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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022


One Of My Very Own


EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com




Years ago I predicted that if there was real money to be made from this boondoggle then the rich ruling class would not allow you in the game.


"Many Americans seem to think that we hate guns over here whenever we want to voice an opinion about mass shootings and gun laws in the US but the reality is, we don't mind guns what so ever, the big difference is the culture around them, for the majority of nordic gun owners they are simply tools used for hunting, that you then lock away in your safe whenever they are not used, you don't keep them under the bed for home defense and such.

About the numbers, I don't know about Norway and Finland but in Sweden, as a hunter you are allowed 4 licenses but you can apply for more, in which case you have to explain the need for them like you want to get a second 308 rifle but in a lighter configuration for a different hunting style.

And while we are not as armed as the Americans, our average calibers are bigger (weird flex?) /s

Having strict gun laws doesn't mean big gov is gonna take your guns, it just means it will put more demands on you to be a safe gun owner (seriously you guys have statistics for toddler shootings FFS)

And no I don't think ARs should be banned, but the requirements for owning one should be a lot higher, it isn't something a temperamental 18yr should be able to buy."



My first house was $16,000!

But they conveniently left out the 1960s and 70s when the government could force young men into the army, train them for a couple of months, and then pluck them down in a jungle where lived thousands of people who wanted nothing more than to kill them. 50,000 of us died. And after that, we worked like hell to ensure no other American would have to go through that involuntarily.


Many years ago I opined that if I had money to invest I would put it all in battery R&D. 



Sometimes it seems that America is unable to learn from its previous mistakes - think the "War On Drugs".


There are two types of people:


When I was but in middle school I first became acquainted with odds. The same understanding of odds that helped me in my gambling also gave me a clearer understanding that the chances of me becoming great at anything are minuscule at best and nonexistent at worst.

I would bet that you are more likely to be struck by lightning - twice - than for this to happen to you.


Some still stand by their principles...


I am not familiar with the verse, but who the fuck cares what a Bronze Age fable says?



What's it called when you can drink an entire pot of coffee and chase it down with a nap?


My wife said I was as smart as I was handsome. I told her slurs like that have broken up many a marriage.





When I was 12-years-old, my baseball team won a game and there was a huge pileup similar to the one above. I was on the bottom and could not breathe. I thought I was going to die. Seriously. It was terrifying. 


As I understand it, George Lucas designed that costume himself.


Get yourself someone who looks at you like...

A lot of people say I look like him.




I watched the movie: The Dead Don't Die. It had a stellar cast but even they couldn't save this waste of money.

There was a line in the movie that was very topical: 

"Let's not believe something just because a few thousand so-called scientists say it's true."


This chicken finger looks like the Grinch jacking off...


Make this android do funny walks


This, of course, reminded me of the installations I am now placing all over the beach.

BTW: I am not tossing them into the ocean as one commenter feared.







Where's your head at?




Turns out, there isn't a nice way to interrupt your wife's boring story to remind her that you still have the note from her promising to have sex with you on this date and year signed in 1992.


"Johnny bravo ain't even have a plot… Just every day "Where da hoes at"."



Are there any moves afoot to get them to return all that was stolen?


What grade do you think that guy got in high school science?


Did their religion even allow divorce?


I used to think these were the weirdest feet I had ever seen.

But now there's this...


Languages of India

How many of these are mutually intelligible?

Can you imagine an American driving to another state and not being able to understand the language?

Although going to Miami is pretty damn close.


Have you ever been this poor?

I have. And I remember on the rare occasions that I ate at someone's house I made a complete pig of myself.

Rock bottom will teach you lessons that mountain tops never will.


Every political party has unsavory characters. Hell, there was a Democratic congressman a few years back who was concerned about an island sinking if we put too many troops on it. But stupid is one thing - insane is a whole nother horse of some other color.

And then there's this...

My question is: Why aren't the non-insane Republicans calling these people out for this shit? Recently a commenter ask me to cite examples of Republicans NOT calling out the racists in their midst out? Here are but two examples:

I don't recall any Republicans taking the floor and condemning them. But maybe I missed it. Send me clips if I did.


How many holes does a straw have?


What the hell happened here?


