About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 14, 2022


One Of My Very Own

"Break bread".

EMAIL: ralh.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com



NOTE: Yesterday's correction came from Fox News. I should have known better. But in all fairness, it didn't say it was false it just had the AG saying he had never seen any evidence.




(Insert moans here.)


Bandit Plate


No word on the year of publication.





With an attitude of abject absurdity, all things are funny.




Meanwhile in Texas...

They can't even keep the power on.



When my wife falls asleep in any public place I shake her a little and yell, "DON'T YOU DIE ON ME!" And people always clap when she rouses.


Why is Martial arts the only activity that has a belt system? I'm really good at taking my medications but people are just supposed to take my word for it?



This clip is as old as the internet...

And she had to sell her grandmother's wedding ring to buy that much popcorn.




Like a glove.


Are backs supposed to do that?


She fights like a girl.


It must take your whole lunch hour to reach the bottom.


Remember this little guy?




The classic Iron Skillet defense.


Apparently, that is not so rare...


Close Calls



The two unwritten rules to life:




Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, lost her virginity on top of her mother's grave.

It was a graveyard smash.





I like that!


Rituals - cause we're not creative enough to make up our own ways of doing things.


*Notice her hand and mouth positions.


Many more film facts here:




I believe in holding grudges. I'll heal in hell.


*That's my kind of humor.


My wife's only current hobby and passion is tracking packages.



Bus stops in Korea spray mist during the summer.



If only there was a way to prevent this...


That took me much too long.





Look closely.

What the fuck is this?

A little man buried up to his dick?


I wrote a novel about a Dolphin whose name was Protagonis.


Key Making

That is NOT his first rodeo.


Pulled Rock Village, in the Wulong District, Chongqing, China.

Can you imagine constructing something like this?!?



Now check this out...

If believers aren't looking for Heaven - why not? Why are you not scanning each and every image for a glimpse of your ultimate life goal?

I mean, your holy book says it has streets of gold so how hard could it be to find?

They found mine...




*The worst color selection ever.





He seems like a pretty smart guy.


That's going to leave a bruise. Can I see it?


That, Gentle Reader, is a wonderful come hither look.


Identify this man.


ponder said...

No word on the year of publication.

October 1925

BillR said...

^^A10^^ I hate when that happens.

^^B3^^ With the overthrow of Roe women are trying all sorts of ways to abort. This looks effective.

^^B8^^ It's a penguin. It could've swum across the water easily. I do like how it slid all the way to meet its friends.

^^D11^ I bet the rope is a recent addition. Nanny State.

Deja Vu: I'm impressed he could walk that far, honestly. I know I couldn't

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your astronomy posts!

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