One Of My Very Own
I hate recipes like that also. Just something else to throw away.
I once told my mother that I had never had all the chocolate cookies I could eat.
She made me tray after tray until I could eat no more. After that, I didn't care for them for a long time. I've gotten back on the horse now.
I regularly visit a site that has only images with no explanations. This is such an image.
I have no idea what it is but as soon as I saw it I bet one of you sumbitches knows exactly what it is. I will send the first person with the correct explanation a special gift.
In soccer, they have an A-League and a B League (more or less). Each year the worse three A-League teams are relegated down to the B League and the best three B League teams are relegated up into the A-League.
Well, I suggest they do that in NASCAR. The last three cars in the Cup Series are relegated down to the Xfinity Series as three Xfinity cars move up.
I know they drive different cars, etc, but something could be worked out.
Another Oh Fuck moment brought to you by Mother Nature...
What happened to you people who can simply ignore the suffering of so many of their fellow Americans? Is it just a matter of "I've got mine so fuck the rest of you"?
I have taught many autistic kids and most of these rules also apply to them.
Currently, the world’s 10 richest men own more wealth than the bottom 40% of humanity or 3.1 billion people.
"I would say I'm more of a wealth custodian. I'm just keeping others from wasting it on food and shelter."
- Jeff Bezos
I say we use the power of eminent domain to get a big chunk of their convert it into public use.
You can pick your nose and you can pick your friends but you can't pick your friends' noses.
Do you remember how Third Eye Blind managed to get a song about doing math and getting your dick sucked on mainstream radio and it was used in trailers for kid's movies? That's the kind of can-do attitude we need to adopt in 2022.
I will be the first to admit that some of the items in this section are below my usual standards. But I steal what is available and only hope a few of them will amuse you.
They can always take a break like this...
Remember my motto: If she says "Harder, deeper", you get to say "Wetter, tighter".
Who doesn't? Oh, yeah, that one commenter who said it was like eating shit. Poor, poor child.
But let's keep it safe, Y'all.
Maybe if we start calling women's body parts gun-sounding names like "revolva" or "shooters" the GOP will stop trying to regulate them.
Qanon didn't make people stupid. Qanon just showed us who the real stupid people are.
Mom just realized her daughter owes $400K that can't even be erased with bankruptcy.
So even if she gets a job for $40K a year and puts half of it toward her loan it will not take her 20 years to pay it off but because of interest, she will be lucky to pay it off before retirement.
And some people think that is the sane way to run a functioning society - a society whose long-term survival is dependent on a highly educated citizenry.
That's some trailer trash shit right there.
Drugs are an awful drug.
What kind of a dick must this guy have?
Why only humans? You never see a lion that is twice as big as the other lions. Or birds. Or even insects.
I am well aware that some animals are larger than normal.
But with humans, the size difference is stark and commonplace.
Someone, please take the time to explain that to me.
Watch carefully...
These people are going to race down an alley.
In what order do their heads bounce off the roadway?
2.4.3 with 1 winning.
I could almost hear the dull thump of that lady's head bouncing off the cobblestones.
Knowing that some people marry prison penpals reminds me that my life choices aren't all that fucking bad.
Maybe all these people offering thoughts and prayers suck at thinking and praying.
Throwing a ball through a giant balloon.
I, for one, would like to know if it continued into the second balloon.
I wonder how many people have seen a marvel like this?
The bottom looks like a huge middle finger.
That took me a moment until I noticed the trees tumbling down the hill. I bet that is terrifying.
How hot is it?
Why is the vat so big? Why so much waste?
Lupine Flowers, New Zealand
Now too old to travel, I regret never being able to see New Zealand.
He finally did it!
If true, that's fucking hilarious!
My wife said our neighbors have this sign in their yard.

I have no idea what it is but as soon as I saw it I bet one of you sumbitches knows exactly what it is. I will send the first person with the correct explanation a special gift.
It's a computer, the CPU is water cooled. CPUs can get really hot when overclocked(boosted) which enthusiast do to get more performance out of them. There's a water jacket attached to the CPU through which cooled water flows in order to cool the CPU down. From the water jacket you have inlet and outlet pipes going to a reservoir/pump that increases the volume of coolant (white in this case but it could be any colour you wish) and onto a small 360mm radiator covered with three 120mm fans. The radiator is a heat exchanger and works exactly like the one in your car. This guy mounted his computer close to the AC so the cold air blowing from it onto the radiator would enhance the cooling even further. The computer was mounted that close up the wall to reduce pipe lenght, the little pump in the reservoir does not have enough pressure to pump liquid from floor or desk level that high. The radiator and reservoir are usually located inside the computer case/box but this case/box is not designed for water cooling and it would not fit.
Ponder and Tony both gave me the correct answer and deserve a gift.
Please email me your mailing address and I will send it to you.
Taking that money from private people is theft. It would also collapse the economy as you would force holders to sell the stocks they own of which most of the wealth is held, which would collapse the price. But assuming it didn't and you took the 4.7 trillion they own. That would cover 8 months of the US government spend. What happens after that ?
The original source (Forbes) also states that the top 10 are white men, which would be news to Mukesh Ambani and Gautam Adani.
Did she read and understand the loan agreement and sign willingly ? If so, why should the taxpayer be on the hock for this ? The problem is not student debt, the problem is costs of college, which are pushed up by the easy loans. Colleges are putting in waterparks and why should Joe Soap who became and apprentice, borrowed money for tools and a van now be forced to pay for this ?
Dear A9 Anon, That was written tongue in check. But seriously, let's raise the tax rate on the rich just like it was in the 50s and know - the good old days.
B19: I believe “You are what you eat” applies here.
Tax is on income not wealth.
Dear Tax Anon, Then change the silly law.
You didn't read my previous comment. If you tax wealth, then the wealthy need to liquidate their assets which would lead to a stock market collapse.
Dear Stock Market Guy, That didn't happen in the 60s and 70s when the rate was much higher than it is now.
Tax: Really wealthy would just leave the country and take their $ with them. Common sense???
Dear Tax Anon, And to think there are Americans who actually defend those pricks. Instead of using a little more of their wealth to make America better - like the rest of us - they will abandon us. I call that unAmerican and consider it just one more reason to tax them more NOW!
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