Face "Lift"

So, what exactly was the point?


I once asked what was putting our insects in peril and the answer seems to be what I suspected.



Who is this Jose that never gets his way?


*I found that extremely funny.


Cleaning out your car will make you realize the motherfuckers in the backseat I have no respect for you.





He did maul the lady pretty badly but why isn't it, like, dinner?


I was exceedingly fortunate that my mustache grows out to the side instead of down therefore I don't need one of those.


Graffiti left by ancient Greek tourists in the even older Egyptian Tomb of Ramses V

Scribblings include: 

"I visited and did not like anything but the sarcophagus!" and "I cannot read the hieroglyphs."

Fun fact: Ancient Greeks used to fight alongside the Pharaohs. 

Fun fact 2: Both have had interactions since the early Bronze Age.


Oh, look, another group of scientists who made the decision to go to college instead of getting into diesel mechanics where the real money is.


Illegal baby names in different countries



The kid from "Jaws" is now Police Chief on the island where the movie was made.

Nearly 50 years ago, Steven Spielberg traveled to Martha's Vineyard off the coast of Massachusetts to film an upcoming movie about a great white shark. A local kid named Jonathan Searle scored a small role in the film as a young prankster, spooking locals by swimming through the water with a fake shark fin.




How to Un-Tax-Exempt  a Church


Russians shelling a highway during an evacuation of civilians, Ukraine...notice the last one on the left of the road on top of the hill.

They had that road pretty much zeroed in.



That indicates that there are more grocery stores than bars in my area. I don't believe it...unless they count every gas station convenience store as a grocery store.






That woman could strip the paint off a #2 pencil.



ponder said...

I don't recall any Republicans taking the floor and condemning them. But maybe I missed it. Send me clips if I did.

The one guy that stands out is Arnold Schwarzenegger, he called out a lot of bs from trump, anti-global warming, the anti-mask covid nutters, capitol rioters etc.


GW Bush is another one that comes to mind,

BillR said...

Puzzle time: Birds of a feather flock together.

Anonymous said...

The electricity still needs to come from somewhere.

It get's worse. Many of them have their own scripts. This is the reason Hindi and English are official languages

Majorie Taylor Greene didn't state that there's a target on white supremicists. She said it shouldn't be the highest priority, but rather there should be a concentration on the crimes.

Stella Immanuel is a black immigrant which doesn't compute with her being a republican according to your "all republicans are racist" narrative.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear C5 Anon, I never said all Republicans were racist". I said all racists are Republicans.

Anonymous said...


That is a false map. We both live here. No way there are more grocery stores. And if convenience stores are included in that, they should be changed to bars as well because I haven’t been in one without more beer than food yet.

Anonymous said...

C5: Many democrats are racist with their identity politics.
Biden: Integrating black students would turn schools into “a jungle…a racist jungle”
Jul 21, 2020JOE Biden quoted the N-word 13 times during hearings in 1985, according to Senate transcripts. The racial slur was used as the presumptive Democratic nominee was quoting someone during congressional hearings.
Biden requiring the supreme court nominee be female and black is in fact racist, isn’t it....

Anonymous said...

A6: The generations after the boomers have it easy. They just don’t know it. Zero knowledge of history. Boomers and their parents as young men used to lie about their age to go fight for their country. Now, cartoons hurt their feelings and mean tweets give them PSTD.

Anonymous said...

A9: Can’t wait for Biden to try price controls.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear 9 Anon, We already have artificial price control but it's run by corporations who post record profits at the same time they are blaming inflation or supply chain problems for their exorbitant prices. I call it Capitalism run amok and I'm afraid we ain't seen shit yet.

Anonymous said...

A12 fk the Bible but are you ok with aborting at 5,6,7,8 or even right before birth? It's crazy to think that if my wife had complications and had to have a premature baby at 6 months and I can look at him or her in ten years and say that kid survived something that most don't. Alot of people live that and to kill life that has a chance isn't my shtik. I won't even step on ants just cuz I know they're one of the hardest working on this ball of dirt.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear A12 Anon, I'm uncomfortable with the whole abortion thing but it's not my body. I defer to the woman and her doctor. I would feel more comfortable with limits on viability - but again - it's not my call.

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