One Of My Very Own
Should American school children learn that black men who fought in a world war were not allowed to eat a burger at a restaurant when they came home?
These next people would surely say No.
So, which camp are you in?
The far-right frequently accuses the other side of doing exactly what they are doing. "They hate you for being white" is just another way to say "We hate black people".
"The election was stolen" is another way of saying "We tried to steal the election but were too incompetent".
And the notion that black people have conspired to "replace" white people is laughably moronic. If they really believed that they would be having as many babies as humanly possible. But they are not. They aren't even replacing themselves.
White people seem to have a thing about not wanting to look bad or as I say "Having their sins exposed."
Toystory Quote
Powerful no matter where it originated.
A few years ago thinking like that could get you committed for observation.
There were two gay airmen in my shop and I assure you they could maintain a nuclear missile just as well as I.
I like meeting people's moms. It's like reading an instruction manual as to why they are nuts.
In my one and only time at an orgy, I broke the record of finishing in two and a half minutes. Then I just watched. That's how I learned the rear reverse taco carpooling technique that my wife likes so much.
Remember me telling you about the guy who painted the interior of his house so badly that I asked him if he used a broom? It was WORSE than the photo above!
How hot is it...
Americans have mastered the inverse - we get drunk without any enjoyment.
Who doesn't put on his pants one leg at a time?
My daughter almost did that.
The smartest thing I ever did was to fill up all my electives and cognates with courses I would need for my Master's Degree.
He moved to get past out of sheer frustration because he has "got better damn places to be."
Am I the only one who can get up in the middle of the night, go pee, then pick a dream up right where I left it? I'm serious.
Hooking up during covid...
She had learned that a friend of ours went to the same dermatologist as she did and when she went in for a check-up he told the doctor to get the guy in the office because he had a spot that wasn't normal. Come to find out it was cancer and the guy needed surgery.
I think it would have been much funnier if he had made biscuits and gravy when asked for the brisket.
The percentage of Americans believing in ghosts is frighteningly high. My mother believed in them and I would bet money her mother did also.
All of the characters in my novels were modeled after a person I knew. The author, William Price Fox once told me that you should know your characters so well that you knew what kind of underwear they wore. I never forgot that.
While we sleep our brain makes up stories and then gets scared of them.
I once had an older woman read one of my books and in the notes she left me, she wrote: "It feels like you were just making it up as you went along."
Good for them. I would get winded walking to the bathroom.
What this world need is more baby elephants.
I'm thinking Australia.
I've had two jobs since I was 21 years old. But I really, really like money.
The best meal of my life was fresh fish caught at 8am and eaten a 9am while camping beside a river.
It was a peak experience in my life meaning that I will never forget it. I learned from hundreds of now-grown students that painting a mural with me was a peak experience for them.
They really wouldn't have to be full-size to be useful.
From what I've learned about the frequency of sinkholes I wouldn't get within a block of that.
That is an excellent demonstration of how those rocks move in Death Valley.
Two rules for this heat:
1. Drink lots of water.
2. Watch how you talk to me.
*That's my rear reverse taco carpooling technique!!
My wife was sitting in a recliner wearing only her pajama bottoms eating ice cream and Doritos just minding her own business and Walmart called the cops.
Who does it better?
Vote in comments.
I can imagine living on a boat and eating fish every day and really craving a change in diet...
Ivan Ukhov competes drunk at Athletissima 08.
Vodka and red bull between the high jumps on a Grand Prix event in Lausanne. Afterward, he could barely walk to his chair to sit down.
She liked it! Michelle liked it!
Can anyone explain that to me?

I couldn't agree more.
Just a reminder - WEAR A FUCKING HELMET!
B9:. I assumed everyone could do that. Is it odd that you cannot?
It's your brain for Christ's sake. You have control.
I'm thinking Australia.
The large Korean writing on the right points to Korea.
D#2. I liked D2 best, very cute.
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