One Of My Very Own
He was on the shortlist for a Trump Supreme Court pick.
I think he will go down with Nathan Hale and Patrick Henry in our history books.
I find it interesting that TV news has allowed "bullshit" but bleeped out "pussy".
Here are a couple of comments:
The system wasn't created for people - it was created for rich people.
At least I am not swinging a pick ax, getting black lung, and a 2-3 year life expectancy in a coal mine
I have health care, plenty of food, cozy shelter, and comforts once reserved for the aristocracy, all without hard manual labor. Not that bad.
When you declare your country the greatest country ever, shouldn't you factor in suicide rates, alcohol/drug abuse, divorce, mass murder, etc? Or is your definition of greatness just economic and military power?
Actually, that's pretty goddamn clever but why not B for Bible?
I'll just be good goddamned! A Trump event bans the Nazis!!!
Do you know who this lady is and how she changed history?
Kids these days never play outside. Back in my day, we were always outside throwing rocks at the smaller kids, smoking, setting fires, stealing hubcaps, shoplifting, and trying drugs, one time I even drank gasoline out of a rusted beer can we found on the side of the highway. We ate all our TV dinners in the den. I never sat at a table until I got in the military. And we all fornicated by the time we were 12...13 if you were ugly. Fun times.
I wonder how many people get tattoos just because they wanted to be in pain for an hour.
I think the reason that happens so often is that the engine dies and it just coasts in.
That looks expensive.
*Verification Requested
And if you don't believe it, explain that photo. It couldn't be photoshopped because they didn't have photoshop back then.
Seriously, religion has given millions of people the notion that science is wrong and we've seen how dangerous that is.
Carnival Freedom catches fire while docked in Grand Turk, 2022-05-27
Are those palm trees real?
It doesn't matter whether the reality show is about remodeling a house, making a knife, cooking a meal, mining for gold, etc, there is always a crisis toward the end of the show to tweak ratings. Not my kind of reality.
I need Black Mirror to come back because I need to know things could actually be worse.
Instead of getting any exercise whatsoever, I'm just wearing really big shirts.
Get you a woman who knows how to entertain friends and business associates...
"Bring me my brown trousers."
He really did test positive.
The headline writer knew exactly what he was doing.
AI draws a tic-tac-toe grid and plays a human. Who wins?
And a good time was had by all.
Ladies, if a man has a lock on his phone, has it on silence, and always places it facedown it's because he's protecting his grandmother's precious recipes.
A woman from the year 4871 added lead and microplastics to his meals for an Anthropocene diet because ancient humans built the Bass Pro Shop Pyramid and the lost city of Miami.
Foot-powered lathe
Can it shave off in both directions?
By watching that humans calculated this...
That seems like a great idea. One man can build the roof in less time and effort.
That doesn't seem to be all that efficient.
I bet she gets like .001¢ per.
I could imagine that easing the claustrophobia.
Boat Launch
I've shown you that before but I still find it awesome.
Fish Cooking
Housing the Homeless
CA trying to do the right thing again. The state has a LOT of problems but I admire its commitment to solutions.
Parting Wheat
Probably allows a vehicle with narrow Wheels to drive through the field to spray herbicide or pesticides without damaging the plants.
Does anyone else hand feed their Roomba when its battery is low?
[Guy taking a bite of corn and then immediately taking a bite of hotdog]
"There has to be a better way."
I wonder why they don't spread that out to avoid conflict.
Achrioptera manga is a species of phasmid or stick insect of the genus Achrioptera, found only in a forest in northern Madagascar. The male A. manga is electric blue, standing out against the surrounding foliage.
Sheep with sea legs.
Notice its amazing head stability.
Rocking Horses
Scorpion carrying her babies
I never knew they got that large.
Bambi's asshole cousin
Another example of why they need to spread it out.
Prairie Dogs
No fear of man...yet.

Yeah, God wrote that. Sure he did.

^^E8^^ Those are meerkats, not prairie dogs. And BTW, prairie dogs are not dogs, and don't live on the prairie. They should be called steppe squirrels.
E8: those aren't prairie dogs.
^^E8^^ - Are Meerkats NOT Prairie dogs ...
Rammstein band members got pyrotechnical qualifications because they couldn't get people prepared to do their concerts due to the number of effects they use.
There is a video of the lead singer signing with his arms on fire.
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