About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, June 9, 2022


One Of My Very Own

She should have added: "This time."


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




I will no longer post any insulting anonymous comments. If you want to insult me then sign your motherfucking name.



And I'm pretty sure you don't even have to use the Bible.


This commenter hates electric vehicles:

This was a response:


Of course, the rest of the world has figured out a much better way to move humans.

It's called mass transit and it works all over the world.


*The rest of the world finds that reality barbaric.



If I asked my wife to do this do you really believe she would do it?

Abso-fucking-lutely!  Remind me to tell you about us lying naked in a peach orchard with nothing but a blanket and a bottle of Hersey's syrup.






Think religion.

I know there will be those who will accuse me of the same fallacy, but I try. I don't think Joe Biden is the greatest. I don't even think the Democratic Party has all the answers. I do believe in science more than some yahoo's opinion but also realize that scientists make mistakes. Above all, I believe in equality for all races, sexual orientations, and genders, and that in the Great Melting Pot that is America diversity is to be cherished.


And we voters have been convinced that we are powerless to stop it...so most of us don't even vote.



If a woman says her nipples are pierced the correct response is "I don't believe you".


"Damn! I fell asleep! Call me a cab will ya mister!"


When you are on hold with customer service, they should let everyone talk to one another.



The way soccer should be played - with a bowling ball. 

On ice.

But every sport is just as silly as that. 

We are just used to them.

"Take the ball down the court and toss it up into the basket but you have to bounce it the whole way."

"Keep smacking the ball with one of these sticks until it drops in the hole in the ground."


Damn! In a couple of years that might be an Olympic sport.


Hey, I have an idea. Let's paint "Help me" on the sole of my shoes like a million other creatively-challenged morons.


Most of those people are not even experiencing the thrill of the game. They are literally watching a live golf tournament on their little screens.


And I bet he bought the largest, most garish dildo they had.


Clever lady.


As stupid a blunder as invading Russia in the winter.


Baby Gators

That is obviously not her first rodeo.


But what about this lunatic.



Back in the day, our grandparents used to walk 5 miles to school. No wonder they dropped out in the fifth grade.


Every morning before pouring her food into her bowl I asked my dog "the usual?" and neither of us thinks it's funny but that's showbiz, babe.



They should just have an ambulance parked in the driveway.


Do you think he brought the firewood with him?


I've never seen a reenactment but I've always wanted to.


Oh, hell yeah!


As a child I often gazed up into the night sky but what with light pollution not so much anymore.


Witnessing that must be a real thrill.





I'm not sure I understand that.


When I used to drink beer I always said, "I don't drink a lot. I just drink a little bit...all the time." 

And I did. Just a mellow buzz was enough for me.


Another I'm not sure I understand.

It looks extraordinarily unstable.

Don't they have wind there?


At the peak of Vladimir Putin mountain (Tien Shan system), the flag of Ukraine is flying at the top.



The reason all cultures have mermaids is that drawing legs is hard.


It is the year 3145. Interstellar travel has been master, and laser weapons and cloning are commonplace. The toughest person alive is Mary Beth Williams, a third-grade teacher in Boise, Idaho.



I wonder if you're allowed just to shoot it or do you have to call animal control to have it captured and released elsewhere.


Many people think that the Classic 1957 Chevrolet is the most beautiful automobile ever made. It's still one of my favorites.


Is that ship really that wide or is it some sort of optical illusion?


This came without explanation.

My Google search yielded nothing.

But then I remembered this from the other day...


Why the hell not?


It's part of the front flipper.


Warm-blooded animals can get too warm.


The fastest dog in the west...

Not much cardio though.


Video of scenarios made in a physics simulator




Karma always makes me smile.




I think he's a stripper!





Anonymous said...


Reminds me of this older physicians

ponder said...

Is that ship really that wide or is it some sort of optical illusion?

Optical illusion.


Anonymous said...

French and Danish use a base 20 (vigesimal) system for large numbers (Danish >= 50 and French >= 80)
French for 97 is - quatre-vingt-dix-sept or four twenties, a ten,a seven
Danish is 7 and (1/2 + 5) twenties.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Numbers Anon, How the hell did I live 75 years and not know that?!?

Anonymous said...

It was the plot of a real life spy catcher story. The spy spoke French, but professed to be from Walloon (the region near Belgium). In that region they speak French but use the normal 90 + 7 style. The spy knew that and passed the test, but was undone when the interrogator said in German that he was free to go, and he sighed in relief.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Spy Story Anon, Thank you very much. It sounds intriguing, but please include item number. Please.

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