knife.



And a couple with the screens facing up.


Wouldn't it be funny if all those locks did nothing except confuse an intruder?


I'm thinking it was done purposely just to get attention.



That's how you exit Uncle Touchy's Naked Puzzle Basement.



Just imagine you're 2019 self trying to make sense of this tweet: "Wordle is the sourdough starter of omicron."


When I was in the ninth grade the coach told me my sweater made me look gay and I replied that was good as I was trying to get his wife to leave me alone.





Some people just demand more attention than others.


The instructions just weren't clear enough.



Think how hard it is to overcome that kind of mistreatment in only one or two generations.


I read that in Japan napping on the job it's a sign that you are a hard worker. I would certainly excel there.


How small must his dick be...


One of the things that my father cooked was a "pepper jelly" and it was very good. Around Christmas, he gave a decorative jar full of it to just about everybody he knew. But he insisted that they returned his jars. Many of his friends would beg me to tell my father to stop giving them the jelly because they knew they would never return the jars.

If you ever give someone a jar of something please do not insist on the job being returned - it only taints the gift.


Many years ago my wife and I went to a cocktail party at our's neighbors house. After all of the girls to the rubbed he gathered everyone around the dining room table and played a tape that he said was his son's solo in his school band. It was so awful I started laughing. My wife elbowed me not to embarrass the man. Come to find out it was a recording of the Boston Pops playing a very famous song (that I don't remember the name of) but they had changed instruments with other members of the orchestra. So they all know the tempo etc. but the playing of the instruments was diabolical.


Fire Festival in Mangalore, India

Indian version of "Burning Man"?


A wish fulfilled.


Nice segue.



My mom always said, "You won't be happy until someone loses an eye." What kind of sadistic bastard did she think I was?


Men use telepathy to link a small portion of their brains together so we can reduce the pain of getting our balls hit by dividing small portions of the brain to any man within line of sight of the unfortunate incident.




And their second-lowest setting is "high".


My money is on it being in Russia.




As I understand it it was slated for demolition until they set locator found it.



Light and fresh air in the middle of every block. Brilliant.


Several years ago the mayor of Venice begged tourists not to come because of one reason – the shit they brought with them in their bowels and then left in the city.


Most of the GIs in Europe loved Amsterdam because of its legalized prostitution. There were school teachers, secretaries, waitresses, etc. that would hold down normal jobs during the week and prostitute on the weekend for extra money. No stigma attached.


Well, I guess we know how it got its name.






That absurdity is what pushed me into atheism.


Insurance for rigs like that must be astronomical.



Anonymous said...

Puzzle: It doesn't even matter
It (movie)
doesn't ("dozen" eggs)
even (even numbers)
matter (gas, liquid,solid)

Inchworm said...

dozen "doesn't"

"In the End" by Linkin Park

Anonymous said...

B11: The gate has 25 locks because it has 25 tenants that need access. The unique design allows the gate to be opened by simply removing one of the locks.

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time: "It doesn't even matter".
The clown's name is, "It".
Dozen = doesn't
Even numbers
The three states of matter

Anonymous said...

Puzzle time- Song lyrics, Linkin Park-In the End
I tried so hard and got so far but in the end (It) (dozen) (even) (matter)


Welcome back!

Crashsq said...

Puzzle time - It dozen even matter

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